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作       者:曹伦华, 主编

出  版  社:上海外语教育出版社


字       数:2763

所属分类: 教育 > 中小学教辅 > 教辅工具书



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  • 读书简介
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“初中英语100系列”是上海外语教育出版社组织编写的一套初中英语综合能力训练丛书,包括《听力》、《阅读》和《会话》3册,旨在落实《英语课程标准》初中阶段英语课程教学目标,并为学生提供多种体验、实践、参与和交流的机会,从而帮助他们切实提高英语水平。     《初中英语听力100篇》有以下几个特: ★ 听力文章选篇标准和出题思路完全针对中考,题型包括选择题、填空题、判断正误题等,既训练精听的细节精准,又训练泛听的整体理解。 ★ 训练方法科学:读标题—看图—识词—听材料—完成练习,使学生始终处于积极的思维状态,有利于听力训练,真正做到合理输、有效输出。 ★ 依照内容深浅和篇幅长短分为基础(30篇)、阶(40篇)和提高(30篇)三步行训练。 ★ 重视词汇的学习和积累,挑选每篇听力材料中的重、难生词为真提供释义或注解。 ★ 文章用词、句式尽量简单,结构灵活,节奏感强,适合听力训练。 ★ 题材丰富,体裁更追求变化,包括对话、采访、散文、叙事、讲史等等,使学生能集中、大量触不同形式的听力材料,真正提高听力能力。<br/>【推荐语】<br/>听力下载地址:http://audio.sflep.com/<br/>







Passage 1 A School Day in UK Schools

Passage 2 A Kid’s Life in China

Passage 3 Shopping for a Sweater

Passage 4 At the Airport

Passage 5 A Telephone Call

Passage 6 The 5.12 Earthquake

Passage 7 The Weather in Central China

Passage 8 A Brief Introduction to Beijing

Passage 9 Christmas in England

Passage 10 The Chinese New Year

Passage 11 Dolphins

Passage 12 A Healthy Lifestyle

Passage 13 Our Hobbies

Passage 14 Natural Disasters

Passage 15 Food and Health

Passage 16 Transportation in China

Passage 17 Safety in Swimming

Passage 18 Nasreddin

Passage 19 The Elephant and the Car

Passage 20 The Clock in the Mirror

Passage 21 Memories

Passage 22 The History of Basketball

Passage 23 Watching TV

Passage 24 Lifts

Passage 25 Plants

Passage 26 My Brother

Passage 27 Satellites and Weather Forecasts

Passage 28 Glaciers

Passage 29 Mexico

Passage 30 Be Cool!

Bonus 1 Bill Gates — 11 Things You Don’t Learn in School


Passage 31 A Special Christmas Present

Passage 32 Apartments for Rent

Passage 33 A Surprise Party

Passage 34 The Hours That Count in My Life

Passage 35 Thomas Edison

Passage 36 Train Tickets: Getting Around Tokyo

Passage 37 Ball Games

Passage 38 Barack Obama

Passage 39 Halloween Fun

Passage 40 The Earth, the Moon and the Sun

Passage 41 Watching a Movie

Passage 42 African Elephants

Passage 43 Being a Fish

Passage 44 A Birthday Party

Passage 45 Holidays

Passage 46 IPods and MP3 Players

Passage 47 Making the Team

Passage 48 The PSP

Passage 49 Save the Earth

Passage 50 A TV Guide

Passage 51 Different Cultures

Passage 52 Going Back to School

Passage 53 Hurricanes

Passage 54 The Mitchell Family’s Christmas

Passage 55 A New York Travel

Passage 56 A Piano Lesson

Passage 57 A Student Credit Card

Passage 58 The Four Seasons

Passage 59 Whales and Fish: Creatures of the Deep

Passage 60 Winter

Passage 61 A Story to Remember

Passage 62 A Grocery Shopping

Passage 63 Mount Rushmore

Passage 64 A School Report

Passage 65 Facts About Sharks

Passage 66 The Summer Camping

Passage 67 How People Celebrate Christmas

Passage 68 The Atmosphere: The Ocean of Air Above Us

Passage 69 The Seven Ancient Wonders of the World

Passage 70 A Utah Travel Ad

Bonus 2 All About America


Passage 71 Americans’ Motor Homes

Passage 72 The History of Photography

Passage 73 An American Idiom

Passage 74 Say No to Low-rise J eans in I tal ian Middle Schools

Passage 75 Global Warming

Passage 76 Famous Falls in the World

Passage 77 The Subway Culture in Paris

Passage 78 Fish Helps Prevent Heart Disease

Passage 79 Some Hotels’ Act ions to Protec t Our Environment

Passage 80 Two Useful Websites

Passage 81 Customs in Different Countries

Passage 82 The Peales

Passage 83 Tea Cultures in the World

Passage 84 The History of Kites

Passage 85 Los Angeles

Passage 86 The Special English Programs on the VOA

Passage 87 The Color of Red in American Expressions

Passage 88 The Chinese Horoscope and the Zodiac

Passage 89 About Australia

Passage 90 Pets in America

Passage 91 How Do Typhoons Come About?

Passage 92 What Makes You Laugh?

Passage 93 Mother Teresa

Passage 94 The Whistled Language

Passage 95 The Invention of Roller Skating

Passage 96 Pyramids

Passage 97 Fred and Mike: Two Exchange Students

Passage 98 Pets in Canada

Passage 99 Accidents at Home

Passage 100 Ancient Human Bones

Bonus 3 Movie Fun —

Tapescripts and key

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