


Advanced TypeScript Programming Projects电子书

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3人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Peter O'Hanlon

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:54.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Gain in-depth knowledge of TypeScript and the latest ECMAScript standards by building robust web applications across different domains Key Features * Apply the cutting-edge features of TypeScript 3.0 to build high-performance, maintainable applications * Learn through practical examples of using TypeScript with popular frameworks, such as Angular and React * Focus on building high-quality applications that are modular, scalable and adaptable Book Description With the demand for ever more complex websites, the need to write robust, standard-compliant JavaScript has never been greater. TypeScript is modern JavaScript with the support of a first-class type system, which makes it simpler to write complex web systems. With this book, you’ll explore core concepts and learn by building a series of websites and TypeScript apps. You’ll start with an introduction to TypeScript features that are often overlooked in other books, before moving on to creating a simple markdown parser. You’ll then explore React and get up to speed with creating a client-side contacts manager. Next, the book will help you discover the Angular framework and use the MEAN stack to create a photo gallery. Later sections will assist you in creating a GraphQL Angular Todo app and then writing a Socket.IO chatroom. The book will also lead you through developing your final Angular project which is a mapping app. As you progress, you’ll gain insights into React with Docker and microservices. You’ll even focus on how to build an image classification program with machine learning using TensorFlow. Finally, you’ll learn to combine TypeScript and C# to create an ASP.NET Core-based music library app. By the end of this book, you’ll be able to confidently use TypeScript 3.0 and different JavaScript frameworks to build high-quality apps. What you will learn * Discover how to use TypeScript to write code using common patterns * Get to grips with using popular frameworks and libraries with TypeScript * Leverage the power of both server and client using TypeScript * Learn how to apply exciting new paradigms such as GraphQL and TensorFlow * Use popular cloud-based authenticated services * Combine TypeScript with C# to create ASP.NET Core applications Who this book is for This book is for programmers and web developers who are familiar with TypeScript and want to put their knowledge to work by building real-world complex applications. Prior experience with any other web framework is not required.


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Advanced TypeScript Features

Technical requirements

Building future-proof TypeScript with tsconfig

Introduction to advanced TypeScript features

Using different types with union types

Combining types with intersection types

Simplifying type declarations with type aliases

Assigning properties using object spread

Deconstructing objects with REST properties

Coping with a variable number of parameters using REST

AOP using decorators

Composing types using mixins

Using the same code with different types and using generics

Mapping values using maps

Creating asynchronous code with promises and async/await

Creating UIs with Bootstrap



Creating a Markdown Editor with TypeScript

Technical requirements

Understanding the project overview

Getting started with a simple HTML project

Writing a simple markdown parser

Building our Bootstrap UI

Mapping our markdown tag types to HTML tag types

Representing our converted markdown using a markdown document

Updating markdown document using visitors

Understanding the visitor pattern

Applying the visitor pattern to our code

Deciding which tags to apply by using the chain-of-responsibility pattern

Bringing it all together



Further reading

A React Bootstrap Personal Contacts Manager

Technical requirements

Understanding the project overview

Getting started with the components

Creating a React Bootstrap project with TypeScript support

Creating our mock layout

Creating our application

Formatting our code using tslint

Adding Bootstrap support

React using tsx components

How React uses a virtual DOM to be more responsive

Our React App component

Displaying the personal details interface

Simplify updating values with binding

Supplying state to bind against

Validating user inputs and the use of validators

Validating the address

Validating the name

Validating the phone number

Applying validation in a React component

Creating and sending data to the IndexedDB database

Adding active record support to our state

Working with the database

Accessing the database from PersonalDetails




Further reading

The MEAN Stack - Building a Photo Gallery

Technical requirements

The MEAN stack

Project overview

Getting started

Creating an Angular photo gallery with the MEAN stack

Understanding Angular

Creating our application


Using Angular Material for our UI

Using Material to add navigation

Creating our first component – the FileUpload component

Previewing files using a service

Using the service in the dialog

The file upload component template

Introducing Express support into our application

Providing routing support

Introducing MongoDB

Back to our routing

Displaying images

Using RxJS to watch for images

Transferring the data

Back to the page body component

Wrapping up by displaying the dialog



Further reading

Angular ToDo App with GraphQL and Apollo

Technical requirements

Understanding the GraphQL-to-REST relationship

Project overview

Getting started with the project

Creating a ToDo application with GraphQL and Angular

Creating our application

Creating our GraphQL schema

Setting up our GraphQL types

Creating our GraphQL resolver

Using Apollo Server as our server

The GraphQL Angular client

Adding client-side Apollo support

Adding routing support

The routing user interface

Adding content to our page components



Further reading

Building a Chat Room Application Using Socket.IO

Technical requirements

Long-running client/server communications using Socket.IO

Project overview

Getting started with Socket.IO and Angular

Creating a chat room application using Socket.IO, Angular, and Auth0

Creating our application

Adding Socket.IO support to our server

Creating our chat room client

Using decorators to add client-side logging

Setting up Bootstrap in Angular

Bootstrap navigation

Authorizing and authenticating users using Auth0

Using secure routing

Adding client-side chat capabilities

Working in rooms

Getting the messages

Finishing the server sockets

Namespaces in Socket.IO

Finishing off our application with the GeneralchatComponent



Further reading

Angular Cloud-Based Mapping with Firebase

Technical requirements

Modern applications and the move to cloud services

Project overview

Getting started with Bing mapping in Angular

Signing up to Bing mapping

Signing up to Firebase

Creating a Bing Maps application using Angular and Firebase

Adding the map component

Points of interest

Representing the map pins

Trying interesting things with map searches

Adding Bing Maps to the screen

The map events and setting pins

Securing the database



Building a CRM Using React and Microservices

Technical requirements

Understanding Docker and microservices

Docker terminology






Docker Hub


Designing our REST API using Swagger

Creating a microservices application with Docker

Getting started creating a microservices application with Docker

Adding server-side routing support

The Server class

Creating our Addresses service

Using Docker to run our services

Using docker-compose to compose and start the services

Creating our React user interface

Using Bootstrap as our container

Creating a tabbed user interface

Using a select control to select an address when adding a person

Adding our navigation



Further reading

Image Recognition with Vue.js and TensorFlow.js

Technical requirements

What is machine learning and how does TensorFlow fit in?

What is machine learning?

What is TensorFlow and how does it relate to machine learning?

Project overview

Getting started with TensorFlow in Vue

Creating our Vue-based application

Showing a home page with the Vue template

Introducing MobileNet

The Classify method

Modifying the HelloWorld component to support image classification

The Vue application entry point

Adding pose detection capabilities

Drawing the key points on the canvas

Using pose detection on the image

A brief aside about pose detection

How does PoseNet work?

Back to our pose detection code

Completing our pose detection component



Further reading

Building an ASP.NET Core Music Library

Technical requirements

Introducing ASP.NET Core MVC

Providing the project overview

Getting started creating a music library with ASP.NET Core, C#, and TypeScript

Creating our ASP.NET Core application with Visual Studio

Understanding the application structure

The Startup class

The files that make up the base views

Creating a Discogs model

Setting up the Results type

Writing our DiscogsClient class

Discogs rate limitations

Wiring up our controller

Adding the Index view

Adding TypeScript to our application

Calling our TypeScript functionality from ASP.NET



Further reading


Chapter 1

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

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