


Python Machine Learning Blueprints电子书

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作       者:Alexander Combs

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:30.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Discover a project-based approach to mastering machine learning concepts by applying them to everyday problems using libraries such as scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and Keras Key Features * Get to grips with Python's machine learning libraries including scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and Keras * Implement advanced concepts and popular machine learning algorithms in real-world projects * Build analytics, computer vision, and neural network projects Book Description Machine learning is transforming the way we understand and interact with the world around us. This book is the perfect guide for you to put your knowledge and skills into practice and use the Python ecosystem to cover key domains in machine learning. This second edition covers a range of libraries from the Python ecosystem, including TensorFlow and Keras, to help you implement real-world machine learning projects. The book begins by giving you an overview of machine learning with Python. With the help of complex datasets and optimized techniques, you’ll go on to understand how to apply advanced concepts and popular machine learning algorithms to real-world projects. Next, you’ll cover projects from domains such as predictive analytics to analyze the stock market and recommendation systems for GitHub repositories. In addition to this, you’ll also work on projects from the NLP domain to create a custom news feed using frameworks such as scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and Keras. Following this, you’ll learn how to build an advanced chatbot, and scale things up using PySpark. In the concluding chapters, you can look forward to exciting insights into deep learning and you'll even create an application using computer vision and neural networks. By the end of this book, you’ll be able to analyze data seamlessly and make a powerful impact through your projects. What you will learn * Understand the Python data science stack and commonly used algorithms * Build a model to forecast the performance of an Initial Public Offering (IPO) over an initial discrete trading window * Understand NLP concepts by creating a custom news feed * Create applications that will recommend GitHub repositories based on ones you’ve starred, watched, or forked * Gain the skills to build a chatbot from scratch using PySpark * Develop a market-prediction app using stock data * Delve into advanced concepts such as computer vision, neural networks, and deep learning Who this book is for This book is for machine learning practitioners, data scientists, and deep learning enthusiasts who want to take their machine learning skills to the next level by building real-world projects. The intermediate-level guide will help you to implement libraries from the Python ecosystem to build a variety of projects addressing various machine learning domains. Knowledge of Python programming and machine learning concepts will be helpful.

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Python Machine Learning Blueprints Second Edition

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The Python Machine Learning Ecosystem

Data science/machine learning workflow







Python libraries and functions for each stage of the data science workflow



The Jupyter Notebook



The matplotlib library

The seaborn library






Modeling and evaluation




Setting up your machine learning environment


Build an App to Find Underpriced Apartments

Sourcing apartment listing data

Pulling down listing data

Pulling out the individual data points

Parsing data

Inspecting and preparing the data

Sneak-peek at the data types

Visualizing our data

Visualizing the data

Modeling the data


Extending the model


Build an App to Find Cheap Airfares

Sourcing airfare pricing data

Retrieving fare data with advanced web scraping

Creating a link

Parsing the DOM to extract pricing data


Identifying outlier fares with anomaly detection techniques

Sending real-time alerts using IFTTT

Putting it all together


Forecast the IPO Market Using Logistic Regression

The IPO market

What is an IPO?

Recent IPO market performance

Working on the DataFrame

Analyzing the data

Summarizing the performance of the stocks

Baseline IPO strategy

Data cleansing and feature engineering

Adding features to influence the performance of an IPO

Binary classification with logistic regression

Creating the target for our model

Dummy coding

Examining the model performance

Generating the importance of a feature from our model

Random forest classifier method


Create a Custom Newsfeed

Creating a supervised training set with Pocket

Installing the Pocket Chrome Extension

Using the Pocket API to retrieve stories

Using the Embedly API to download story bodies

Basics of Natural Language Processing

Support Vector Machines

IFTTT integration with feeds, Google Sheets, and email

Setting up news feeds and Google Sheets through IFTTT

Setting up your daily personal newsletter


Predict whether Your Content Will Go Viral

What does research tell us about virality?

Sourcing shared counts and content

Exploring the features of shareability

Exploring image data


Exploring the headlines

Exploring the story content

Building a predictive content scoring model

Evaluating the model

Adding new features to our model


Use Machine Learning to Forecast the Stock Market

Types of market analysis

What does research tell us about the stock market?

So, what exactly is a momentum strategy?

How to develop a trading strategy

Analysis of the data

Volatility of the returns

Daily returns

Statistics for the strategies

The mystery strategy

Building the regression model

Performance of the model

Dynamic time warping

Evaluating our trades


Classifying Images with Convolutional Neural Networks

Image-feature extraction

Convolutional neural networks

Network topology

Convolutional layers and filters

Max pooling layers


Fully-connected layers and output

Building a convolutional neural network to classify images in the Zalando Research dataset, using Keras


Building a Chatbot

The Turing Test

The history of chatbots

The design of chatbots

Building a chatbot

Sequence-to-sequence modeling for chatbots


Build a Recommendation Engine

Collaborative filtering

So, what's collaborative filtering?

Predicting the rating for the product

Content-based filtering

Hybrid systems

Collaborative filtering

Content-based filtering

Building a recommendation engine


What's Next?

Summary of the projects


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