


Mastering React Test-Driven Development电子书

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3人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Daniel Irvine

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:56.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Implement TDD for your React applications using Jest, React Router, Redux, and GraphQL/Relay. Learn BDD and end-to-end acceptance testing with CucumberJS and Puppeteer. Key Features * Learn the TDD process using the React framework * Build complex, real-world applications with a pragmatic approach to TDD * Use Cucumber for acceptance and BDD testing, bringing TDD to the wider team Book Description Many programmers are aware of TDD but struggle to apply it beyond basic examples. This book teaches how to build complex, real-world applications using Test-Driven Development (TDD). It takes a first principles approach to the TDD process using plain Jest and includes test-driving the integration of libraries including React Router, Redux, and Relay (GraphQL). Readers will practice systematic refactoring while building out their own test framework, gaining a deep understanding of TDD tools and techniques. They will learn how to test-drive features such as client- and server-side form validation, data filtering and searching, navigation and user workflow, undo/redo, animation, LocalStorage access, WebSocket communication, and querying GraphQL endpoints. The book covers refactoring codebases to use the React Router and Redux libraries. via TDD. Redux is explored in depth, with reducers, middleware, sagas, and connected React components. The book also covers acceptance testing using Cucumber and Puppeteer. The book is fully up to date with React 16.9 and has in-depth coverage of hooks and the ‘act’ test helper. What you will learn * Build test-driven applications using React 16.9+ and Jest * Build complete web applications using a variety of HTML input elements * Understand the different types of test double and when to apply them * Test-drive the Integration of libraries such as React Router, Redux, and Relay (GraphQL) * Learn when to be pragmatic and how to apply TDD shortcuts * Test-drive interaction with browser APIs including fetch and WebSockets * Use Cucumber.js and Puppeteer to build BDD-style acceptance tests for your applications * Build and test async Redux code using redux-saga and expect-redux Who this book is for The target audience for this book is JavaScript developers who are looking to implement test-driven and behavior-driven approaches for their React applications.


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Who this book is for

What this book covers

To get the most out of this book

Keeping up with the book's Git history

Getting started before Chapter 1

Working with section tags

Solving the exercises

Debugging when things go wrong

Download the example code files

Conventions used

Understanding code snippets

JavaScript syntax


Arrow functions

Object and array destructuring

Directory structure

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Section 1: First Principles of TDD

First Steps with Test-Driven Development

Technical requirements

Creating a new React project from scratch

Installing NPM

Creating a new Jest project

Commit early and often

Bringing in React and Babel

Displaying data with your first test

Writing a failing test

Writing your first expectation

Rendering React from a test

Make it pass

Backtracking on ourselves

Refactoring your work

Promoting variables

Using a beforeEach block

Extracting methods

Writing great tests

Red, green, refactor

Streamlining your testing process

Rendering lists and detail views

Rendering the list of appointments

Specifying list items

Selecting data to view

Initial selection of data

Adding events to a functional component

Manually testing our changes

Adding an entrypoint

Putting it all together with Webpack

Before you check in...



Further learning

Test-driving Data Input with React

Extracting a test helper

Adding a form element

Extracting a form-finder method

Accepting text input

Extracting an expectation group function

Passing in an existing value

Extracting out a field-finder function

Labeling the field

Checking for null or not

Saving the customer information

Submitting a form with data

Using state instead of props

Duplicating fields

Nesting describe blocks

Generating parameterized tests

Solving a batch of tests

Modifying handleChange to work with multiple fields

Finishing off the form with a submit button

Selecting from a dropdown

Providing options to a dropdown

Utilizing defaultProps to specify real data

Pre-selecting a value

Completing the remaining tests for the select box

Making a choice from radio buttons

Constructing a calendar view

Displaying radio buttons for available appointments

Hiding input controls

Finishing it off

Manually testing your solution



Further learning

Exploring Test Doubles

What is a test double?

Learning to avoid fakes

Submitting forms using spies

Untangling Arrange-Act-Assert

Watching it fail

Making spies reusable

Using a Jest matcher to simplify expectations

Stubbing the fetch API

Replacing global variables with spies

Installing the window.fetch polyfill

Acting on return values with stubs

Acting on the fetch response

Displaying errors to the user

Extracting test helpers

Using Jest to spy and stub

Extracting spy helpers

Using jest.spyOn to spy on module mocks

Drying up DOM queries

Extracting container.querySelectorAll

Drying up DOM events



Further learning

Creating a User Interface

Fetching data on load with useEffect

Stubbing exported constants

Using props within useEffect

Passing customer data through to AppointmentForm

Passing through props to the child component

Working with the shallow renderer

Understanding the importance of spiking

Building shallow renderer helpers

Listing element children

Encapsulating render output to dry up tests

Building a new root component


Further learning

Section 2: Building a Single-Page Application

Humanizing Forms

Performing client-side validation

Submitting the form

Extracting non-React functionality into a new module

Handling server errors

Indicating that the form has been submitted

Refactoring long methods



Further learning

Filtering and Searching Data

Displaying tabular data fetched from an endpoint

Paging through a large data set

Adding a next page button

Adding a previous page button

Filtering data

Refactoring to simplify component design

Adding table row actions

Specifying the render prop in App



Test-driving React Router

General rules for test-driving React Router

Using shallow rendering for the simplest results

Passing React Router props down through your components

Avoiding withRouter

Building a root component

Using the Router Switch component

Testing the default route

Invoking render functions and inspecting their properties

Changing location using history.push

Using the location query string to store component state

Replacing onClick handlers with Link components

Using a parent component to convert a query string to props

Replacing onChange handlers with history.push



Further learning

Test-driving Redux


Test-driving a Redux saga

Designing the state object

Scaffolding the saga and reducer

Scaffolding a reducer

Setting up an entrypoint

Making asynchronous requests with sagas

Completing the reducer

Pulling out generator functions for reducer actions

Switching out component state for Redux state

Building a helper function to render with store

Submitting a React form by dispatching a Redux action

Protecting against silent breakages

Shifting workflow to Redux

Stubbing out components built with useMemo

Navigating router history in a Redux saga

Separating Redux connection from presentation



Further learning

Test-driving GraphQL

Installing Relay

Testing the Relay environment

Building the GraphQL reducer

Building the CustomerHistory component

Tying it together in App

Compiling Relay queries



Further learning

Section 3: Interactivity

Building a Logo Interpreter

Studying the Spec Logo user interface

Looking through the codebase

Undoing and redoing user actions in Redux

Building the reducer

Setting the initial state

Handling the undo action

Handling the redo action

Attaching the new reducer

Building buttons

Saving to LocalStorage via Redux middleware

Building middleware

Changing keyboard focus

Writing the reducer

Adding the reducer to the store

Focusing the prompt

Requesting focus in other components


Further learning

Adding Animation

Isolating components for animation

Designing the component

Extracting out StaticLines

Building an AnimatedLine component

Animating with requestAnimationFrame

Drawing lines

Cleaning up after useEffect

Rotating the turtle



Working with WebSockets

Designing a WebSocket interaction

The new UI elements

Splitting apart the saga

Test-driving a WebSocket connection

Streaming events with redux-saga

Updating the app



Further learning

Section 4: Acceptance Testing with BDD

Writing Your First Acceptance Test

Integrating Cucumber and Puppeteer into your code base

Writing your first Cucumber test

Using data tables to perform setup


Adding Features Guided by Acceptance Tests

Adding acceptance tests for a dialog box

Fixing acceptance tests by test-driving production code

Adding a dialog box

Updating sagas to reset or replay state

Adding better wait support

Alerting when the animation is complete

Updating step definitions to use waitForSelector



Understanding TDD in the Wider Testing Landscape

Test-driven development as a testing technique

Best practices for your unit tests

Improving your technique

Manual testing

Demonstrating software

Testing the whole product

Exploratory testing

Debugging in the browser

Automated testing

Integration tests

Acceptance tests

Property-based and generative testing

Snapshot testing

Canary testing

Not testing at all

When quality doesn't matter

Spiking and deleting code


Further learning

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