


Hands-On Unsupervised Learning with Python电子书

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作       者:Giuseppe Bonaccorso

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:47.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Discover the skill-sets required to implement various approaches to Machine Learning with Python Key Features * Explore unsupervised learning with clustering, autoencoders, restricted Boltzmann machines, and more * Build your own neural network models using modern Python libraries * Practical examples show you how to implement different machine learning and deep learning techniques Book Description Unsupervised learning is about making use of raw, untagged data and applying learning algorithms to it to help a machine predict its outcome. With this book, you will explore the concept of unsupervised learning to cluster large sets of data and analyze them repeatedly until the desired outcome is found using Python. This book starts with the key differences between supervised, unsupervised, and semi-supervised learning. You will be introduced to the best-used libraries and frameworks from the Python ecosystem and address unsupervised learning in both the machine learning and deep learning domains. You will explore various algorithms, techniques that are used to implement unsupervised learning in real-world use cases. You will learn a variety of unsupervised learning approaches, including randomized optimization, clustering, feature selection and transformation, and information theory. You will get hands-on experience with how neural networks can be employed in unsupervised scenarios. You will also explore the steps involved in building and training a GAN in order to process images. By the end of this book, you will have learned the art of unsupervised learning for different real-world challenges. What you will learn * Use cluster algorithms to identify and optimize natural groups of data * Explore advanced non-linear and hierarchical clustering in action * Soft label assignments for fuzzy c-means and Gaussian mixture models * Detect anomalies through density estimation * Perform principal component analysis using neural network models * Create unsupervised models using GANs Who this book is for This book is intended for statisticians, data scientists, machine learning developers, and deep learning practitioners who want to build smart applications by implementing key building block unsupervised learning, and master all the new techniques and algorithms offered in machine learning and deep learning using real-world examples. Some prior knowledge of machine learning concepts and statistics is desirable.

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Hands-On Unsupervised Learning with Python

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Getting Started with Unsupervised Learning

Technical requirements

Why do we need machine learning?

Descriptive analysis

Diagnostic analysis

Predictive analysis

Prescriptive analysis

Types of machine learning algorithm

Supervised learning algorithms

Supervised hello world!

Unsupervised learning algorithms

Cluster analysis

Generative models

Association rules

Unsupervised hello world!

Semi-supervised learning algorithms

Reinforcement learning algorithms

Why Python for data science and machine learning?



Further reading

Clustering Fundamentals

Technical requirements

Introduction to clustering

Distance functions



Analysis of the Breast Cancer Wisconsin dataset

Evaluation metrics

Minimizing the inertia

Silhouette score

Completeness score

Homogeneity score

A trade-off between homogeneity and completeness using the V-measure

Adjusted Mutual Information (AMI) score

Adjusted Rand score

Contingency matrix

K-Nearest Neighbors

Vector Quantization



Further reading

Advanced Clustering

Technical requirements

Spectral clustering

Mean shift


Calinski-Harabasz score

Analysis of the Absenteeism at Work dataset using DBSCAN

Cluster instability as a performance metric


Online clustering

Mini-batch K-means


Comparison between mini-batch K-means and BIRCH



Further reading

Hierarchical Clustering in Action

Technical requirements

Cluster hierarchies

Agglomerative clustering

Single and complete linkages

Average linkage

Ward's linkage

Analyzing a dendrogram

Cophenetic correlation as a performance metric

Agglomerative clustering on the Water Treatment Plant dataset

Connectivity constraints



Further reading

Soft Clustering and Gaussian Mixture Models

Technical requirements

Soft clustering

Fuzzy c-means

Gaussian mixture

EM algorithm for Gaussian mixtures

Assessing the performance of a Gaussian mixture with AIC and BIC

Component selection using Bayesian Gaussian mixture

Generative Gaussian mixture



Further reading

Anomaly Detection

Technical requirements

Probability density functions

Anomalies as outliers or novelties

Structure of the dataset


Kernel density estimation (KDE)

Gaussian kernel

Epanechnikov kernel

Exponential kernel

Uniform (or Tophat) kernel

Estimating the density

Anomaly detection

Anomaly detection with the KDD Cup 99 dataset

One-class support vector machines

Anomaly detection with Isolation Forests



Further reading

Dimensionality Reduction and Component Analysis

Technical requirements

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

PCA with Singular Value Decomposition


PCA with the MNIST dataset

Kernel PCA

Adding more robustness to heteroscedastic noise with factor analysis

Sparse PCA and dictionary learning

Non-Negative Matrix Factorization

Independent Component Analysis

Topic modeling with Latent Dirichlet Allocation



Further reading

Unsupervised Neural Network Models

Technical requirements


Example of a deep convolutional autoencoder

Denoising autoencoders

Adding noise to the deep convolutional autoencoder

Sparse autoencoders

Adding a sparseness constraint to the deep convolutional autoencoder

Variational autoencoders

Example of a deep convolutional variational autoencoder

Hebbian-based principal component analysis

Sanger's network

An example of Sanger's network

Rubner-Tavan's network

An example of a Rubner-Tavan's network

Unsupervised deep belief networks

Restricted Boltzmann Machines

Deep belief networks

Example of an unsupervised DBN



Further reading

Generative Adversarial Networks and SOMs

Technical requirements

Generative adversarial networks

Analyzing a GAN

Mode collapse

Example of a deep convolutional GAN

Wasserstein GANs

Transforming the DCGAN into a WGAN

Self-organizing maps

Example of a Kohonen map



Further reading


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

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