Exerting influence: A Political Primer for Millennials, Even Those Too Young to
Exerting influence: A Political Primer for Millennials, Even Those Too Young to Vote

Build Better Characters: The psychology of backstory & how to use it in your wri
Eine unsanfte ?berraschung für die Milf Hat sie überhaupt eine Ahnung was für einen Sohn sie hat? ?ber die Autorin Anna Wolf ist eine Hausfrau aus einer Kleinstadt in Süd-Deutschland. Im Alltag lebt sie ein ganz normales Leben. Mit ihrem jüngeren Liebhaber John teilt sie aber ihre gro?e Leidenschaft: Sex in allen Varianten. Seit über fünfzehn Jahren besuchen die beiden Swingerclubs im In- und Ausland und probieren immer wieder neue Clubs aus. Und natürlich fehlt nicht das j?hrliche Gro?ereignis aller Swinger: Der Urlaub im Südfranz?sischen FKK-Paradies Cap d?Agde. Vor einiger Zeit begann Anna ihre Erlebnisse aufzuschreiben. Daraus entsteht nach und nach die Anna Wolf-Reihe, in der sie ausführlich von ihrem Swingerleben erz?hlt.

A Single Step: Book 1 of The Grayson Trilogy
A woman wracked with grief. A man with a troubled past. Will trust build a bridge between them or will it be destroyed by dark secrets? Shattered by her daughter's death and tormented by her husband's infidelity, Emma Grayson seeks refuge in solitude. As she slowly re-enters the real world, she takes on work at the sprawling Melton Estate’s stables. Initially distracted by her painful healing process, she realizes that the property’s handsome manager carries his own sadness… When Emma is thrown from her horse and badly injured, Trent provides tender, selfless care. She doesn’t want to appear ungrateful for the lonely ex-RAF man’s support, but her anxiety keeps her silent. After his secretive past surfaces and events take a dramatic turn at the estate, she can't help but feel violently unsaddled all over again. Will Emma ever find inner peace and love again, or is she destined to live with only heartache and pain? A Single Step is the first book in the Grayson Trilogy, a dark romantic suspense series. If you like wounded characters, slow-building romance, and page-turning twists, then you'll love Georgia Rose’s powerful novel. Download A Single Step to uncover a heart breaking tale today!

A Legitimidade das Ciências da Educa??o
A Legitimidade das Ciências da Educa??o

《神奇的魁地奇球》是魔法世界经久不衰的畅销书,也是霍格沃茨学校图书馆中受欢迎的书之一,书中包含了你需要知道的一切,包括高尚的魁地奇运动的历史和规则(以及犯规)。这本权威指南的作者是受人尊敬的魁地奇运动作家肯尼沃思·惠斯普,书中充满了引人入胜的知识,记录了这项运动的历史,从中世纪时在魁地沼的起源,一直到它成为现代体育运动,被全世界无数巫师和麻瓜家庭所热爱。书中全面介绍了知名的魁地奇球队、常见的犯规行为、比赛扫帚的发展进化,以及其他很多内容,对所有哈迷、魁地奇爱好者和运动员来说,它都是一本不可或缺的体育圣经。不管你是周末打球的业余爱好者还是拥有查德理火炮队赛季门票的铁杆球迷,都应该有一本。魔法世界著名的体育图书新版上市,采用J.K.罗琳的原创文本,配上约翰尼·达德尔绘制的华丽封面,以及托米斯拉夫·托米奇的插图。这本电子书的净零售价*有至少15%将捐给喜剧救济基金会和“荧光闪烁”基金会,用于改善儿童和青年的生活。其中20%捐给喜剧救济基金会,80%捐给“荧光闪烁”慈善组织。喜剧救济基金会是英国的注册慈善组织,注册号是326568(英国、威尔士)和SC039730(苏格兰)。“荧光闪烁”基金会是英国的注册慈善组织,注册号是1112575。* 净零售价指的是不含销售税的价格。

Autism Goes to School: Book One of the School Daze Series
After suddenly receiving custody of his five year old son, Ben must learn how to be a dad. The fact that he'd even fathered a child was news to him. Not only does this mean restructuring his sixty-hour workweek and becoming responsible for another human being, but also Kyle has autism. Enter the school system and a shaky beginning. Under the guidance of a gifted teacher, Ben and Kyle take tentative steps to becoming father and son. Teacher Melanie Nicols sees Ben as a deadbeat dad, but grudgingly comes to admire how he hangs in, determined to learn for his son’s sake. Her admiration grows to more as father and son come to rely on Melanie being a part of their lives. When parents receive the news that their child has autism, they spend countless hours researching the subject, usually at night, after an exhausting day. Teachers, when they hear that they'll have a student with an autism spectrum disorder, also try to learn as much as they can. This novel was written for such parents and teachers - an entertaining read that offers information on autism and strategies that work. Dr. Sharon A. Mitchell has worked in schools as a teacher, counselor, psychologist and consultant for decades. Her Master's and Doctorate degrees focused on autism. She has delivered workshops and seminars to thousands participants including at national conferences. She continues to write and teaches university classes about students who learn differently.

Made for Each other: A Contemporary Christian Romance
When?her job brings her to the city where her grandmother lives,?Lissa?first meets Jason.?Though their attraction to one another is immediate, Lissa refuses to be tempted into romance with a man in Jason’s occupation. She has been influenced by her mother to believe anyone in a creative job has the potential for ruin and starvation. These childhood teachings drove Lissa to actions that she now regrets. Although Jason is handsome and considerate, Lissa is wary and feels it is better to have a husband with a secure job than one who is at the mercy of public trends. Jason is determined not to fall for another committed career woman, and risk the pain of breaking up, as he did with his former fiancé. Taking second place to his wife’s work is not what he wants in a marriage. In addition, he takes his faith seriously and worries about Lissa’s ambivalent relationship with God. Will past experiences stand in the way of their relationship or will they grow together to find true love? ?

Charlotte's Web 夏洛特的网
Now available for the first time as an ebook! Illustrations in this ebook appear in vibrant full color on a full-color device and in rich black-and-white on all other devices.This beloved book by E. B. White, author of Stuart Little and The Trumpet of the Swan, is a classic of children's literature that is "just about perfect."Some Pig. Humble. Radiant. These are the words in Charlotte's web, high up in Zuckerman's barn. Charlotte's spiderweb tells of her feelings for a little pig named Wilbur, who simply wants a friend. They also express the love of a girl named Fern, who saved Wilbur's life when he was born the runt of his litter.E. B. White's Newbery Honor Book is a tender novel of friendship, family, and adventure that will continue to be enjoyed by generations to come. It contains beautiful, classic illustrations by Garth Williams, the acclaimed illustrator of E. B. White's Stuart Little and Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House series, among many other books.Correlates to the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts

距离哈利·波特,罗恩·韦斯莱以及赫敏·格兰杰拯救魔法世界已经过去了十九年的时间,现在他们将与一名刚刚踏入霍格沃兹魔法学校的勇敢新生一起,重回一段最为离奇的冒险旅程。就在哈利试图抵抗一段不愿停驻原地的过去时,他最小的儿子阿不思,则不得不担起一项自己从未想要过的家族遗产重任。在过去与现在的碰撞中,父子两人都被困锁在了一场与时间的赛跑当中,与神秘的力量进行战斗,而他们的未来则仍属未定之数。 《哈利·波特与被诅咒的孩子》基于J.K. Rowling、约翰·蒂芙尼与杰克·索恩共同创作的原创故事改编而成,是这部广受赞誉的伦敦西区戏剧作品的完整剧本。此版本包含原故事的最终版对话和舞台指导、分为两部分的内容、一段在导演约翰·蒂芙尼与编剧杰克·索恩之间的对话、波特家族系谱,以及一条与《哈利·波特与被诅咒的孩子》相关的关键时间时间线。


Classroom Hierarchy: 50 Rules to Become a Dominant, Loved, Respected and Admired
Classroom Hierarchy: 50 Rules to Become a Dominant, Loved, Respected and Admired Teacher

Strategic Series Author: Plan, write and publish a series to maximize readership
In this guide translated from the original French version. You advertise on Facebook, but you don't see any results? You'd like to start, but you're lost? Would you like to improve the performance of your ads and pay less ? If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, then this book is for you! This 35-page guide will teach you everything you need to know. You will learn in particular: - Create a Professional Facebook account?- To create advertising campaigns from A to Z- To create and structure an advertising account as professionals do- Install the "Facebook pixel" to track everything that happens on your site- The TIPA? method used by advertising professionals to reduce the price of their ads by half, and multiply their effectiveness And the best part?? This guide is dedicated to people who leave ZERO! The only thing you need is your computer. We explain everything step by step.? This guide is accessible to everyone, even if you have never advertised on Facebook! This guide was written by professional advertisers who have spent millions of euros on Facebook advertising.

J.K. Rowling’s five-film Fantastic Beasts adventure series continues with the original screenplay for Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald

Elon Musk
South African born Elon Musk is the renowned entrepreneur and innovator behind PayPal, SpaceX, Tesla, and SolarCity. Musk wants to save our planet; he wants to send citizens into space, to form a colony on Mars; he wants to make money while doing these things; and he wants us all to know about it. He is the real-life inspiration for the Iron Man series of films starring Robert Downey Junior. The personal tale of Musk’s life comes with all the trappings one associates with a great, drama-filled story. He was a freakishly bright kid who was bullied brutally at school, and abused by his father. In the midst of these rough conditions, and the violence of apartheid South Africa, Musk still thrived academically and attended the University of Pennsylvania, where he paid his own way through school by turning his house into a club and throwing massive parties. He started a pair of huge dot-com successes, including PayPal, which eBay acquired for $1.5 billion in 2002. Musk was forced out as CEO and so began his lost years in which he decided to go it alone and baffled friends by investing his fortune in rockets and electric cars. Meanwhile Musk’s marriage disintegrated as his technological obsessions took over his life ... Elon Musk is the Steve Jobs of the present and the future, and for the past twelve months, he has been shadowed by tech reporter, Ashlee Vance. Elon Musk: How the Billionaire CEO of Spacex and Tesla is Shaping our Future is an important, exciting and intelligent account of the real-life Iron Man.

Money Matters Bitcoin Buzz Report
Money Matters Bitcoin Buzz Report

Playlist for the Dead
Part mystery, part love story, and part coming-of-age tale in the vein of The Perks of Being a Wallflower and The Spectacular Now.There was a party. There was a fight. The next morning, Sam's best friend, Hayden, was dead. And all he left Sam was a playlist of songs and a suicide note: For Sam—listen and you'll understand. To figure out what happened, Sam has to rely on the playlist and his own memory. But the more he listens, the more he realizes that his memory isn't as reliable as he thought. And it might only be by taking out his earbuds and opening his eyes to the people around him that he'll finally be able to piece together his best friend's story. And maybe have a chance to change his own.Playlist for the Dead is an honest and gut-wrenching first novel about loss, rage, what it feels like to outgrow a friendship that's always defined you—and the struggle to redefine yourself. But above all, it's about finding hope when hope seems like the hardest thing to find.

Oscar Wilde Complete Works – World’s Best Collection: 140+ Works All Plays
Oscar Wilde Complete Works World's Best Collection This is the world’s best Oscar Wilde collection, including the most complete set of Wilde’s works available plus many free bonus materials. Oscar Wilde Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wills Wilde was an Irish poet and playwright. Wilde became one of the best-known personalities of his day, known for his biting wit, flamboyant dress and glittering conversational skill. Themes in his writings include decadence, duplicity, beauty and biting satire. Wilde is also known for his famous arrest and imprisonment, for the crime (at that time) of homosexuality.During his last year in prison, he wrote De Profundis (published posthumously in 1905), a long letter which discusses his spiritual journey through his trials, forming a dark counterpoint to his earlier philosophy of pleasure. Wilde’s life and work remain some of the most popular subjects in English literature and the themes of his work echo as strongly today as they did in his own time The ‘Must-Have’ Complete Collection In this irresistible collection you get a full set of Wilde’s work, with more than 140 works - All plays, All poetry, All books, All fiction, All short work, and his own autobiography. With two full length biographies, one written by Wilde’s lover. Plus extra Free Bonus material. Works Included: Plays, Including: Vera (The Nihilists) Ideal Husband Importance Of Being Earnest Salome? Books Picture Of Dorian Gray De Profundis Children’s Fiction Wilde’s fairy tales and children’s fiction are surprising, heart wrenching, full of humor, for the young, old and all literature lovers. Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime And Other Stories Happy Prince And Other Tales House Of Pomegranates Poetry More than 100 beautiful poems that demand reading and rereading. Included is ‘the Ballad of Reading Gaol’ about Wilde’s time in prison and the award winning ‘Ravenna’ Shorter Works Wilde was a keen observer, and his short work includes his views on life and society that are still relevant to today’s world. The shorter works include: Some Remarks Upon The Importance Of Doing Nothing Truth Of Masks Soul Of Man Books About Wilde Both biographies cover Wilde’s entire life, imprisonment and career. Oscar Wilde, His Life And Confessions - Written by close friend and editor, Frank Harris. Oscar Wilde And Myself - The famous book by Wilde’s lover, Alfred Douglas, giving a more personal view. Your Free Special Bonuses Art And Morality - A Defence Of Dorian Gray?- Controversial, Dorian Gray was much discussed in the press. Here is the ‘story’ of the controversy told through press articles and Wilde’s letters in response. Critic In Pall Mall and Reviews?- Wilde’s sharp reviews Historical Context and Literary Context Notes?- Detailed explanations of the Victorian Era and Victorian Literature, written specially for this collection. Get This Collection Right Now This is the best Oscar Wilde collection you can get, so get it now and start enjoying and being inspired by the words inside like never before!

Jeff Bezos: Die Macht hinter der Marke
Was ist es an ihm, dass ihn zu einem Superhelden macht? Was ist mit ihm, wenn er eine Idee in ein Mega-Unternehmen verwandeln kann? Was ist an ihm wie bei Ihnen und was nicht? Was k?nnen Sie von ihm lernen? Lesen Sie es und finden es heraus. Das Bedürfnis, diejenigen um uns herum zu verstehen, die jenseits unserer eigenen Vorstellungskraft Erfolg haben, ist uns allen inh?rent. Der angeborene Wunsch wird von unserem tiefen und grundlegenden Bedürfnis getrieben, bessere Wege zu finden, um unsere eigenen Ziele zu erreichen, unsere eigenen Tr?ume zu verstehen und uns unseren einzigartigen Herausforderungen zu stellen. In diesem Buch geht es um die zugrundeliegenden Ereignisse im Leben von Jeff Bezos und die Art und Weise, wie es sein Leben beeinflusste, wie er auf sie reagierte und wie er sie zu seinem Vorteil nutzte. Das Buch behauptet nicht, die Ideen zu kennen, die sein Herz füllen – das kann kein Mensch wissen. Aber wir schauen auf mehrere aneinander gereihte Ereignisse und sehen die Schatten, die sie werfen. All das, damit Sie eben jene Elemente in sich selbst finden k?nnen, die der Keim für Erfolg, Leistung und Gr??e sein werden. Die Geschichte von Bezos zeichnet seinen Weg durchs Leben als Jugendlicher nach, betrachtet sein Handeln und seine Leistungen und entschlüsselt die Existenz seiner gr??ten Leistung – Amazon – in einer Weise, die seinen Charakter, seinen Intellekt und seine Erziehung widerspiegelt. Seine Geschichte ist anders als jene, anderer erfolgreicher Menschen in der Geschichte. Seine Arbeitsmoral ist vertraut, aber anders. Warten Sie nicht l?nger! Scrollen Sie nach oben und klicken Sie auf

A History of the Peninsular War Volume I
A History of the Peninsular War Volume I

Whimsical Words and Dramatic Affairs
Whimsical Words and Dramatic Affairs

On Quiet Nights
There's a place inside us that is cloaked in darkness, rubbed raw with silence. It's a shadow wrapped in a shadow and it screams, but it screams in harsh whispers. This collection explores the blackness within, the gritty underground that hides inside memories and cowers just outside fear. The poems, paired with illustrations from Matthias Matthies work in sync to create a collage of blunt sexuality, masochistic, and sometimes sadistic recollections of love, reflection, and self-exploration.??Lindemann paints pictures with his poems, a slave to the vulnerability and sexuality that drives mankind. His words themselves are body modifications that settle on readers, piercing then slowly penetrating and pumping his audience full with a mix of pleasure and pain. A combination of longing, emotional depth, and bestial intuition, these pieces evoke an innate nature to seek pleasure, to ask for forgiveness, to instill blame. ??On Quiet Nights pulls back the curtains at night and asks readers to think about who they are. Lindemann holds a mirror to soul, capturing desire and need, with the courage to answer some of life's biggest questions: Who am I? What am I? Why am I?