


Hands-On Artificial Intelligence for IoT电子书

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作       者:Amita Kapoor

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:43.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Build smarter systems by combining artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things—two of the most talked about topics today Key Features * Leverage the power of Python libraries such as TensorFlow and Keras to work with real-time IoT data * Process IoT data and predict outcomes in real time to build smart IoT models * Cover practical case studies on industrial IoT, smart cities, and home automation Book Description There are many applications that use data science and analytics to gain insights from terabytes of data. These apps, however, do not address the challenge of continually discovering patterns for IoT data. In Hands-On Artificial Intelligence for IoT, we cover various aspects of artificial intelligence (AI) and its implementation to make your IoT solutions smarter. This book starts by covering the process of gathering and preprocessing IoT data gathered from distributed sources. You will learn different AI techniques such as machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning, and natural language processing to build smart IoT systems. You will also leverage the power of AI to handle real-time data coming from wearable devices. As you progress through the book, techniques for building models that work with different kinds of data generated and consumed by IoT devices such as time series, images, and audio will be covered. Useful case studies on four major application areas of IoT solutions are a key focal point of this book. In the concluding chapters, you will leverage the power of widely used Python libraries, TensorFlow and Keras, to build different kinds of smart AI models. By the end of this book, you will be able to build smart AI-powered IoT apps with confidence. What you will learn * Apply different AI techniques including machine learning and deep learning using TensorFlow and Keras * Access and process data from various distributed sources * Perform supervised and unsupervised machine learning for IoT data * Implement distributed processing of IoT data over Apache Spark using the MLLib and H2O.ai platforms * Forecast time-series data using deep learning methods * Implementing AI from case studies in Personal IoT, Industrial IoT, and Smart Cities * Gain unique insights from data obtained from wearable devices and smart devices Who this book is for If you are a data science professional or a machine learning developer looking to build smart systems for IoT, Hands-On Artificial Intelligence for IoT is for you. If you want to learn how popular artificial intelligence (AI) techniques can be used in the Internet of Things domain, this book will also be of benefit. A basic understanding of machine learning concepts will be required to get the best out of this book.

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Hands-On Artificial Intelligence for IoT


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Principles and Foundations of IoT and AI

What is IoT 101?

IoT reference model

IoT platforms

IoT verticals

Big data and IoT

Infusion of AI – data science in IoT

Cross-industry standard process for data mining

AI platforms and IoT platforms

Tools used in this book




The combined cycle power plant dataset

Wine quality dataset

Air quality data


Data Access and Distributed Processing for IoT

TXT format

Using TXT files in Python

CSV format

Working with CSV files with the csv module

Working with CSV files with the pandas module

Working with CSV files with the NumPy module

XLSX format

Using OpenPyXl for XLSX files

Using pandas with XLSX files

Working with the JSON format

Using JSON files with the JSON module

JSON files with the pandas module

HDF5 format

Using HDF5 with PyTables

Using HDF5 with pandas

Using HDF5 with h5py

SQL data

The SQLite database engine

The MySQL database engine

NoSQL data


Using hdfs3 with HDFS

Using PyArrow's filesystem interface for HDFS


Machine Learning for IoT

ML and IoT

Learning paradigms

Prediction using linear regression

Electrical power output prediction using regression

Logistic regression for classification

Cross-entropy loss function

Classifying wine using logistic regressor

Classification using support vector machines

Maximum margin hyperplane

Kernel trick

Classifying wine using SVM

Naive Bayes

Gaussian Naive Bayes for wine quality

Decision trees

Decision trees in scikit

Decision trees in action

Ensemble learning

Voting classifier

Bagging and pasting

Improving your model – tips and tricks

Feature scaling to resolve uneven data scale




No Free Lunch theorem

Hyperparameter tuning and grid search


Deep Learning for IoT

Deep learning 101

Deep learning—why now?

Artificial neuron

Modelling single neuron in TensorFlow

Multilayered perceptrons for regression and classification

The backpropagation algorithm

Energy output prediction using MLPs in TensorFlow

Wine quality classification using MLPs in TensorFlow

Convolutional neural networks

Different layers of CNN

The convolution layer

Pooling layer

Some popular CNN model

LeNet to recognize handwritten digits

Recurrent neural networks

Long short-term memory

Gated recurrent unit


Denoising autoencoders

Variational autoencoders


Genetic Algorithms for IoT


Deterministic and analytic methods

Gradient descent method

Newton-Raphson method

Natural optimization methods

Simulated annealing

Particle Swarm Optimization

Genetic algorithms

Introduction to genetic algorithms

The genetic algorithm



Pros and cons



Coding genetic algorithms using Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms in Python

Guess the word

Genetic algorithm for CNN architecture

Genetic algorithm for LSTM optimization


Reinforcement Learning for IoT


RL terminology

Deep reinforcement learning

Some successful applications

Simulated environments

OpenAI gym


Taxi drop-off using Q-tables


Taxi drop-off using Q-Network

DQN to play an Atari game

Double DQN

Dueling DQN

Policy gradients

Why policy gradients?

Pong using policy gradients

The actor-critic algorithm


Generative Models for IoT


Generating images using VAEs

VAEs in TensorFlow


Implementing a vanilla GAN in TensorFlow

Deep Convolutional GANs

Variants of GAN and its cool applications

Cycle GAN

Applications of GANs


Distributed AI for IoT


Spark components

Apache MLlib

Regression in MLlib

Classification in MLlib

Transfer learning using SparkDL

Introducing H2O.ai

H2O AutoML

Regression in H2O

Classification in H20


Personal and Home IoT

Personal IoT

SuperShoes by MIT

Continuous glucose monitoring

Hypoglycemia prediction using CGM data

Heart monitor

Digital assistants

IoT and smart homes

Human activity recognition

HAR using wearable sensors

HAR from videos

Smart lighting

Home surveillance


AI for the Industrial IoT

Introduction to AI-powered industrial IoT

Some interesting use cases

Predictive maintenance using AI

Predictive maintenance using Long Short-Term Memory

Predictive maintenance advantages and disadvantages

Electrical load forecasting in industry



AI for Smart Cities IoT

Why do we need smart cities?

Components of a smart city

Smart traffic management

Smart parking

Smart waste management

Smart policing

Smart lighting

Smart governance

Adapting IoT for smart cities and the necessary steps

Cities with open data

Atlanta city Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority data

Chicago Array of Things data

Detecting crime using San Francisco crime data

Challenges and benefits


Combining It All Together

Processing different types of data

Time series modeling

Preprocessing textual data

Data augmentation for images

Handling videos files

Audio files as input data

Computing in the cloud


Google Cloud Platform

Microsoft Azure


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