


Black Beauty - We call them dumb animals, and so they are电子书

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作       者:Anna Sewell

出  版  社:Copyright Group


字       数:23.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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Anna Sewell's only published novel, Black Beauty, is an extraordinary classic that deals with animal life and focuses on the importance of good animal treatment. The idea of writing a book about animal rights has been inspired by Sewell's own physical disability which has made her dependent on horse-drawn transportation. The narrator in Black Beauty is himself a personified horse who tells his life story and describes the world through his own lenses. Sewell says that the objective of writing the novel is to sensitize people to the sufferings of "e;working animals"e; and she has actually succeeded in fostering legislation protecting horses and in influencing public attitudes towards animal pain. Black Beauty's life crucially changes when he is taken from a country farm to pull cabs in the city of London. The different ordeals that he has to go through often contain a moral lesson that teaches kindness and sympathy not only for the poor animals, but also between human beings themselves. Indeed, the novel does not miss to cover the hardships of London taxi drivers either. Generally, Sewell's seminal classic has had a great influence on other writers of animal stories and has opened up new windows of discovering animal life.

Title page

Black Beauty

The Autobiography of a Horse

by Anna Sewell


Part I


Part II

Part III

Part IV

Black Beauty

Part I

01 My Early Home

02 The Hunt

03 My Breaking In

04 Birtwick Park

05 A Fair Start

06 Liberty

07 Ginger

08 Ginger’s Story Continued

09 Merrylegs

10 A Talk in the Orchard

11 Plain Speaking

12 A Stormy Day

13 The Devil’s Trade Mark

14 James Howard

15 The Old Hostler

16 The Fire

17 John Manly’s Talk

18 Going for the Doctor

19 Only Ignorance

20 Joe Green

21 The Parting

Part II

22 Earlshall

23 A Strike for Liberty

24 The Lady Anne, or a Runaway Horse

25 Reuben Smith

26 How it Ended

27 Ruined and Going Downhill

28 A Job Horse and His Drivers

29 Cockneys

30 A Thief

31 A Humbug

Part III

32 A Horse Fair

33 A London Cab Horse

34 An Old War Horse

35 Jerry Barker

36 The Sunday Cab

37 The Golden Rule

38 Dolly and a Real Gentleman

39 Seedy Sam

40 Poor Ginger

41 The Butcher

42 The Election

43 A Friend in Need

44 Old Captain and His Successor

45 Jerry’s New Year

Part IV

46 Jakes and the Lady

47 Hard Times

48 Farmer Thoroughgood and His Grandson Willie

49 My Last Home

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