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作       者:曹伦华主编

出  版  社:上海外语教育出版社


字       数:1703

所属分类: 教育 > 中小学教辅 > 教辅工具书



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《小学英语听力100篇》、《小学英语会话100篇》、《小学英语阅读100篇》的推出,将**小读者一个丰富多彩、有益实用的英语世界。《小学英语听力100篇(附mp3下载)》的编排遵循少年儿童的心理特,旨在通过生动有趣的故事、寓言、科普小品等内容,让学生触一些英语短文,了解西方的文化,体验学习英语的乐趣。本套丛书图文并茂,听说并重,语言直观、形象、生动,贴近学生生活,非常适合小学生阅读,能极大地激发他们的求知欲,调动他们的学习兴趣,发展他们的自主学习能力。 本套丛书有许多独特之处,体现了新课程标准的理念。 首先,编者始终把“在玩中学”这一教学思想贯穿始终。玩并快乐是孩子天赋的权利。《小学英语听力100篇(附mp3下载)》以小学生的日常生活学习为主线行编排,使英语学习在日常生活中自然而然地实现。 其次,编写由浅深,由简到难。《小学英语听力100篇(附mp3下载)》共分三个梯度,分别为蜗牛篇、鹦鹉篇、百灵篇。每个梯度的练习也分为三个层次,可以帮助小读者增强自信心,逐步提高语言能力,也有利于老师因材施教。 再次,本套丛书内容时尚,语言地道。语言材料由有国外生活经验的老师精心采集,而与《小学英语听力100篇(附mp3下载)》相配套的磁带则由外籍专家精心录制,让学生掌握地道的英语发音,学会听,学会说,从小培养良好的英语语感。【推荐语】<br/>小学英语系列<br/>





1Tony and His Family

2 My Foreign Classmates

3 Jack and His Dog

4 Poor Amy

5 She Wants to Wear Something Formal

6My Family

7Joe Is Learning Cooking

8 Michael's Dream

9 My Nome Isn't Jack

10 A Beautiful Sunny Day

11Bob's Daydream

12 Who's the Printer?

13 A Small Farm

14 Having Lunch

15 My Good Friends

16 Children's Day

17 How Can Betty Get to Her School?

18 There's Something Wrong with the Car

19 AFootball Match

20 My Class

21 Mr

22 Jenny's Day

23 Visiting Tom

24 Tony

25 Manager

26 Mary Smi th and Her Chinese Children

27 The Same Mother

28 She Is Happier Now

29 Mr

30 Bill's Room

31 Billy's Bedroom

32 Poor Dick

33 There's Little Food at the Party

34 Two Pictures

35 My Friend Is a Fortune-teller


36 New Students

37 Never Talk to Strangers

38 Saving a Drowning Boy

39 John Plays the Gui tar

40Is He Dying?

41 ALonely Frog

42 A Trip to Disney World

43 My Daddy Said It, Too

44 Two Shoes

45 ACareless Grandfather

46 Ringing the Bell Twice

47 Which Woman?

48 A Special Number

49 Making Other People Happy

50 Merry Chri stmas!

51 Shopping

52 A Noughty Boy

53 A World Gir

54 They Had a Russian Baby

55 The First Trip

56 Lily and Nancy

57 Is Mo ther Clever?

58 Lucy and Her Family

59 An Old Woman and Her Cats

60 Too Much TV Is Not Good for Children

61 Three Meals in America

62 What a Mess!

63 My First Day in My New School

64 A Birthday Card for Aunt Jane

65 Mary's Birthday Party

66 Can Mr

67 Boiling an Egg or a Watch?

68 What a Nigh tmare!

69Late for Work

70The Color of Skin

71 Buying Tickets

72 Manners

73 The Meals in Englond

74 A Dog

75 A Clever Dog


761Plus 1Is 1?

77 The Lion and the Hare

78 The Crow and the Fox

79 Why Does It Rain?

80 Asking the Way

81 A Put-up Job

82 One Cigar a Day

83 Who Is Qleverer?

84 A Lion and Four Bulls

85 Ants

86 An Animal Sports Meeting

87 Visiting a Factory

88 It's Not Good to Take the Bigger One

89 A Father and Friend

90 Antarctica

91 The Secret of Success

92 The Hare and the Turtle

93 A Stupid Robber

94 Poor Boys

95 A Museum in London

96 Improving Reading Skills

97 Catch of the Day

98Getting Information over the Phone

99 Compu ters

100 Helping Hands

Tapescript and Key

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