


60s, A Very Peculiar History电子书

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作       者:Arscott, David

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:354.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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The 60s, A Very Peculiar History' is a nostalgic celebration of those gloriously giddy years. Filled with fascinating trivia and quirky facts about the Swinging Sixties, David Arscott uniquely explores what made the sixties so different and how the decade has influenced the world today. From a timeline of pivotal historical world events to examining London, 'a city steeped in tradition, seized by change and liberated by affluence', as well as memorable fashions, food, film and music of the decade. Written by an author who was there and does remember it, 'The 60s, A Very Peculiar History' will delight readers young and old.


Front Matter

Title Page

Publisher Information


The 60s


INTRODUCTION: Out of the darkness

The weary Fifties

You never had it so good!

The American dream

Fings weren’t wot they used t’be!

Rock and roll

The Beat Generation

Money talks

Angry young men

Teddy boys

Fidel leads the way

Some Fifties icons

Into a new age

CHAPTER ONE: When sexual intercourse began

Twelve good men and true

Not in front of the servants

Not so lucky

Liberal laws of the Sixties

Private Eye

Dirty work



Beyond the Fringe

Too near the knuckle

Enter Mary Whitehouse

The ineffable Tynan

Drugs busts

Broken butterflies

‘Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds’

‘Turn on, tune in, drop out’

Sixties mystics

Some secular gurus

Psychedelic Review

The hippie trail

The Summer of Love

Honest to God

Mods and Rockers

A Clockwork Orange

Sawdust Caesars


CHAPTER TWO: That was the decade that was

A rash of trials

‘He would, wouldn’t he?’

The old order changeth


No holds barred

The Night of the Long Knives

Three men in a boat


Cloak and dagger

The Cuban Missile Crisis

The road from Aldermaston

The Berlin Wall

Winds of change

Decolonisation in Africa…

Mourning the president


Closer to home

The foaming Tiber

Two American deaths

I’m Backing Britain

That was 1968 that was

The Troubles

Grey heat

In Place of Strife

The Open University

The new universities

The Beeching axe

Blots on the landscape

Cathy Come Home

CHAPTER THREE: Dedicated followers of fashion

What they said at the time

Revving up

The World Cup

Top gear

A taxing problem

Something from nothing

Fashion icons

Pretty faces

Ready, steady, McGowan

Watch the birdie


Jackie lends a hand

Cut and bob

Spend, spend, spend!

Doc Martens


On trend

What every home needed

The Great Train Robbery


Not the way to do it!

What they ate at the time

Out with the old

CHAPTER FOUR: Sergeant Pepper and friends

The Dansette

With a little help from my friends

Production values

What the critics said

Zapped by Frank

Wild Nights at the Blue Boar

Electrifying performances

Enduring Cliff

On the glum side

Beware pirates!

Blacking up

Juke Box Jury

Radio 1

Isle of Wight

UK’s best-selling singles of the Sixties

Upbeat verse

Some poetry published in the Sixties

A trio of London theatres


Some Sixties plays

Shock and awe

Last exit for the DPP

Ronnie Scott’s

Some British novels of the Sixties

The two cultures

Queasy designs

Edible art

Fifteen minutes of fame

A sextet of Sixties composers

Pop goes the easel

Sixties TV sitcoms

Most watched programmes

A dozen Sixties cinema hits

A dozen arthouse films

CHAPTER FIVE: Talking ‘bout my generation

Still rocking

Ten films set in the Sixties




End matter

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