


TensorFlow 2.0 Quick Start Guide电子书

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作       者:Tony Holdroyd

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:21.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Perform supervised and unsupervised machine learning and learn advanced techniques such as training neural networks. Key Features * Train your own models for effective prediction, using high-level Keras API * Perform supervised and unsupervised machine learning and learn advanced techniques such as training neural networks * Get acquainted with some new practices introduced in TensorFlow 2.0 Alpha Book Description TensorFlow is one of the most popular machine learning frameworks in Python. With this book, you will improve your knowledge of some of the latest TensorFlow features and will be able to perform supervised and unsupervised machine learning and also train neural networks. After giving you an overview of what's new in TensorFlow 2.0 Alpha, the book moves on to setting up your machine learning environment using the TensorFlow library. You will perform popular supervised machine learning tasks using techniques such as linear regression, logistic regression, and clustering. You will get familiar with unsupervised learning for autoencoder applications. The book will also show you how to train effective neural networks using straightforward examples in a variety of different domains. By the end of the book, you will have been exposed to a large variety of machine learning and neural network TensorFlow techniques. What you will learn * Use tf.Keras for fast prototyping, building, and training deep learning neural network models * Easily convert your TensorFlow 1.12 applications to TensorFlow 2.0-compatible files * Use TensorFlow to tackle traditional supervised and unsupervised machine learning applications * Understand image recognition techniques using TensorFlow * Perform neural style transfer for image hybridization using a neural network * Code a recurrent neural network in TensorFlow to perform text-style generation Who this book is for Data scientists, machine learning developers, and deep learning enthusiasts looking to quickly get started with TensorFlow 2 will find this book useful. Some Python programming experience with version 3.6 or later, along with a familiarity with Jupyter notebooks will be an added advantage. Exposure to machine learning and neural network techniques would also be helpful.


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Section 1: Introduction to TensorFlow 2.00 Alpha

Introducing TensorFlow 2

Looking at the modern TensorFlow ecosystem

Installing TensorFlow

Housekeeping and eager operations

Importing TensorFlow

Coding style convention for TensorFlow

Using eager execution

Declaring eager variables

Declaring TensorFlow constants

Shaping a tensor

Ranking (dimensions) of a tensor

Specifying an element of a tensor

Casting a tensor to a NumPy/Python variable

Finding the size (number of elements) of a tensor

Finding the datatype of a tensor

Specifying element-wise primitive tensor operations


Transposing TensorFlow and matrix multiplication

Casting a tensor to another (tensor) datatype

Declaring ragged tensors

Providing useful TensorFlow operations

Finding the squared difference between two tensors

Finding a mean

Finding the mean across all axes

Finding the mean across columns

Finding the mean across rows

Generating tensors filled with random values

Using tf.random.normal()

Using tf.random.uniform()

Using a practical example of random values

Finding the indices of the largest and smallest element

Saving and restoring tensor values using a checkpoint

Using tf.function


Keras, a High-Level API for TensorFlow 2

The adoption and advantages of Keras

The features of Keras

The default Keras configuration file

The Keras backend

Keras data types

Keras models

The Keras Sequential model

The first way to create a Sequential model

The second way to create a Sequential model

The Keras functional API

Subclassing the Keras Model class

Using data pipelines

Saving and loading Keras models

Keras datasets


ANN Technologies Using TensorFlow 2

Presenting data to an ANN

Using NumPy arrays with datasets

Using comma-separated value (CSV) files with datasets

CSV example 1

CSV example 2

CSV example 3


TFRecord example 1

TFRecord example 2

One-hot encoding

OHE example 1

OHE example 2


Dense (fully connected) layer

Convolutional layer

Max pooling layer

Batch normalization layer and dropout layer

Softmax layer

Activation functions

Creating the model

Gradient calculations for gradient descent algorithms

Loss functions


Section 2: Supervised and Unsupervised Learning in TensorFlow 2.00 Alpha

Supervised Machine Learning Using TensorFlow 2

Supervised learning

Linear regression

Our first linear regression example

The Boston housing dataset

Logistic regression (classification)

k-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)


Unsupervised Learning Using TensorFlow 2


A simple autoencoder

Preprocessing the data


Displaying the results

An autoencoder application – denoising


Preprocessing the data

The noisy images

Creating the encoding layers

Creating the decoding layers

Model summary

Model instantiation, compiling, and training

Denoised images

TensorBoard output


Section 3: Neural Network Applications of TensorFlow 2.00 Alpha

Recognizing Images with TensorFlow 2

Quick Draw – image classification using TensorFlow

Acquiring the data

Setting up our environment

Preprocessing the data

Creating the model

Training and testing the model

TensorBoard callback

Saving, loading, and retesting the model

Saving and loading NumPy image data using the .h5 format

Loading and inference with a pre-trained model

CIFAR 10 image classification using TensorFlow


The application


Neural Style Transfer Using TensorFlow 2

Setting up the imports

Preprocessing the images

Viewing the original images

Using the VGG19 architecture

Creating the model

Calculating the losses

Performing the style transfer

Final displays


Recurrent Neural Networks Using TensorFlow 2

Neural network processing modes

Recurrent architectures

An application of RNNs

The code for our RNN example

Building and instantiating our model

Using our model to get predictions


TensorFlow Estimators and TensorFlow Hub

TensorFlow Estimators

The code

TensorFlow Hub

IMDb (database of movie reviews)

The dataset

The code


Converting from tf1.12 to tf2

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