


GB 51160-2016 纤维增强塑料设备和管道工程技术规范(英文版)电子书

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作       者:中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部

出  版  社:中国计划出版社


字       数:22.3万

所属分类: 科技 > 工业技术 > 其他



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  • 读书简介
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本规范适用于采用缠绕、喷射和手糊工艺成型的整体纤维增强塑料设备和管道的设计、制造、安装和工程质量验收。 本规范共分11章,主要技术内容是:总则,术语,基本规定,材料,设备设计,管道设计,制造,质量控制与检验,标志、包装、运输、贮存,安装,工程验收。


Announcement of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China


1 General provisions

2 Terms

3 Basic requirements

3.1 General requirements

3.2 Functional requirements

3.3 Design conditions and documents

3.4 Overpressure protection

4 Materials

4.1 General requirements

4.2 Raw materials

4.3 Material properties of lamina and laminate

5 Equipment design

5.1 General requirements

5.2 Load and action

5.3 Structural calculation

5.4 Structural design

6 Piping design

6.1 General requirements

6.2 Configuration design

6.3 Structure calculation

6.4 Piping stress calculation and flexibility analysis

7 Manufacture

7.1 General requirements

7.2 Manufacture for equipment and piping

7.3 Quality control of manufacture process

7.4 Fault and repair

7.5 Secondary bonding

8 Quality control and inspection

8.1 General requirements

8.2 Quality inspection documents

8.3 Raw material testing and inspection

8.4 Product measurement,inspection and determination

9 Marking,packing,transporting,storing

9.1 Equipment

9.2 Piping

10 Installation

10.1 General requirements

10.2 Equipment installation

10.3 Piping installation

10.4 Usage and maintenance

11 Project acceptance

Appendix A Sub-item design factor K2's determination for corrosionresistant inner liner layer of fibre reinforced plastics equipment

Appendix B Corrosion medium classification

Appendix C Horizontal vessel design

Appendix D Flange design

Appendix E Ground anchor design

Appendix F Reinforced flange's specification for opening hole tank top

Appendix G Calculating process for pipeline structure design

Appendix H Calculating of piping pressure loss

Appendix J Secondary bonding fabrication evaluation

Appendix K Measurement and test for inter laminar shear strength of laminates

Appendix L Measurement and test for lap shear strength of bond between laminates

Explanation of wording in this code

List of quoted standards

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