


Hands-On Machine Learning with Microsoft Excel 2019电子书

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作       者:Julio Cesar Rodriguez Martino

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:18.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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A practical guide to getting the most out of Excel, using it for data preparation, applying machine learning models (including cloud services) and understanding the outcome of the data analysis. Key Features * Use Microsoft's product Excel to build advanced forecasting models using varied examples * Cover range of machine learning tasks such as data mining, data analytics, smart visualization, and more * Derive data-driven techniques using Excel plugins and APIs without much code required Book Description We have made huge progress in teaching computers to perform difficult tasks, especially those that are repetitive and time-consuming for humans. Excel users, of all levels, can feel left behind by this innovation wave. The truth is that a large amount of the work needed to develop and use a machine learning model can be done in Excel. The book starts by giving a general introduction to machine learning, making every concept clear and understandable. Then, it shows every step of a machine learning project, from data collection, reading from different data sources, developing models, and visualizing the results using Excel features and offerings. In every chapter, there are several examples and hands-on exercises that will show the reader how to combine Excel functions, add-ins, and connections to databases and to cloud services to reach the desired goal: building a full data analysis flow. Different machine learning models are shown, tailored to the type of data to be analyzed. At the end of the book, the reader is presented with some advanced use cases using Automated Machine Learning, and artificial neural network, which simplifies the analysis task and represents the future of machine learning. What you will learn * Use Excel to preview and cleanse datasets * Understand correlations between variables and optimize the input to machine learning models * Use and evaluate different machine learning models from Excel * Understand the use of different visualizations * Learn the basic concepts and calculations to understand how artificial neural networks work * Learn how to connect Excel to the Microsoft Azure cloud * Get beyond proof of concepts and build fully functional data analysis flows Who this book is for This book is for data analysis, machine learning enthusiasts, project managers, and someone who doesn't want to code much for performing core tasks of machine learning. Each example will help you perform end-to-end smart analytics. Working knowledge of Excel is required.


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Section 1: Machine Learning Basics

Implementing Machine Learning Algorithms

Technical requirements

Understanding learning and models

Learning by example – the linear regression model

Focusing on model features

Studying machine learning models in practice

Comparing underfitting and overfitting

Evaluating models

Analyzing classification accuracy

Building the confusion matrix

Calculating the Area Under Curve (AUC)

Calculating the Mean Absolute Error (MAE)

Calculating the Mean Squared Error (MSE)



Further reading

Hands-On Examples of Machine Learning Models

Technical requirements

Understanding supervised learning with multiple linear regression

Understanding supervised learning with decision trees

Deciding whether to train outdoors depending on the weather

Entropy of the target variable

Entropy of each feature with respect to the target variable

Frequency table

Entropy calculation

Comparing the entropy differences (information gain)

Understanding unsupervised learning with clustering

Grouping customers by monthly purchase amount



Further reading

Section 2: Data Collection and Preparation

Importing Data into Excel from Different Data Sources

Technical requirements

Importing data from a text file

Importing data from another Excel workbook

Importing data from a web page

Importing data from Facebook

Importing data from a JSON file

Importing data from a database



Further reading

Data Cleansing and Preliminary Data Analysis

Technical requirements

Cleansing data

Visualizing data for preliminary analysis

Understanding unbalanced datasets



Further reading

Correlations and the Importance of Variables

Technical requirements

Building a scatter diagram

Calculating the covariance

Calculating the Pearson's coefficient of correlation

Studying the Spearman's correlation

Understanding least squares

Focusing on feature selection



Further reading

Section 3: Analytics and Machine Learning Models

Data Mining Models in Excel Hands-On Examples

Technical requirements

Learning by example – Market Basket Analysis

Learning by example – Customer Cohort Analysis



Further reading

Implementing Time Series

Technical requirements

Modeling and visualizing time series

Forecasting time series automatically in Excel

Studying the stationarity of a time series



Further reading

Section 4: Data Visualization and Advanced Machine Learning

Visualizing Data in Diagrams, Histograms, and Maps

Technical requirements

Showing basic comparisons and relationships between variables

The basic parts of an Excel diagram

Column charts

Combination charts

Stacked charts

Pie and bar charts

Building data distributions using histograms

Representing geographical distribution of data in maps

Showing data that changes over time



Further reading

Artificial Neural Networks

Technical requirements

Introducing the perceptron – the simplest type of neural network

Training a neural network

Testing the neural network

Building a deep network

Understanding the backpropagation algorithm



Further reading

Azure and Excel - Machine Learning in the Cloud

Technical requirements

Introducing the Azure Cloud

Using AMLS for free – a step-by-step guide

Loading your data into AMLS

Creating and running an experiment in AMLS

Creating a new experiment

Training a decision tree model

Making predictions with the model from Excel



Further reading

The Future of Machine Learning

Automatic data analysis flows

Data collection

Data preparation

Model training

Unsupervised learning


Re-training of machine learning models

Automated machine learning



Further reading


Chapter 1, Implementing Machine Learning Algorithms

Chapter 2, Hands-On Examples of Machine Learning Models

Chapter 3, Importing Data into Excel from Different Data Sources

Chapter 4, Data Cleansing and Preliminary Data Analysis

Chapter 5, Correlations and the Importance of Variables

Chapter 6, Data Mining Models in Excel Hands-On Examples

Chapter 7, Implementing Time Series

Chapter 8, Visualizing Data in Diagrams, Histograms, and Maps

Chapter 9, Artificial Neural Networks

Chapter 10, Azure and Excel - Machine Learning in the Cloud

Chapter 11, The Future of Machine Learning

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