



为了充分满足当前大学英语教学的实际需要,外教社策划推出“专门用途英语课程系列”。 “专门用途英语课程系列”系列教材以英语使用领域为指向,旨在增强学生运用英语从事工作、行专业和学术交流的能力,提升学术和职业素养水准。 “专门用途英语课程系列”系列包含两大课程群: 学术英语课程群:培养高级英语及学术英语听、说、读、写、译等技能。

售       价:¥


45人正在读 | 0人评论 6.2

作       者:王敏华,陈希茹,沈?,邵蕙

出  版  社:上海外语教育出版社


字       数:2327

所属分类: 教育 > 外语 > 英文教辅



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新闻的种类很多,按照不同的标准有不同的分类方法。按传播工具可分为报纸新闻(newspaper coverage)、杂志新闻(magazine coverage)、广播新闻(radio news)、电视新闻(TV news)、有线电视新闻(cable news)等。按报道的内容则可分为政治新闻(political news)、经济新闻(economic news)、科技新闻(science and technology news)、文化新闻(cultural news)、体育新闻(sports news)、暴力与犯罪新闻(violence and crimenews)、灾难新闻(disaster news)、气象新闻(weather news)和娱乐新闻(entertainment news)等。 《专门用途英语课程系列 大学英语专题听力:新闻》选材限于广播新闻和有线电视新闻,都按内容分类编排。选的有文化新闻、体育新闻、灾难新闻、气象新闻和娱乐新闻等。每一类新闻都有其独特的一面,比如灾难新闻中 不可少的要素是灾难发生的时间、地、伤亡人数、灾难造成的损失等。而娱乐新闻则免不了涉及演艺界的各路明星及其作品等。在听力实践中,如果能抓住每一类新闻的特,将大大有利于听力理解的成功。<br/>【推荐语】<br/>为了充分满足当前大学英语教学的实际需要,外教社策划推出“专门用途英语课程系列”。 “专门用途英语课程系列”系列教材以英语使用领域为指向,旨在增强学生运用英语从事工作、行专业和学术交流的能力,提升学术和职业素养水准。 “专门用途英语课程系列”系列包含两大课程群: 学术英语课程群:培养高级英语及学术英语听、说、读、写、译等技能。 职业英语课程群: 提升与专业及职场相关的英语运用能力。<br/>




Unit 1 Childcare

Part One Before You Listen

Part One Before You Listen

Part Two Listen Now

Part Two Listen Now

Part Three Look at This 新闻报道中的数据

Part Four Here’s More

Part Four Here’s More

Unit 2 Rags and Riches

Part One Before You Listen

Part One Before You Listen

Part Two Listen Now

Part Two Listen Now

Part Three Look at This 分清新闻的来源(source)和当事人(agent)

Part Four Here’s More

Part Four Here’s More

Unit 3 Weather Report

Part One Before You Listen

Part One Before You Listen

Part Two Listen Now

Part Two Listen Now

Part Three Look at This 了解气象新闻的特点 熟悉气象新闻中的术语

Part Four Here’s More

Part Four Here’s More

Unit 4 Sharks

Part One Before You Listen

Part One Before You Listen

Part Two Listen Now

Part Two Listen Now

Part Three Look at This 分辨转变话题的句子 理出头绪 增强听力记忆

Part Four Here’s More

Part Four Here’s More

Unit 5 History of Jazz

Part One Before You Listen

Part One Before You Listen

Part Two Listen Now

Part Two Listen Now

Part Three Look at This 抓住年代 理出顺序 有助听力理解

Part Four Here’s More

Part Four Here’s More

Unit 6 Thanksgiving Day

Part One Before You Listen

Part One Before You Listen

Part Two Listen Now

Part Two Listen Now

Part Three Look at This 利用上下文和标志性的词来判断名称的属类

Part Four Here’s More

Part Four Here’s More

Unit 7 Music

Part One Before You Listen

Part One Before You Listen

Part Two Listen Now

Part Two Listen Now

Part Three Look at This 新闻报道中的人物特写

Part Four Here’s More

Part Four Here’s More

Unit 8 Bird Flu

Part One Before You Listen

Part One Before You Listen

Part Two Listen Now

Part Two Listen Now

Part Three Look at This 新闻报道中的组织、机构和条约名称以及它们的缩略形式

Part Four Here’s More

Part Four Here’s More

Unit 9 Around the World

Part One Before You Listen

Part One Before You Listen

Part Two Listen Now

Part Two Listen Now

Part Three Look at This 新闻的五要素(5Ws)

Part Four Here’s More

Part Four Here’s More

Unit 10 A Different Voice

Part One Before You Listen

Part One Before You Listen

Part Two Listen Now

Part Two Listen Now

Part Three Look at This 巧妙利用话语重复 轻松理解新闻特写

Part Four Here’s More

Part Four Here’s More

Unit 11 Abolishing Juvenile Death Penalty

Part One Before You Listen

Part One Before You Listen

Part Two Listen Now

Part Two Listen Now

Part Three Look at This 关注长句中的连词 避免听了后半句忘了前半句

Part Four Here’s More

Part Four Here’s More

Unit 12 Accidents and Catastrophes

Part One Before You Listen

Part One Before You Listen

Part Two Listen Now

Part Two Listen Now

Part Three Look at This 事故或灾难类新闻的焦点

Part Four Here’s More

Part Four Here’s More

Unit 13 Big Churches, Big Crowds

Part One Before You Listen

Part One Before You Listen

Part Two Listen Now

Part Two Listen Now

Part Three Look at This 新闻特写中的描写

Part Four Here’s More

Part Four Here’s More

Unit 14 Golden Globe Awards

Part One Before You Listen

Part One Before You Listen

Part Two Listen Now

Part Two Listen Now

Part Three Look at This 颁奖类新闻报道的结构及典型句型

Part Four Here’s More

Part Four Here’s More

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