


Automated Testing in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central电子书

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作       者:Luc van Vugt

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:21.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Learn how to write automated tests for Dynamics 365 Business Central and see how to implement it in your daily work Key Features * Leverage automated testing to advance over traditional manual testing methods * Write, design, and implement automated tests * Explore various testing frameworks and tools compatible with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Book Description Dynamics 365 Business Central is the new cloud-based SaaS ERP proposition from Microsoft. It’s not as simple as it used to be way back when it was called Navigator, Navision Financials, or Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision. Our development practices are becoming more formal, and with this, the call for test automation is pressing on us. This book will teach you to leverage testing tools available with Dynamics 365 Business Central to perform automated testing. We’ll begin with a quick introduction to automated testing, followed by an overview of test automation in Dynamics 365 Business Central. Then you’ll learn to design and build automated tests and we’ll go through some efficient methods to get from requirements to application and testing code. Lastly, you’ll learn to incorporate your own and Microsoft tests into your daily development practice. By the end of the book, you’ll be able to write your own automated tests for Dynamics 365 Business Central. What you will learn * Understand what automated tests are, and when and why to use them * Explore the five pillars of the Testability Framework of Business Central * Design and write automated tests for Business Central * Make use of standard automated tests and their helper libraries * Integrate automated tests into your development practice Who this book is for This book is for consultants, testers, developers, and development managers working with Microsoft Dynamics NAV and Business Central. Being a book on automated testing techniques, it also caters to both functional and technical development teams.

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Section 1: Automated Testing - A General Overview

Introduction to Automated Testing

Why automated testing?

Why not?

Why yes?

Drive testing upstream and save costs

Dynamics 365 Business Central platform enables test automation

Relying on customers to do the testing isn't a great idea

Having a hard time finding people – start automating your tests

Test automation will free up time for everyday business

Keep on handling different projects because of test automation

Automated tests are code too

Some more arguments

Nobody loves testing

Reduced risks and higher satisfaction

Once the learning curve is over, it will often be quicker than manual testing

Shorter update cycles

Test automation is required

Silver bullet?

When to use automated testing

After go-live bug fixing

Buggy code

Frequently modified code

Business-critical code being changed

Refactoring of existing code

New feature development

Microsoft updates

What is automated testing?


Section 2: Automated Testing in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

The Testability Framework

The five pillars of the testability framework

Pillar 1 – Test codeunits and test functions

Test codeunits

Test functions

Pillar 2 – asserterror

Pillar 3 – handler functions

Pillar 4 – Test runner and test isolation

Test runner

Test isolation

Pillar 5 – Test pages


The Test Tool and Standard Tests

Test Tool

Standard tests

Categorization by FEATURE

Standard libraries


Section 3: Designing and Building Automated Tests for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Test Design

No design, no test

Understanding test case design patterns

Acceptance Test-Driven Development

A note on test verification

Understanding test data setup design patterns

Test fixture, data agnostics, and prebuilt fixture

Test fixture and test isolation

Shared fixture implementation

Fresh fixture implementation

Using customer wish as test design


From Customer Wish to Test Automation - The Basics

From customer wish to test automation

Data model

Business logic

LookupValue extension

Implementing a defined customer wish

Test example 1 – a first headless test

Customer wish






Complete scenario

Application code

Test code

Steps to take

Create a test codeunit

Embed the customer wish into a test function

Write your test story

Construct the real code





Test execution

Test the test

Test the data being created

Adjust the test so the verification errs

Test example 2 – a first positive-negative test

Test code

Steps to take

Create a test codeunit

Embed the customer wish into a test function

Write your test story

Construct the real code


Test execution

Test the test

Adjust the test so the verification errs

Removing asserterror

Test example 3 – a first UI test

Customer wish

Application code

Test code

Create a test codeunit

Embed the customer wish into a test function

Write your test story

Construct the real code



Test execution

Test the test

Adjust the test so the verification errs

Headless versus UI


From Customer Wish to Test Automation - Next Level

Sales documents, customer template, and warehouse shipment

Test example 4 – how to set up a shared fixture

Customer wish

Application code

Test Code

Create a test codeunit

Embed the customer wish into a test function

Write your test story

Construct the real code

Test execution

Test the test

Test example 5 – how to parametrize tests

Customer wish

Application code

Test code

Create, embed, and write

Construct the real code

Test execution

Test the test

A missing scenario?

Test example 6 – how to hand over data to UI handlers

Customer wish

Test code

Create, embed, and write

Construct the real code



Test execution

Test the test


From Customer Wish to Test Automation - And Some More

Test example 7 – how to test a report

Customer wish

Application code

Test code

Create, embed, and write

Construct the real code

Test execution

Test the test

Adjust the test so the verification errs

Test example 8 – how to construct an extensive scenario

Customer wish

Application code

Test code

Create, embed, and write

Construct the real code




Test execution

Test the test

Adjust the test so the verification errs



Section 4: Integrating Automated Tests in Your Daily Development Practice

How to Integrate Test Automation in Daily Development Practice

Casting the customer wish into ATDD scenarios

Taking small steps

Making the test tool your friend

Test coverage map

Extending the test tool

Integrating with daily build

Maintaining your test code

Extensions and tests


Getting Business Central Standard Tests Working on Your Code

Why use the standard tests?

Executing standard test

What does this tell us?

Fixing failing standard tests

Attacking the error

Fixing the error

Running the failing tests again

Viewing the call stack from the test tool

It's all about data

Making your code testable

Applying the Handled pattern

Is it all really about data?


Test-Driven Development

TDD, a short description

TDD, red-green-refactor

TDD and our test examples


Setting Up VS Code and Using the GitHub Project

VS Code and AL development

VS Code project



The GitHub repository

Structure of the GitHub repository

Chapter 2

ATDD Scenarios

LookupValue Extension (app only)

Chapter 5 (LookupValue Extension)

Chapter 6 (LookupValue Extension)

Chapter 7 (LookupValue Extension)

Chapter 7 (LookupValue Extension) - refactored and completed

Chapter 9 (LookupValue Extension)

LookupValue Test Extension (test only)

Notes on the AL code

VS Code versus C/SIDE

Prefix or suffix

Word wrap

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