


On Drinking电子书

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作       者:Bukowski, Charles

出  版  社:Ecco


字       数:19.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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"这本颇具启发性的诗歌和散文集所涉及的主题激励并萦绕了查理?布考斯基一生: 酒。 布考斯基自称是“肮脏的老头”,他把酒当作灵感和燃料,这种矛盾的关系导致了他黑暗的时刻,同时也造就了他快乐和有灵感的时刻。 《论饮酒》一书收录了这位作家深刻、有趣、令人难忘的作品,讲述了他在艰难困苦中的起起伏伏。 通过饮酒,布考斯基可以独处,可以与人相处,可以成为诗人、情人和朋友,尽管这些都付出了巨大的代价。而正如布考斯基在一首名为《饮酒》的诗中写道: “对我来说,这是或者是一种死亡方式,穿着靴子,拿着枪,抽着烟,背景是交响乐。” 《论饮酒》阐释了饮酒生活中的快乐和痛苦,也是这位受爱戴、经久不衰的作家之一的灵魂之窗。" The definitive collection of works on a subject that inspired and haunted Charles Bukowski for his entire life: alcohol Charles Bukowski turns to the bottle in this revelatory collection of poetry and prose that includes some of the writer’s best and most lasting work. A self-proclaimed “dirty old man,” Bukowski used alcohol as muse and as fuel, a conflicted relationship responsible for some of his darkest moments as well as some of his most joyful and inspired. In On Drinking, Bukowski expert Abel Debritto has collected the writer’s most profound, funny, and memorable work on his ups and downs with the hard stuff—a topic that allowed Bukowski to explore some of life’s most pressing questions. Through drink, Bukowski is able to be alone, to be with people, to be a poet, a lover, and a friend—though often at great cost. As Bukowski writes in a poem simply titled “Drinking,”: “for me/it was or/is/a manner of/dying/with boots on/and gun/smoking and a/symphony music background.” On Drinking is a powerful testament to the pleasures and miseries of a life in drink, and a window into the soul of one of our most beloved and enduring writers.


Publisher’s Note

Title Page

ants crawl my drunken arms

[To Jon and Louise Webb]


brewed and filled by . . .

From Confessions of a Man Insane Enough to Live with Beasts

[To Douglas Blazek]

Buffalo Bill

Notes of a Dirty Old Man

The Great Zen Wedding

From Post Office

short non-moon shots to nowhere

[Lafayette Young]

on the wagon


the angels of Sunday

From “Charles Bukowski Answers 10 Easy Questions”

drunk ol’ Bukowski drunk

From “Notes on the Life of an Aged Poet”

my landlady and my landlord

The Blinds

Notes of a Dirty Old Man

another poem about a drunk and then I’ll let you go

in the name of love and art

the drunk tank judge

some people never go crazy

Notes of a Dirty Old Man

From “Confessions of a Badass Poet”

some picnic

18,000 to one

From “Paying for Horses: An Interview with Charles Bukowski”

From Factotum

ah, shit

who in the hell is Tom Jones?


shit time

From “Buk: The Pock-Marked Poetry of Charles Bukowski. Notes of a Dirty Old Mankind”

From “Charles Bukowski. Dialog with a Dirty Old Man”


the image

From Women

fat head poem

From Shakespeare Never Did This

the drunk with the little legs


Mozart wrote his first opera before the age of fourteen

on the hustle

night school

fooling Marie

[To Jack Stevenson]

From Ham on Rye

barred from the Polo Lounge

trying to dry out

speaking of drinking . . .

From Tough Company

40 years ago in that hotel room

my vanishing act

the master plan


From The Bukowski Tapes

[To A.D. Winans]

dark night poems

From “An Evening at Buk’s Place”

immortal wino

cleansing the ranks

From “Gin-Soaked Boy”

240 pounds

From Hollywood

2 Henry Miller paintings and etc.

the gigantic thirst

From “Charles Bukowski”

[To Carl Weissner]

From “Q&A”


the replacements

From “Interview with Charles Bukowski”

and it didn’t even break


[To John Martin]

11/6/92 12:08 AM

wine pulse



About the Authors

Also by Charles Bukowski


About the Publisher

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