


风雨人生=A Life In Storm电子书

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作       者:徐文荣

出  版  社:中译出版社


字       数:54.9万

所属分类: 经管/励志 > 成功/励志 > 名人励志



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横店集团是我国改革放以后发展起来的著名乡镇企业集团。本书是横店集团创始人和横店文化产业奠基人、横店共创共富共有共享委员会主席徐文荣对其人生历程的系统口述回顾,由在横店任职二十多年、一直负责横店宣传总结工作的横店集团总裁助理孙是炎记录整理成书。 《风雨人生(英文版)A Life In Storm》这本书反映了横店从默默无闻、贫穷落后的浙中小镇发展到今天享誉世界的幸福横店的全过程。横店是农村改革、脱贫攻坚和文化产业建设的典范,具有重要的标杆意义。 主人公徐文荣是在浙江省,乃至全国都享有盛名的传奇老人。八十余年的风雨人生,其经历称得上是一个时代的缩影。 英文版的出版将有助于更好地向外国读者介绍中国在消除贫困、扶贫发等方面的努力和成就,帮助外国读者更好地了解中国乡镇企业的发展与变化。<br/>


1.Being upright and working hard, are of great importance

2.Life will be meaningless if there is no solution to hardship

3.The fate of an individual is always closely connected with that of a nation

4.We must achieve common prosperity in order to be at peace for a society

5.The greatest pain in life is to be misunderstood

6.Public praise means a real success

7.Wealth has value only if it is contributed to community

8.Honor can become motivation, but sometimes a burden too

9.A successful career depends on the support of your family

10.I am an ordinary person, but worship the heroes

Chapter One A miserable childhood

1.Born in a time of turbulence, and grew up in hardship

2.Leaving home and moving south

3.We were too poor to lift up our heads in the street

4.The difficult journey of schooling

5.Possession by the wild cat spirit

6.A few happy things in my childhood

7.Young people don’t have the faintest idea about sorrow

8.To be my uncle’s apprentice

Chapter Two Youth Time in Political Storm

1.My first impressions of the liberation

2.My family was given land during the land reform

3.I couldn’t join the Chinese Peoples’ Volunteer Army, but became a teacher at night school

4.I got a real job

5.Participating in the Work of Eliminating Counter-Revolutionaries

6.Back to the countryside

7.Exaggeration and lies become the norm

8.A small bag of brown sugar

9.The worst thing I have ever done

10.I don’t want to work any more

11.Put myself down and go home

12.Go traveling

13.Draw fire against myself in the “Four Clear-ups Movement”

14.The secretary of the Chinese Communist Party branch who didn’t take office

15.“Four Clean-ups Movement”: red poster sealed the door

16.The two factions were fighting fiercely, but I survived

17.The revolutionary cadres suddenly became “capitalists” again

18.Seven months in exile

19.Pain in the heart

20.Rainbow after the storm

Chapter Three Hardworking in My Middle Age

1.From Hengdian Brigade to Hengdian Commune

2.Start from scratch: get the approval first

3.Local civil engineers solve big problems

4.Grow in the cracks in planned economy

5.Getting help from Big Brother

6.Race the train and ride through the snow

7.Work for the future

8.One chicken hatched a group of chickens

9.Be vigilant in times of peace, and open up a new road

10.The development of magnetic materials: a great strategy change

11.The Disturbance of “procurement case”

12.Separating government functions from enterprises so that the “Chicken” becomes an “Eagle”

13.A lesson to the Japanese

14.The first town of a hundred million yuan in central Zhejiang Province

15.Restructuring in 1988

16.Founding Hengdian Group

Chapter Four Getting Success in Senior Years

1.Enterprise built social infrastructure

2.I don’t want to be a billionaire

3.Hengdian Model

4.Theoretical analysis of Hengdian Model

5.Hengdian became an experimental field for reform

6.Kept a promise on the 5th anniversary

7.Develop cultural activities, promote productivity and increase economic benefits

8.The difficult start of Hengdian cultural and tourism industry

9.Xie Jin’s the Opium War gave Hengdian a historic opportunity

10.The Emperor and the Assassin reproduced the palace of the King of Qin

11.Hengdian World Studios

12.Establish a Chinese Farmers’ Tourism Festival

13.Be kind to people and share with community more

14.The first national film industrial park

15.The young man must do a better job than I do

Chapter Five A Sad Old Age

1.Implement projects in mountain and river

2.What “locks up” rural urbanization?

3.The origins of the New Summer Palace

4.This is the natural landscape for the New Summer Palace

5.A stone makes up a thousand waves

6.Focus on our project among all the argument

7.My confusion

8.The greatest sorrow and regret

9.Ten good deeds accomplished in ten years

Chapter Six My dream comes true

1.The third spring of Hengdian culture industry

2.Finally, it’s the right time

3.The project moved forward steadily

4.Innovation in the construction

5.The construction of the New Summer Palace

6.Innovation in landscaping

7.Innovation and costs control

8.Purpose and teamwork

9.Take charge of marketing

10.Take care of minor things

11.My dream comes true

12.A new dream of rural renewal


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