


OpenCV 4 for Secret Agents电子书

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作       者:Joseph Howse

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:42.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Turn futuristic ideas about computer vision and machine learning into demonstrations that are both functional and entertaining Key Features * Build OpenCV 4 apps with Python 2 and 3 on desktops and Raspberry Pi, Java on Android, and C# in Unity * Detect, classify, recognize, and measure real-world objects in real-time * Work with images from diverse sources, including the web, research datasets, and various cameras Book Description OpenCV 4 is a collection of image processing functions and computer vision algorithms. It is open source, supports many programming languages and platforms, and is fast enough for many real-time applications. With this handy library, you’ll be able to build a variety of impressive gadgets. OpenCV 4 for Secret Agents features a broad selection of projects based on computer vision, machine learning, and several application frameworks. To enable you to build apps for diverse desktop systems and Raspberry Pi, the book supports multiple Python versions, from 2.7 to 3.7. For Android app development, the book also supports Java in Android Studio, and C# in the Unity game engine. Taking inspiration from the world of James Bond, this book will add a touch of adventure and computer vision to your daily routine. You’ll be able to protect your home and car with intelligent camera systems that analyze obstacles, people, and even cats. In addition to this, you’ll also learn how to train a search engine to praise or criticize the images that it finds, and build a mobile app that speaks to you and responds to your body language. By the end of this book, you will be equipped with the knowledge you need to advance your skills as an app developer and a computer vision specialist. What you will learn * Detect motion and recognize gestures to control a smartphone game * Detect car headlights and estimate their distance * Detect and recognize human and cat faces to trigger an alarm * Amplify motion in a real-time video to show heartbeats and breaths * Make a physics simulation that detects shapes in a real-world drawing * Build OpenCV 4 projects in Python 3 for desktops and Raspberry Pi * Develop OpenCV 4 Android applications in Android Studio and Unity Who this book is for If you are an experienced software developer who is new to computer vision or machine learning, and wants to study these topics through creative projects, then this book is for you. The book will also help existing OpenCV users who want upgrade their projects to OpenCV 4 and new versions of other libraries, languages, tools, and operating systems. General familiarity with object-oriented programming, application development, and usage of operating systems (OS), developer tools, and the command line is required.


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Section 1: The Briefing

Preparing for the Mission

Technical requirements

Setting up a development machine

Setting up Python and OpenCV on Windows

Building OpenCV on Windows with CMake and Visual Studio

Setting up Python and OpenCV on Mac

Mac with MacPorts

Mac with Homebrew

Setting up Python and OpenCV on Debian Jessie and its derivatives, including Raspbian, Ubuntu, and Linux Mint

Building OpenCV on Debian Jessie and its derivatives with CMake and GCC

Setting up Python and OpenCV on Fedora and its derivatives, including RHEL and CentOS

Setting up Python and OpenCV on openSUSE and its derivatives

Setting up Android Studio and OpenCV

Setting up Unity and OpenCV

Setting up a Raspberry Pi

Setting up the Raspberry Pi camera module

Finding OpenCV documentation, help, and updates

Alternatives to Raspberry Pi


Searching for Luxury Accommodations Worldwide

Technical requirements

Planning the Luxocator app

Creating, comparing, and storing histograms

Training the classifier with reference images

Acquiring images from the web

Acquiring images from Bing Image Search

Preparing images and resources for the app

Integrating everything into the GUI

Running Luxocator and troubleshooting SSL problems

Building Luxocator for distribution


Section 2: The Chase

Training a Smart Alarm to Recognize the Villain and His Cat

Technical requirements

Understanding machine learning in general

Planning the Interactive Recognizer app

Understanding Haar cascades and LBPH

Implementing the Interactive Recognizer app

Planning the cat-detection model

Implementing the training script for the cat-detection model

Planning the Angora Blue app

Implementing the Angora Blue app

Building Angora Blue for distribution

Further fun with finding felines


Controlling a Phone App with Your Suave Gestures

Technical requirements

Planning the Goldgesture app

Understanding optical flow

Setting up the project in Android Studio

Getting a cascade file and audio files

Specifying the app's requirements

Laying out a camera preview as the main view

Tracking back-and-forth gestures

Playing audio clips as questions and answers

Capturing images and tracking faces in an activity


Equipping Your Car with a Rearview Camera and Hazard Detection

Technical requirements

Planning The Living Headlights app

Detecting lights as blobs

Estimating distances (a cheap approach)

Implementing The Living Headlights app

Testing The Living Headlights app at home

Testing The Living Headlights app in a car


Creating a Physics Simulation Based on a Pen and Paper Sketch

Technical requirements

Planning the Rollingball app

Detecting circles and lines

Setting up OpenCV for Unity

Configuring and building the Unity project

Creating the Rollingball scene in Unity

Creating Unity assets and adding them to the scene

Writing shaders and creating materials

Creating physics materials

Creating prefabs

Writing our first Unity script

Writing the main Rollingball script

Creating the launcher scene in Unity

Tidying up and testing


Section 3: The Big Reveal

Seeing a Heartbeat with a Motion-Amplifying Camera

Technical requirements

Planning the Lazy Eyes app

Understanding what Eulerian video magnification can do

Extracting repeating signals from video using the fast Fourier transform

Choosing and setting up an FFT library

Compositing two images using image pyramids

Implementing the Lazy Eyes app

Configuring and testing the app for various motions


Seeing things in different light

Stopping Time and Seeing like a Bee

Technical requirements

Planning the Sunbaker app

Understanding the spectrum

Finding specialized cameras


Sony PlayStation Eye

Point Grey Grasshopper 3 GS3-U3-23S6M-C

Installing Spinnaker SDK and PySpin

Capturing images from industrial cameras using PySpin

Adapting the Lazy Eyes app to make Sunbaker


Making WxUtils.py Compatible with Raspberry Pi

Learning More about Feature Detection in OpenCV

Running with Snakes (or, First Steps with Python)

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