


Mastering Machine Learning with R电子书

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作       者:Cory Lesmeister

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:39.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Stay updated with expert techniques for solving data analytics and machine learning challenges and gain insights from complex projects and power up your applications Key Features * Build independent machine learning (ML) systems leveraging the best features of R 3.5 * Understand and apply different machine learning techniques using real-world examples * Use methods such as multi-class classification, regression, and clustering Book Description Given the growing popularity of the R-zerocost statistical programming environment, there has never been a better time to start applying ML to your data. This book will teach you advanced techniques in ML ,using? the latest code in R 3.5. You will delve into various complex features of supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning algorithms to design efficient and powerful ML models. This newly updated edition is packed with fresh examples covering a range of tasks from different domains. Mastering Machine Learning with R starts by showing you how to quickly manipulate data and prepare it for analysis. You will explore simple and complex models and understand how to compare them. You’ll also learn to use the latest library support, such as TensorFlow and Keras-R, for performing advanced computations. Additionally, you’ll explore complex topics, such as natural language processing (NLP), time series analysis, and clustering, which will further refine your skills in developing applications. Each chapter will help you implement advanced ML algorithms using real-world examples. You’ll even be introduced to reinforcement learning, along with its various use cases and models. In the concluding chapters, you’ll get a glimpse into how some of these blackbox models can be diagnosed and understood. By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped with the skills to deploy ML techniques in your own projects or at work. What you will learn * Prepare data for machine learning methods with ease * Understand how to write production-ready code and package it for use * Produce simple and effective data visualizations for improved insights * Master advanced methods, such as Boosted Trees and deep neural networks * Use natural language processing to extract insights in relation to text * Implement tree-based classifiers, including Random Forest and Boosted Tree Who this book is for This book is for data science professionals, machine learning engineers, or anyone who is looking for the ideal guide to help them implement advanced machine learning algorithms. The book will help you take your skills to the next level and advance further in this field. Working knowledge of machine learning with R is mandatory.

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Mastering Machine Learning with R Third Edition

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Preparing and Understanding Data


Reading the data

Handling duplicate observations

Descriptive statistics

Exploring categorical variables

Handling missing values

Zero and near-zero variance features

Treating the data

Correlation and linearity


Linear Regression

Univariate linear regression

Building a univariate model

Reviewing model assumptions

Multivariate linear regression

Loading and preparing the data

Modeling and evaluation – stepwise regression

Modeling and evaluation – MARS

Reverse transformation of natural log predictions


Logistic Regression

Classification methods and linear regression

Logistic regression

Model training and evaluation

Training a logistic regression algorithm

Weight of evidence and information value

Feature selection

Cross-validation and logistic regression

Multivariate adaptive regression splines

Model comparison


Advanced Feature Selection in Linear Models

Regularization overview

Ridge regression


Elastic net

Data creation

Modeling and evaluation

Ridge regression


Elastic net


K-Nearest Neighbors and Support Vector Machines

K-nearest neighbors

Support vector machines

Manipulating data

Dataset creation

Data preparation

Modeling and evaluation

KNN modeling

Support vector machine


Tree-Based Classification

An overview of the techniques

Understanding a regression tree

Classification trees

Random forest

Gradient boosting

Datasets and modeling

Classification tree

Random forest

Extreme gradient boosting – classification

Feature selection with random forests


Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Introduction to neural networks

Deep learning – a not-so-deep overview

Deep learning resources and advanced methods

Creating a simple neural network

Data understanding and preparation

Modeling and evaluation

An example of deep learning

Keras and TensorFlow background

Loading the data

Creating the model function

Model training


Creating Ensembles and Multiclass Methods


Data understanding

Modeling and evaluation

Random forest model

Creating an ensemble


Cluster Analysis

Hierarchical clustering

Distance calculations

K-means clustering

Gower and PAM



Random forest

Dataset background

Data understanding and preparation


Hierarchical clustering

K-means clustering

Gower and PAM

Random forest and PAM


Principal Component Analysis

An overview of the principal components



Data loading and review

Training and testing datasets

PCA modeling

Component extraction

Orthogonal rotation and interpretation

Creating scores from the components

Regression with MARS

Test data evaluation


Association Analysis

An overview of association analysis

Creating transactional data

Data understanding

Data preparation

Modeling and evaluation


Time Series and Causality

Univariate time series analysis

Understanding Granger causality

Time series data

Data exploration

Modeling and evaluation

Univariate time series forecasting

Examining the causality

Linear regression

Vector autoregression


Text Mining

Text mining framework and methods

Topic models

Other quantitative analysis

Data overview

Data frame creation

Word frequency

Word frequency in all addresses

Lincoln's word frequency

Sentiment analysis


Topic models

Classifying text

Data preparation

LASSO model

Additional quantitative analysis


Creating a Package

Creating a new package


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