工艺精湛的雕版画集,通俗有趣的文字解说,严谨考订的译者注释。 初版于19世纪的这本图集,成为风靡英国乃至欧洲著名的中国历史教科书。书中细腻的钢版雕版画与精练的文笔相得益彰,为我们保存了一份珍贵的历史画卷。 本书将带你穿越历史的长河,置身晚清的山水与社会中,并借此窥见西方人眼中不一样的帝国风貌,使大清帝国的真实图景再次跃然纸上。
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圆明园正大光明殿 Hall of Audience, Palace of Yuen-Min-Yuen
道光皇帝大阅 The Emperor Taou-Kwang Reviewing His Guards
北海公园 Gardens of the Imperial Palace
西直门 The Western Gate of Peking
长城 The Great Wall of China
通州奎星楼 Pavilion of the Star of Hope, Tong Chow
京郊官员宅院 Pavilion and Gardens of a Mandarin, Near Peking
灯笼铺 Show Room of a Lantern Merchant, at Peking
官老爷出行 A Mandarin Paying a Visit of Ceremony
迎亲的队伍 A Marriage Procession, at the Blue-Cloud Creek
小布达拉宫 Temple of Poo-ta-la, at Zhehol
南京城 The City of Nanking
南京城鸟瞰 Nanking, from the Porcelain Tower
南京的桥 The Bridge of Nanking
南京琉璃塔 The Porcelain Tower, Nanking
接春仪式 Ceremony of Meeting the Spring
官宦之家 Apartment in a Mandarin’s House, near Nanking
官宦之家的女眷玩牌 Ladies of a Mandarin’s Family at Cards
太平昭关 Tae-Ping Shaou Kwan
虎丘行宫 The Imperial Travelling Palace at the Hoo-kew-shan
播种水稻 Sowing Rice, at Soo-chow-foo
养蚕与理茧 Feeding Silk-worms, and Sorting the Cocoons
虎丘试剑石 The Proof-Sword Rock, Hoo-kew-shan
聘礼送到新娘家 Arrival of Marriage-Presents at Bridal Residence
太湖洞庭山 Tung-Ting Shan
太湖娘娘庙 The Polo Temple, Tai-Hoo
白云泉 Han-Tseuen, Province of Kiang-nan
西湖 Lake See-Hoo
官家盛宴 Dinner Party at a Mandarin’s House
官家庭院里的杂耍表演 Jugglers Exhibiting in the Court of a Mandarin’s Palace
富春山 The Foochun Hill, in the Province of Che Keang
水稻种植 Transplanting Rice
大家闺秀的闺房 Boudoir and Bed-Chamber of a Lady of Rank
宁波城远眺 City of Ning-po, from the River
宁波的棉花种植 Cotton Plantations at Ning-po
甬江河口 Estuary of the Ta-hea, or Ning-po River
普陀佛寺 The Grand Temple at Poo-Too
镇海孔庙大门 First Entrance to the Temple of Confucius, Ching-hai
舟山山谷 The Valley of Chusan
定海郊外 Scene in the Suburbs of Ting-hae
恐怖要塞 The Fortress of Terror, Ting-hai
定海之战 Capture of Ting-hai, Chusan
舟山岛英军营地 British Encampment on Irgao-Shan, Chusan
枷刑 Punishment of the Tcha or Cangue
定海云竹寺的祭坛 The Altar-piece in the Great Temple
野戏台 Scene from the Spectacle of The Sun and Moon
镇江河口 The Mouth of the River Chin-Keang
焦山行宫 Imperial Palace at Tseaou-Shan
银山 Silver Island
中国渔民的省时省力 Chinese Boatman Economizing Time and Labour
流动剃头匠 An Itinerant Barber
中秋祭拜 Sacrifice of the Ching-tswe-tsee
镇江府西门 West Gate of Ching-Keang-Foo
乍浦古桥 Ancient Bridge, Chapoo
石门 The Shih-Mun, or Rock-Gates
祭奠去世的亲人 Propitiatory Offerings for Departed Relatives
湖州丝绸庄园 Silk Farms at Hoo-Chow
缫丝的女子 Destroying the Chrysalids and Reeling the Cocoons
染丝坊 Dyeing and Winding Silk
茶叶的栽培与制作 The Culture and Preparation of Tea
乍浦天尊庙 Joss-House, Chapoo
乍浦之战 Close of the Attack on Chapoo
白河兵营 Military Station at Cho-kien
北直隶湾:长城尽头 Termination of the Great Wall of China, Gulf of Pecheli
天津大戏台 Theatre at Tien-sin
打板子 Punishment of the Pan-Tze, or Bastinado
江湖郎中 An Itinerant Doctor at Tien-sing
求签问卦 A Devotee Consulting the Sticks of Fate
重阳节放风筝 Kite-Flying at Hae-Kwan, on the Ninth Day of Ninth Month
通州猫贩子和茶商 Cat Merchants and Tea Dealers at Tong-chow
船过水闸 Junks Passing an Inclined Plane on the Imperial Canal
踢毽子 Playing at Shuttlecock with the Feet
双峰山下 Foot of the Too-hing, or Two Peaks
临清州街头杂耍 Raree Show at Lin-sin-choo
东昌府饭摊 Rice Sellers at the Military Station of Tong-Chang-foo
黄河入口 Entrance to the Hoang-ho, or Yellow River
扬州渡口 The Pass of Yang-chow
金坛纤夫 The Kilns at King-tan
石潭瀑布 The Cataract of Shih-Tan, Province of Kiang-Nan
小武当山 The Woo-Tang Mountains, Province of Kiang-Si
瓜洲水车 The Melon Islands, and An Irrigating Wheel
庾岭隘口 Landing-Place at the Yuk-shan
五马头 The Ou-Ma-Too, or Five Horses’ Heads
韶州广岩寺 Temple of Bonzes in the Quang-Yen Rock
英德县煤矿 Coal-Mines at Ying-Tih
肇庆府羚羊峡 The Hea Hills, Near Chaou-King-Foo
七星岩 The Tseih-Sing-Yen
鼎湖山瀑布 Cascade of Ting-Hoo
鸦片鬼 Opium-Smokers
广州的街道 A Street in Canton
潘长耀宅邸的园林水榭 The Fountain Court in Conseequa’s House, Canton
西樵山 Se-Tseaou Shan
运河上的宝塔与村庄 Pagoda and Village on the Canal, Near Canton
河南风景 Scene on the Honan Canal, Near Canton
帽子商的店铺 Cap-Vendor’s Shop, Canton
海幢寺的码头和入口 Landing Place and Entrance to the Temple of Honan, Canton
海幢寺的大雄宝殿 Great Temple of Honan, Canton
佛教寺庙 Temple of Buddha, in the Suburbs of Canton
端午节赛龙舟 Festival of the Dragon-Boat, 5th Day of 5th Moon
船工斗鹌鹑 Canton Bargemen Fighting Quails
商人潘长耀的宅邸 House of Conseequa, a Chinese Merchant, in the Suburbs of Canton
一位中国商人的宅邸 House of a Chinese Merchant, near Canton
从深井岛远眺黄埔岛 Whampao, from Dane’s Island
大黄滘炮台 The Tai-Wang-Kow, or Yellow Pagoda Fort
妈阁庙门前 Facade of the Great Temple, Macao
南湾 The Pria Granda, Macao
从香山要塞远眺澳门 Macao, from the Forts of Heang-Shan
贾梅士洞 The Grotto of Camoens, Macao
妈阁庙的神堂 Chapel in the Great Temple of Macao
厦门城门入口 Entrance into the City of Amoy
厦门城远眺 City of Amoy from the Tombs
从鼓浪屿远眺厦门 Amoy, from Ko-long-soo
茶叶装船 Loading Tea-junks at Tseen-tang
武夷山 Woo-e-shan, or Bohea Hills, Fo-kien
古墓群 Ancient Tombs, Amoy
从外港远眺厦门 Amoy from the Outer Harbour
晋江入海口 Entrance to Chin-chew River, Fokien
从九龙远眺香港 Hong-Kong, From Kow-Loon
香港的竹渠 Bamboo Aqueduct at Hong-Kong
香港的发展 Harbour of Hong-Kong
维多利亚要塞·九龙半岛 Fort Victoria, Kow-Loon