


Java Fundamentals电子书

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3人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Gazihan Alankus

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:1321.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Enhance your career options with this well-crafted object-oriented programming language that enjoys the support of an enormous ecosystem of tools and libraries Key Features * Get introduced to Java, its features, and its ecosystem * Understand how Java uses object-oriented programming * Become an expert Java exception handler Book Description Since its inception, Java has stormed the programming world. Its features and functionalities provide developers with the tools needed to write robust cross-platform applications. Java Fundamentals introduces you to these tools and functionalities that will enable you to create Java programs. The book begins with an introduction to the language, its philosophy, and evolution over time, until the latest release. You'll learn how the javac/java tools work and what Java packages are - the way a Java program is usually organized. Once you are comfortable with this, you'll be introduced to advanced concepts of the language, such as control flow keywords. You'll explore object-oriented programming and the part it plays in making Java what it is. In the concluding chapters, you'll get to grips with classes, typecasting, and interfaces, and understand the use of data structures, arrays, strings, handling exceptions, and creating generics. By the end of this book, you will have learned to write programs, automate tasks, and follow advanced courses on algorithms and data structures or explore more advanced Java courses. What you will learn * Create and run Java programs * Use data types, data structures, and control flow in your code * Implement best practices while creating objects * Work with constructors and inheritance * Understand advanced data structures to organize and store data * Employ generics for stronger check-types during compilation * Learn to handle exceptions in your code Who this book is for Java Fundamentals is designed for tech enthusiasts who are familiar with some programming languages and want a quick introduction to the most important principles of Java.


About the Book

About the Authors




Hardware Requirements

Software Requirements

Installation and Setup


Installing the Code Bundle

Additional Resources

Chapter 1

Introduction to Java


The Java Ecosystem

Our First Java Application

Syntax of a Simple Java Program

Exercise 1: A Simple Hello World Program

Exercise 2: A Simple Program for Performing Simple Mathematic Operations

Exercise 3: Displaying Non-ASCII Characters

Activity 1: Printing the Results of Simple Arithmetic Operations

Getting Input from the User

Exercise 4: Reading Values from the User and Performing Operations


Rules to Follow When Using Packages

Activity 2: Reading Values from the User and Performing Operations Using the Scanner Class

Activity 3: Calculating the Percent Increase or Decrease of Financial Instruments


Chpater 2

Variables, Data Types, and Operators


Variables and Data Types


Reserved Keywords

Integral Data Types

int Data Type

long Data Type

Type Casting

Exercise 5: Type Casting

byte Data Type

short Data Type

Boolean Data Type

char Data Type

Floating-Point Data Types

float Data Type

double Data Type

Activity 4: Inputting Student Information and Outputting an ID

Activity 5: Calculating the Number of Full Fruit Boxes


Chapter 3

Control Flow


Conditional Statements

The if Statement

The else Statement

Exercise 6: Implementing a Simple if-else Statement

The else-if Statement

Exercise 7: Implementing the else-if Statements

Nested if Statements

switch case Statements

Activity 6: Controlling the Flow of Execution Using Conditionals

Activity 7: Developing a Temperature System

Looping Constructs

for Loops

Exercise 8: Implementing a Simple for Loop

Activity 8: Implementing the for Loop

Nested for Loops

Exercise 9: Implementing a Nested for Loop

for-each Loops

The while and do while Loops

Exercise 10: Implementing the while Loop

Activity 9: Implementing the while Loop

Activity 10: Implementing Looping Constructs

Activity 11: Continuous Peach Shipment with Nested Loops.


Chapter 4

Object-Oriented Programming


Object-Oriented Principles

Classes and Objects

Object-Oriented Programming

Naming Conventions for Class Names

Exercise 11: Working with Classes and Objects

Exercise 12: Using the Person Class


The this Keyword

Activity 12: Creating a Simple Class in Java

Activity 13: Writing a Calculator Class


Types of Inheritance

Importance of Inheritance in OOP

Implementing Inheritance in Java

Activity 14: Creating a Calculator Using Inheritance


Constructor Overloading

Polymorphism and Overriding

The Difference between Overriding and Overloading


Creating Your Own Annotation Types


Activity 15: Understanding Inheritance and Polymorphism in Java


Chapter 5

OOP in Depth



Use Case: Listeners

Exercise 13: Implementing Interfaces

Activity 16: Creating and Implementing Interfaces in Java


Activity 17: Using instanceof and Typecasting

The Object Class

Autoboxing and Unboxing

Activity 18: Understanding Typecasting in Java

Abstract Classes and Methods

Activity 19: Implementing Abstract Classes and Methods in Java

Activity 20: Use abstract class to Encapsulate Common Logic


Chapter 6

Data Structures, Arrays, and Strings


Data Structures and Algorithms


Creating and Initializing an Array

Accessing Elements

Exercise 14: Creating an Array Using a Loop

Exercise 15: Searching for a Number in an Array

Activity 21: Finding the Smallest Number in an Array

Activity 22: Calculator with Array of Operators

Two-Dimensional Arrays

Exercise 16: Printing a Simple Two-Dimensional Array

Exercise 17: Creating a Three-Dimensional Array

The Arrays Class in Java

Insertion sort


Exercise 18: Implementing Insertion Sort

Creating an ArrayList and Adding Elements

Replacing and Removing Elements

Exercise 19: Adding, Removing, and Replacing Elements in an Array


Exercise 20: Iterating through an ArrayList

Activity 23: Working with ArrayList


Creating a String


String Length and Characters

Activity 24: Input a String and Output Its Length and as an Array

Activity 25: Calculator Reads from Input


Comparing Strings and Parts of Strings


Exercise 21: Working with StringBuilder

Activity 26: Removing Duplicate Characters from a String


Chapter 7

The Java Collections Framework and Generics


Reading Data from Files

Binary versus Text Files

CSV Files

Reading Files in Java

Exercise 22: Reading a CSV File

Building a CSV Reader

Exercise 23: Building a CSV Reader


Exercise 24: Reading Users from a CSV File into an Array

Activity 27: Read Users from CSV Using Array with Initial Capacity

The Java Collections Framework


Exercise 25: Reading Users from a CSV File into a Vector

Activity 28: Reading a Real Dataset Using Vector

Iterating over Collections

Activity 29: Iterating on a Vector of Users


Exercise 26: Writing an Application that Finds a User by Email

Activity 30: Using a Hashtable to Group Data


What was the Problem?

How to Use Generics

Exercise 27: Finding a User by Text in a Name or Email

Sorting and Comparing

Comparables and Comparators

Exercise 28: Creating a Comparator that Compares Strings Alphabetically


Bubble Sort

Merge Sort

Activity 31: Sorting Users

Data Structures













Exercise 29: Using TreeSet to Print Sorted Users




Exercise 30: Fake Email Sender

Properties of Collections


Chapter 8

Advanced Data Structures in Java


Implementing a Custom Linked List

Disadvantages of ArrayList

Advantages of Linked List over Arrays

Exercise 31: Adding Elements to a Linked list

Activity 32: Creating a Custom Linked List in Java

Drawbacks of Linked List

Implementing Binary Search Tree

Exercise 32: Creating a Binary Search Tree in Java

Activity 33: Implementing the Methods in the BinarySearchTree Class to Find the Highest and Lowest Value in the BST


Exercise 33: Using Enum to Store Directions

Activity 34: Using an Enum to Hold College Department Details

Activity 35: Implementing Reverse Lookup

Set and Uniqueness in Set

Basic Rules for the equals() and hashCode() Methods

Adding an Object to a Set

Exercise 34: Understanding the Behavior of equals() and hashCode()

Exercise 35: Overriding equals() and hashCode()


Chapter 9

Exception Handling


Motivation behind Exceptions

Exercise 36: Introducing Exceptions

An Inevitable Introduction to Exceptions

Exercise 37: Using an IDE to Generate Exception-Handling Code

Exceptions versus Error Codes

Exercise 38: Exceptions Versus Error Codes

Activity 36: Handling Mistakes in Numeric User Input

Exception Sources

Checked Exceptions

Throwing a Checked Exception

Exercise 39: Working with catch or Specify

Unchecked Exceptions

Exercise 40: Using Methods That Throw Unchecked Exceptions

Exception Class Hierarchy

Browsing the Exception Hierarchy

Throwing Exceptions and Custom Exceptions

Exercise 41: Throwing an Exception

Exercise 42: Creating Custom Exception Classes

Activity 37: Writing Custom Exceptions in Java.

Exception Mechanics

How try/catch Works

Exercise 43: Exception Not Caught Because It Cannot Be Assigned to a Parameter in the catch Block

Exercise 44: Multiple catch Blocks and Their Order

Exercise 45: Exception Propagation

Multiple Exception Types in One Block

Activity 38: Dealing with Multiple Exceptions in a Block

What Are We Supposed to Do in a Catch Block?

Exercise 46: Chained Exceptions

finally Block and Their Mechanics

Exercise 47: Leaving a File Open as a Result of an Exception

Activity 39: Working with Multiple Custom Exceptions

The try with resource Block

Exercise 48: try with resources Block

Best Practices

Suppressing Exceptions

Exercise 49: Suppressing Exceptions

Keeping the User in the Loop

Exercise 50: Asking the User for Help

Do Not Throw Unless It Is Expected

Consider Chaining and Being More Specific When You Let Exceptions Propagate



Lesson 1: Introduction to Java

Activity 1: Printing the Results of Simple Arithmetic Operations

Activity 2: Reading Values from the User and Performing Operations Using the Scanner Class.

Activity 3: Calculating the Percent Increase or Decrease of Financial Instruments

Lesson 2: Variables, Data Types, and Operators

Activity 4: Inputting Student Information and Outputting an ID

Activity 5: Calculating the Number of Full Fruit Boxes

Lesson 3: Control Flow

Activity 6: Controlling the Flow of Execution Using Conditionals

Activity 7: Developing a Temperature System

Activity 8: Implementing the for Loop

Activity 9: Implementing the while Loop

Activity 10: Implementing Looping Constructs

Activity 11: Continuous Peach Shipment with Nested Loops

Lesson 4: Object-Oriented Programming

Activity 12: Creating a Simple Class in Java

Activity 13: Writing a Calculator Class

Activity 14: Creating a Calculator Using Java

Activity 15: Understanding Inheritance and Polymorphism in Java

Lesson 5: OOP in Depth

Activity 16: Creating and Implementing Interfaces in Java

Activity 17: Using instanceof and Typecasting

Activity 18: Understanding Typecasting in Java

Activity 19: Implementing Abstract Classes and Methods in Java

Activity 20: Use abstract class to Encapsulate Common Logic

Lesson 6: Data Structures, Arrays, and Strings

Activity 21: Finding the Smallest Number in an Array

Activity 22: Calculator with Array of Operators

Activity 23: Working with ArrayList

Activity 24: Input a String and Output Its Length and as an Array

Activity 25: Calculator Reads from Input

Activity 26: Removing Duplicate Characters from a String

Lesson 7: The Java Collections Framework and Generics

Activity 27: Read Users from CSV Using Array with Initial Capacity

Activity 28: Reading a Real Dataset Using Vector

Activity 29: Iterating on Vector of Users

Activity 30: Using a Hashtable to Group Data

Activity 31: Sorting Users

Lesson 8: Advanced Data Structures in Java

Activity 32: Creating a Custom Linked List in Java

Activity 33: Implementing the Methods in the BinarySearchTree Class to Find the Highest and Lowest Value in the BST

Activity 34: Using an Enum to Hold College Department Details

Activity 35: Implementing Reverse Lookup

Lesson 9: Exception Handling

Activity 36: Handling Mistakes in Numeric User Input

Activity 37: Writing Custom Exceptions in Java

Activity 38: Dealing with Multiple Exceptions in a Block

Activity 39: Working with Multiple Custom Exceptions

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