



售       价:¥


20人正在读 | 0人评论 6.5

作       者:王凡

出  版  社:中国中医药出版社


字       数:42.2万

所属分类: 科技 > 医学 > 中医



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第一章 概论

一 穴名的起源和发展

二 穴名释义的源流和发展

三 腧穴的命名和分类

第二章 手太阴肺经穴

1 中府(肺募穴,手、足太阴经交会穴)

2 云门

3 天府

4 侠白

5 尺泽(合穴)

6 孔最(郄穴)

7 列缺(络穴;八脉交会穴,通任脉)

8 经渠(经穴)

9 太渊(输穴、原穴,八会穴之脉会)

10 鱼际(荥穴)

11 少商(井穴)

第三章 手阳明大肠经穴

1 商阳(井穴)

2 二间(荥穴)

3 三间(输穴)

4 合谷(原穴)

5 阳溪(经穴)

6 偏历(络穴)

7 温溜(郄穴)

8 下廉

9 上廉

10 手三里

11 曲池(合穴)

12 肘髎

13 手五里

14 臂臑

15 肩髃

16 巨骨(手阳明经、阳跷脉交会穴)

17 天鼎

18 扶突

19 口禾髎

20 迎香

第四章 足阳明胃经穴

1 承泣(足阳明、阳跷脉、任脉交会穴)

2 四白

3 巨髎(足阳明经、阳跷脉交会穴)

4 地仓(足阳明经、阳跷脉交会穴)

5 大迎

6 颊车

7 下关(足阳明经、足少阳经交会穴)

8 头维(足阳明经、足少阳经、阳维脉交会穴)

9 人迎(足阳明经、足少阳经交会穴)

10 水突

11 气舍

12 缺盆

13 气户

14 库房

15 屋翳

16 膺窗

17 乳中

18 乳根

19 不容

20 承满

21 梁门

22 关门

23 太乙

24 滑肉门

25 天枢(大肠募穴)

26 外陵

27 大巨

28 水道

29 归来

30 气冲

31 髀关

32 伏兔

33 阴市

34 梁丘(郄穴)

35 犊鼻

36 足三里(合穴,胃下合穴)

37 上巨虚(大肠下合穴)

38 条口

39 下巨虚(小肠下合穴)

40 丰隆(络穴)

41 解溪(经穴)

42 冲阳(原穴)

43 陷谷(输穴)

44 内庭(荥穴)

45 厉兑(井穴)

第五章 足太阴脾经穴

1 隐白(井穴)

2 大都(荥穴)

3 太白(输穴、原穴)

4 公孙(络穴;八脉交会穴,通冲脉)

5 商丘(经穴)

6 三阴交(足太阴经、足少阴经、足厥阴经交会穴)

7 漏谷

8 地机(郄穴)

9 阴陵泉(合穴)

10 血海

11 箕门

12 冲门(足太阴经、足厥阴经、阴维脉交会穴)

13 府舍(足太阴经、足厥阴经、阴维脉交会穴)

14 腹结

15 大横(足太阴经、阴维脉交会穴)

16 腹哀(足太阴经、阴维脉交会穴)

17 食窦

18 天溪

19 胸乡

20 周荣

21 大包(脾之大络)

第六章 手少阴心经穴

1 极泉

2 青灵

3 少海(合穴)

4 灵道(经穴)

5 通里(络穴)

6 阴郄(郄穴)

7 神门(输穴、原穴)

8 少府(荥穴)

9 少冲(井穴)

第七章 手太阳小肠经穴

1 少泽(井穴)

2 前谷(荥穴)

3 后溪(输穴;八脉交会穴,通督脉)

4 腕骨(原穴)

5 阳谷(经穴)

6 养老(郄穴)

7 支正(络穴)

8 小海(合穴)

9 肩贞

10 臑俞

11 天宗

12 秉风

13 曲垣

14 肩外俞

15 肩中俞

16 天窗

17 天容

18 颧髎(手少阳经、手太阳经交会穴)

19 听宫(手少阳经、手太阳经、足少阳经交会穴)

第八章 足太阳膀胱经穴

1 睛明(手太阳经、足太阳经、足阳明经、阴跷脉、阳跷脉交会穴)

2 攒竹

3 眉冲

4 曲差

5 五处

6 承光

7 通天

8 络却

9 玉枕

10 天柱

11 大杼(八会穴之骨会,手、足太阳经交会穴)

12 风门(足太阳经、督脉交会穴)

13 肺俞(肺之背俞穴)

14 厥阴俞(心包之背俞穴)

15 心俞(心之背俞穴)

16 督俞

17 膈俞(八会穴之血会)

18 肝俞(肝之背俞穴)

19 胆俞(胆之背俞穴)

20 脾俞(脾之背俞穴)

21 胃俞(胃之背俞穴)

22 三焦俞(三焦之背俞穴)

23 肾俞(肾之背俞穴)

24 气海俞

25 大肠俞(大肠之背俞穴)

26 关元俞

27 小肠俞(小肠之背俞穴)

28 膀胱俞(膀胱之背俞穴)

29 中膂俞

30 白环俞

31 上髎

32 次髎

33 中髎

34 下髎

35 会阳

36 承扶

37 殷门

38 浮郄

39 委阳(三焦下合穴)

40 委中(合穴,膀胱下合穴)

41 附分(手、足太阳经交会穴)

42 魄户

43 膏肓

44 神堂


46 膈关

47 魂门

48 阳纲

49 意舍

50 胃仓

51 肓门

52 志室

53 胞肓

54 秩边

55 合阳

56 承筋

57 承山

58 飞扬(络穴)

59 跗阳(阳跷脉郄穴)

60 昆仑(经穴)

61 仆参

62 申脉(八脉交会穴,通阳跷脉)

63 金门(郄穴)

64 京骨(原穴)

65 束骨(输穴)

66 足通谷(荥穴)

67 至阴(井穴)

第九章 足少阴肾经穴

1 涌泉(井穴)

2 然谷(荥穴)

3 太溪(输穴、原穴)

4 大钟(络穴)

5 水泉(郄穴)

6 照海(八脉交会穴,通阴跷脉)

7 复溜(经穴)

8 交信(阴跷脉郄穴)

9 筑宾(阴维脉郄穴)

10 阴谷(合穴)

11 横骨(足少阴经、冲脉交会穴)

12 大赫(足少阴经、冲脉交会穴)

13 气穴(足少阴经、冲脉交会穴)

14 四满(足少阴经、冲脉交会穴)

15 中注(足少阴经、冲脉交会穴)

16 肓俞(足少阴经、冲脉交会穴)

17 商曲(足少阴经、冲脉交会穴)

18 石关(足少阴经、冲脉交会穴)

19 阴都(足少阴经、冲脉交会穴)

20 腹通谷(足少阴经、冲脉交会穴)

21 幽门(足少阴经、冲脉交会穴)

22 步廊

23 神封

24 灵墟

25 神藏

26 彧中

27 俞府

第十章 手厥阴心包经穴

1 天池

2 天泉

3 曲泽(合穴)

4 郄门(郄穴)

5 间使(经穴)

6 内关(络穴;八脉交会穴,通阴维脉)

7 大陵(输穴、原穴)

8 劳宫(荥穴)

9 中冲(井穴)

第十一章 手少阳三焦经穴

1 关冲(井穴)

2 液门(荥穴)

3 中渚(输穴)

4 阳池(原穴)

5 外关(络穴;八脉交会穴,通阳维脉)

6 支沟(经穴)

7 会宗(郄穴)

8 三阳络

9 四渎

10 天井(合穴)

11 清泠渊

12 消泺

13 臑会

14 肩髎

15 天髎

16 天牗

17 翳风

18 瘈脉

19 颅息

20 角孙(手少阳经、足少阳经、手阳明经交会穴)

21 耳门

22 耳和髎(手少阳经、足少阳经、手太阳经交会穴)

23 丝竹空

第十二章 足少阳胆经穴

1 瞳子髎(手太阳经、手少阳经、足少阳经交会穴)

2 听会

3 上关(手少阳经、足少阳经、足阳明经交会穴)

4 颔厌(手少阳经、足少阳经、足阳明经交会穴)

5 悬颅

6 悬厘(手少阳经、足少阳经、足阳明经交会穴)

7 曲鬓(足少阳经、足太阳经交会穴)

8 率谷(足少阳经、足太阳经交会穴)

9 天冲(足少阳经、足太阳经交会穴)

10 浮白(足少阳经、足太阳经交会穴)

11 头窍阴(足少阳经、足太阳经交会穴)

12 完骨(足少阳经、足太阳经交会穴)

13 本神(足少阳经、阳维脉交会穴)

14 阳白(足少阳经、阳维脉交会穴)

15 头临泣(足少阳经、足太阳经、阳维脉交会穴)

16 目窗(足少阳经、阳维脉交会穴)

17 正营(足少阳经、阳维脉交会穴)

18 承灵(足少阳经、阳维脉交会穴)

19 脑空(足少阳经、阳维脉交会穴)

20 风池(足少阳经、阳维脉交会穴)

21 肩井(手少阳经、足少阳经、足阳明经与阳维脉交会穴)

22 渊腋

23 辄筋

24 日月(胆募穴,足少阳经、足太阴经之会穴)

25 京门(肾募穴)

26 带脉(足少阳经、带脉交会穴)

27 五枢(足少阳经、带脉交会穴)

28 维道(足少阳经、带脉交会穴)

29 居髎(足少阳经、阳跷脉交会穴)

30 环跳(足少阳经、足太阳经交会穴)

31 风市

32 中渎

33 膝阳关

34 阳陵泉(合穴,胆下合穴,八会穴之筋会)

35 阳交(阳维脉郄穴)

36 外丘(郄穴)

37 光明(络穴)

38 阳辅(经穴)

39 悬钟(八会穴之髓会)

40 丘墟(原穴)

41 足临泣(输穴;八脉交会穴,通带脉)

42 地五会

43 侠溪(荥穴)

44 足窍阴(井穴)

第十三章 足厥阴肝经穴

1 大敦(井穴)

2 行间(荥穴)

3 太冲(输穴、原穴)

4 中封(经穴)

5 蠡沟(络穴)

6 中都(郄穴)

7 膝关

8 曲泉(合穴)

9 阴包

10 足五里

11 阴廉

12 急脉

13 章门(脾募穴,八会穴之脏会,足厥阴经、足少阳经交会穴)

14 期门(肝募穴,足厥阴经、足太阴经、阴维脉交会穴)

第十四章 督脉穴

1 长强(督脉络穴,督脉、足少阳经、足少阴经交会穴)

2 腰俞

3 腰阳关

4 命门

5 悬枢

6 脊中

7 中枢

8 筋缩

9 至阳

10 灵台

11 神道

12 身柱

13 陶道(督脉、足太阳经交会穴)

14 大椎(督脉、手足三阳经交会穴)

15 哑门(督脉、阳维脉交会穴)

16 风府(督脉、阳维脉交会穴)

17 脑户(督脉、足太阳经交会穴)

18 强间

19 后顶

20 百会(督脉、足太阳经交会穴)

21 前顶

22 囟会

23 上星

24 神庭(督脉、足太阳经、足阳明经交会穴)

25 素髎

26 水沟(督脉、手阳明经、足阳明经交会穴)

27 兑端

28 龈交

29 印堂

第十五章 任脉穴

1 会阴

2 曲骨(任脉、足厥阴经交会穴)

3 中极(膀胱募穴,任脉、足三阴经交会穴)

4 关元(小肠募穴,任脉、足三阴经交会穴)

5 石门(三焦募穴)

6 气海

7 阴交(任脉、冲脉、足少阴经交会穴)

8 神阙

9 水分

10 下脘(任脉、足太阴经交会穴)

11 建里

12 中脘(胃募穴,八会穴之腑会,任脉、手太阳经、手少阳经、足阳明经交会穴)

13 上脘(任脉、手太阳经、足阳明经交会穴)

14 巨阙(心募穴)

15 鸠尾(任脉络穴)

16 中庭

17 膻中(心包募穴,八会穴之气会,任脉、足太阴经、足少阴经、手太阳经、手少阳经交会穴)

18 玉堂

19 紫宫

20 华盖

21 璇玑

22 天突

23 廉泉(任脉、阴维脉交会穴)

24 承浆(任脉、足阳明经交会穴)

Chapter 1 Introduction

1 The origin and development of acupoint names

2 The origin and the development of explanations of acupoint names

3 Naming and Classification of Acupoints

Chapter 2 The Lung Channel Points of Hand Taiyin

1 中府 ZhongFu LU-1 (Front-Mu point of the Lung,Meeting point of the Lung and Spleen channels)

2 云门 YunMen LU-2

3 天府 TianFu LU-3

4 侠白 XiaBai LU-4

5 尺泽 ChiZe LU-5 (He-Sea point)

6 孔最 KongZui LU-6 (Xi-Cleft point)

7 列缺 LieQue LU-7 (Luo-Connecting point,Confl uent point of the Conception vessel)

8 经渠 JingQu LU-8 (Jing-River point)

9 太渊 TaiYuan LU-9 (Shu-Stream and Yuan-Source point,Hui-Meeting point of the Vessel)

10 鱼际 YuJi LU-10 (Ying-Spring point)

11 少商 ShaoShang LU-11 (Jing-Well point)

Chapter 3 The Large Intestine Channel Points of Hand Yangming

1 商阳 ShangYang LI-1 (Jing-Well point)

2 二间 ErJian LI-2 (Ying-Spring point)

3 三间 SanJian LI-3 (Shu-Stream point)

4 合谷 HeGu LI-4 (Yuan-Source point)

5 阳溪 YangXi LI-5 (Jing-River point)

6 偏历 PianLi LI-6 (Luo-Connecting point)

7 温溜 WenLiu LI-7 (Xi-Cleft point)

8 下廉 XiaLian LI-8

9 上廉 ShangLian LI-9

10 手三里 ShouSanLi LI-10

11 曲池 QuChi LI-11 (He-Sea point)

12 肘髎 ZhouLiao LI-12

13 手五里 ShouWuLi LI-13

14 臂臑 BiNao LI-14

15 肩髃 JianYu LI-15

16 巨骨 JuGu LI-16 (Meeting point of the Large Intestine channel with the Yang Motility vessel)

17 天鼎 TianDing LI-17

18 扶突 FuTu LI-18

19 口禾髎 KouHeLiao LI-19

20 迎香 YingXiang LI-20

Chapter 4 The Stomach Channel Points of Foot Yangming

1 承泣 ChengQi ST-1 (Meeting point of the Stomach channel with the Yang Heel and Conception vessels)

2 四白 SiBai ST-2

3 巨髎 JuLiao ST-3 (Meeting point of the Stomach channel with the Yang Heel vessel)

4 地仓 DiCang ST-4 (Meeting point of the Stomach channel with the Yang Heel vessel)

5 大迎 DaYing ST-5

6 颊车 JiaChe ST-6

7 下关 XiaGuan ST-7 (Meeting point of the Stomach and Gall Bladder channels)

8 头维 TouWei ST-8 (Meeting point of the Stomach and Gall Bladder channels with the Yang Linking vessel)

9 人迎 RenYing ST-9 (Meeting point of the Stomach and Gall Bladder channels)

10 水突 ShuiTu ST-10

11 气舍 QiShe ST-11

12 缺盆 QuePen ST-12

13 气户 QiHu ST-13

14 库房 KuFang ST-14

15 屋翳 WuYi ST-15

16 膺窗 YingChuang ST-16

17 乳中 RuZhong ST-17

18 乳根 RuGen ST-18

19 不容 BuRong ST-19

20 承满 ChengMan ST-20

21 梁门 LiangMen ST-21

22 关门 GuanMen ST-22

23 太乙 TaiYi ST-23

24 滑肉门 HuaRouMen ST-24

25 天枢 TianShu ST-25 (Front-Mu point of the Large Intestine channel)

26 外陵 WaiLing ST-26

27 大巨 DaJu ST-27

28 水道 ShuiDao ST-28

29 归来 GuiLai ST-29

30 气冲 QiChong ST-30

31 髀关 BiGuan ST-31

32 伏兔 FuTu ST-32

33 阴市 YinShi ST-33

34 梁丘 LiangQiu ST-34 (Xi-Cleft point)

35 犊鼻 DuBi ST-35

36 足三里 ZuSanLi ST-36 (He-Sea point,Lower He-Sea point of the Stomach)

37 上巨虚 ShangJuXu ST-37 (Lower He-Sea point of the Large Intestine)

38 条口 TiaoKou ST-38

39 下巨虚 XiaJuXu ST-39 (Lower He-Sea point of the Small Intestine)

40 丰隆 FengLong ST-40 (Luo-Connecting point of the Stomach channel)

41 解溪 JieXi ST-41 (Jing-River point)

42 冲阳 ChongYang ST-42 (Yuan-Source point)

43 陷谷 XianGu ST-43 (Shu-Stream point)

44 内庭 NeiTing ST-44 (Ying-Spring point)

45 厉兑 LiDui ST-45 (Jing-Well point)

Chapter 5 The Spleen Channel Points of Foot Taiyin

1 隐白 YinBai SP-1 (Jing-Well point)

2 大都 DaDu SP-2 (Ying-Spring point)

3 太白 TaiBai SP-3 (Shu-Stream and Yuan-Source point)

4 公孙 GongSun SP-4 (Luo-Connecting point,Confl uent point of the thoroughfare vessel)

5 商丘 ShangQiu SP-5 (Jing-River point)

6 三阴交 SanYinJiao SP-6 (Meeting point of the Spleen,Liver and Kidney channels)

7 漏谷 LouGu SP-7

8 地机 DiJi SP-8 (Xi-Cleft point)

9 阴陵泉 YinLingQuan SP-9 (He-Sea point)

10 血海 XueHai SP-10

11 箕门 JiMen SP-11

12 冲门 ChongMen SP-12 (Meeting point of the Spleen and Liver channels with the Yin Linking vessel)

13 府舍 FuShe SP-13 (Meeting point of the Spleen and Liver channels with the Yin Linking vessel)

14 腹结 FuJie SP-14

15 大横 DaHeng SP-15 (Meeting point of the Spleen channel with the Yin Linking vessel)

16 腹哀 FuAi SP-16 (Meeting point of the Spleen channel with the Yin Linking vessel)

17 食窦 ShiDou SP-17

18 天溪 TianXi SP-18

19 胸乡 XiongXiang SP-19

20 周荣 ZhouRong SP-20

21 大包 DaBao SP-21 (Great Luo-Connecting point of the Spleen)

Chapter 6 The Heart Channel Points of Hand Shaoyin

1 极泉 JiQuan HE-1

2 青灵 QingLing HE-2

3 少海 ShaoHai HE-3 (He-Sea point)

4 灵道 LingDao HE-4 (Jing-River point)

5 通里 TongLi HE-5 (Luo-Connecting point)

6 阴郄 YinXi HE-6 (Xi-Cleft point)

7 神门 ShenMen HE-7 (Shu-Stream point and Yuan-Source point )

8 少府 ShaoFu HE-8 (Ying-Spring point)

9 少冲 ShaoChong HE-9 (Jing-Well point)

Chapter 7 The Small Intestine Channel Points of Hand Taiyang

1 少泽 ShaoZe SI-1 (Jing-Well point)

2 前谷 QianGu SI-2 (Ying-Spring point)

3 后溪 HouXi SI-3 (Shu-Stream point,Confl uent point of the Governor vessel)

4 腕骨 WanGu SI-4 (Yuan-Source point)

5 阳谷 YangGu SI-5 (Jing-River point)

6 养老 YangLao SI-6 (Xi-Cleft point)

7 支正 ZhiZheng SI-7 (Luo-Connecting point)

8 小海 XiaoHai SI-8 (He-Sea point)

9 肩贞 JianZhen SI-9

10 臑俞 NaoShu SI-10

11 天宗 TianZong SI-11

12 秉风 BingFeng SI-12

13 曲垣 QuYuan SI-13

14 肩外俞 JianWaiShu SI-14

15 肩中俞 JianZhongShu SI-15

16 天窗 TianChuang SI-16

17 天容 TianRong SI-17

18 颧髎 QuanLiao SI-18 (Meeting point of the Small Intestine and Sanjiao channels)

19 听宫 TingGong SI-19 (Meeting point of the Small Intestine,Sanjiao and Gall Bladder channels)

Chapter 8 The Bladder Channel Points of Foot Taiyang

1 睛明 JingMing BL-1 (Meeting point of the Small Intestine,Bladder,Stomach with the Yin Heel and Yang Heel vessels)

2 攒竹 CuanZhu BL-2

3 眉冲 MeiChong BL-3

4 曲差 QuCha BL-4

5 五处 WuChu BL-5

6 承光 ChengGuang BL-6

7 通天 TongTian BL-7

8 络却 LuoQue BL-8

9 玉枕 YuZhen BL-9

10 天柱 TianZhu BL-10

11 大杼 DaZhu BL-11 (Hui-Meeting point of bones,Meeting point of the Small Intestine channel and the Bladder channel)

12 风门 FengMen BL-12 (Meeting point of the Bladder channel with the Governor vessel)

13 肺俞 FeiShu BL-13 (Back-Shu point of the Lung)

14 厥阴俞 JueYinShu BL-14 (Back-Shu point of the Pericardium)

15 心俞 XinShu BL-15 (Back-Shu point of the Heart)

16 督俞 DuShu BL-16

17 膈俞 GeShu BL-17 (Hui-Meeting point of Blood)

18 肝俞 GanShu BL-18 (Back-Shu point of the Liver)

19 胆俞 DanShu BL-19 (Back-Shu point of the Gallbladder)

20 脾俞 PiShu BL-20 (Back-Shu point of the Spleen)

21 胃俞 WeiShu BL-21 (Back-Shu point of the Stomach)

22 三焦俞 SanJiaoShu BL-22 (Back-Shu point of the Sanjiao)

23 肾俞 ShenShu BL-23 (Back-Shu point of the Kidney)

24 气海俞 QiHaiShu BL-24

25 大肠俞 DaChangShu BL-25 (Back-Shu point of the Large Intestine)

26 关元俞 GuanYuanShu BL-26

27 小肠俞 XiaoChangShu BL-27 (Back-Shu point of the Small Intestine)

28 膀胱俞 PangGuangShu BL-28 (Back-Shu point of the Bladder)

29 中膂俞 ZhongLvShu BL-29

30 白环俞 BaiHuanShu BL-30

31 上髎 ShangLiao BL-31

32 次髎 CiLiao BL-32

33 中髎 ZhongLiao BL-33

34 下髎 XiaLiao BL-34

35 会阳 HuiYang BL-35

36 承扶 ChengFu BL-36

37 殷门 YinMen BL-37

38 浮郄 FuXi BL-38

39 委阳 WeiYang BL-39 (Lower He-Sea point of the Sanjiao)

40 委中 WeiZhong BL-40 (He-Sea point,Lower He-Sea point of the Bladder)

41 附分 FuFen BL-41 (Meeting point of the Small Intestine channel and the Bladder channel)

42 魄户 PoHu BL-42

43 膏肓 GaoHuang BL-43

44 神堂 ShenTang BL-44

45 YiXi BL-45

46 膈关 GeGuan BL-46

47 魂门 HunMen BL-47

48 阳纲 YangGang BL-48

49 意舍 YiShe BL-49

50 胃仓 WeiCang BL-50

51 肓门 HuangMen BL-51

52 志室 ZhiShi BL-52

53 胞肓 BaoHuang BL-53

54 秩边 ZhiBian BL-54

55 合阳 HeYang BL-55

56 承筋 ChengJin BL-56

57 承山 ChengShan BL-57

58 飞扬 FeiYang BL-58 (Luo-Connecting point)

59 跗阳 FuYang BL-59 (Xi-Cleft point of the Yang Heel vessel)

60 昆仑 KunLun BL-60 (Jing-River point)

61 仆参 PuCan BL-61

62 申脉 ShenMai BL-62 (Confluent point of the Yang Heel vessel)

63 金门 JinMen BL-63 (Xi-Cleft point)

64 京骨 JingGu BL-64 (Yuan-Source point)

65 束骨 ShuGu BL-65 (Shu-Stream point)

66 足通谷 ZuTongGu BL-66 (Ying-Spring point)

67 至阴 ZhiYin BL-67 (Jing-Well point)

Chapter 9 The Kidney Channel Points of Foot Shaoyin

1 涌泉 YongQuan KI-1 (Jing-Well point)

2 然谷 RanGu KI-2 (Ying-Spring point)

3 太溪 TaiXi KI-3 (Shu-Stream and Yuan-Source point)

4 大钟 DaZhong KI-4 (Luo-Connecting point)

5 水泉 ShuiQuan KI-5 (Xi-Cleft point)

6 照海 ZhaoHai KI-6 (Confluent point of the Yin Motility vessel)

7 复溜 FuLiu KI-7 (Jing-River point)

8 交信 JiaoXin KI-8 (Xi-Cleft point of the Yin Motility vessel)

9 筑宾 ZhuBin KI-9 (Xi-Cleft point of the Yin Link vessel)

10 阴谷 YinGu KI-10 (He-Sea point)

11 横骨 HengGu KI-11 (Meeting point of the Kidney channel with the thoroughfare vessel)

12 大赫 DaHe KI-12 (Meeting point of the Kidney channel with the thoroughfare vessel)

13 气穴 QiXue KI-13 (Meeting point of the Kidney channel with the thoroughfare vessel)

14 四满 SiMan KI-14 (Meeting point of the Kidney channel with the thoroughfare vessel)

15 中注 ZhongZhu KI-15 (Meeting point of the Kidney channel with the thoroughfare vessel)

16 肓俞 HuangShu KI-16 (Meeting point of the Kidney channel with the thoroughfare vessel)

17 商曲 ShangQu KI-17 (Meeting point of the Kidney channel with the thoroughfare vessel)

18 石关 ShiGuan KI-18 (Meeting point of the Kidney channel with the thoroughfare vessel)

19 阴都 YinDu KI-19 (Meeting point of the Kidney channel with the thoroughfare vessel)

20 腹通谷 FuTongGu KI-20 (Meeting point of the Kidney channel with the thoroughfare vessel)

21 幽门 YouMen KI-21 (Meeting point of the Kidney channel with the thoroughfare vessel)

22 步廊 BuLang KI-22

23 神封 ShenFeng KI-23

24 灵墟 LingXu KI-24

25 神藏 ShenCang KI-25

26 彧中 YuZhong KI-26

27 俞府 ShuFu KI-27

Chapter 10 The Pericardium Channel Points of Hand Jueyin

1 天池 TianChi PC-1

2 天泉 TianQuan PC-2

3 曲泽 QuZe PC-3 (He-Sea point)

4 郄门 XiMen PC-4(Xi-Cleft point)

5 间使 JianShi PC-5(Jing-River point)

6 内关 NeiGuan PC-6 (Luo-Connecting point,Confluent point of the Yin Linking vessel)

7 大陵 DaLing PC-7 (Shu-Stream and Yuan-Source point)

8 劳宫 LaoGong PC-8 (Ying-Spring point)

9 中冲 ZhongChong PC-9 (Jing-Well point)

Chapter 11 The Sanjiao Channel Points of Hand Shaoyang

1 关冲 GuanChong SJ-1 (Jing-Well point)

2 液门 YeMen SJ-2 (Ying-Spring point)

3 中渚 ZhongZhu SJ-3 (Shu-Stream point)

4 阳池 YangChi SJ-4 (Yuan-Source point)

5 外关 WaiGuan SJ-5 (Luo-Connecting point,confluent point of the Yang Linking vessel)

6 支沟 ZhiGou SJ-6 (Jing-River point)

7 会宗 HuiZong SJ-7 (Xi-Cleft point)

8 三阳络 SanYangLuo SJ-8

9 四渎 SiDu SJ-9

10 天井 TianJing SJ-10(He-Sea point)

11 清泠渊 QingLingYuan SJ-11

12 消泺 XiaoLuo SJ-12

13 臑会 NaoHui SJ-13

14 肩髎 JianLiao SJ-14

15 天髎 TianLiao SJ-15

16 天牗 TianYou SJ-16

17 翳风 YiFeng SJ-17

18 瘈脉 ChiMai SJ-18

19 颅息 LuXi SJ-19

20 角孙 JiaoSun SJ-20 (Meeting point of the Sanjiao,Gall Bladder and Large Intestine channels)

21 耳门 ErMen SJ-21

22 耳和髎 ErHeLiao SJ-22 (Meeting point of the Sanjiao,Gall Bladder and Small Intestine channels)

23 丝竹空 SiZhuKong SJ-23

Chapter 12 The Gall Bladder Channel Points of Foot Shaoyang

1 瞳子髎 TongZiLiao GB-1 (Meeting point of the Small Intestine,Sanjiao and Gall Bladder channels)

2 听会 TingHui GB-2

3 上关 ShangGuan GB-3 (Meeting point of the Sanjiao,Gall Bladder and Stomach channels)

4 颔厌 HanYan GB-4 (Meeting point of the Sanjiao,Gall Bladder and Stomach channels)

5 悬颅 XuanLu GB-5

6 悬厘 XuanLi GB-6 (Meeting point of the Sanjiao,Gall Bladder and Stomach channels)

7 曲鬓 QuBin GB-7 (Meeting point of the Gall Bladder and Bladder channels)

8 率谷 ShuaiGu GB-8 (Meeting point of the Gall Bladder and Bladder channels)

9 天冲 TianChong GB-9 (Meeting point of the Gall Bladder and Bladder channels)

10 浮白 FuBai GB-10 (Meeting point of the Gall Bladder and Bladder channels)

11 头窍阴 TouQiaoYin GB-11 (Meeting point of the Gall Bladder and Bladder channels)

12 完骨 Wan Gu GB-12 (Meeting point of the Gall Bladder and Bladder channels)

13 本神 BenShen GB-13 (Meeting point of the Gall Bladder channel with the Yang Linking vessel)

14 阳白 Yang Bai GB-14 (Meeting point of the Gall Bladder channel with the Yang Linking vessel)

15 头临泣 Tou Lin Qi GB-15 (Meeting point of the Gall Bladder and Bladder channels with the Yang Linking vessel)

16 目窗 MuChuang GB-16 (Meeting point of the Gall Bladder channel with the Yang Linking vessel)

17 正营 ZhengYing GB-17 (Meeting point of the Gall Bladder channel with the Yang Linking vessel)

18 承灵 ChengLing GB-18 (Meeting point of the Gall Bladder channel with the Yang Linking vessel)

19 脑空 NaoKong GB-19 (Meeting point of the Gall Bladder channel with the Yang Linking vessel)

20 风池 FengChi GB-20 (Meeting point of the Gall Bladder channel with the Yang Linking vessel)

21 肩井 JianJing GB-21 (Meeting point of the Sanjiao,Gall Bladder and Stomach channels with the Yang Linking vessel)

22 渊腋 YuanYe GB-22

23 辄筋 ZheJin GB-23

24 日月 RiYue GB-24 (Front-Mu point of the Gall Bladder,Meeting point of the Gall Bladder and Spleen Channels)

25 京门 JingMen GB-25 (Front-Mu point of the Kidneys)

26 带脉 DaiMai GB-26 (Meeting point of the Gall Bladder channel with the Belt vessel)

27 五 枢 WuShu GB-27 (M eeting point of the Gall Bladder channel with the Belt vessel)

28 维 道 WeiDao GB-28 (Meeting point of the Gall Bladder channel with the Belt vessel)

29 居髎 JuLiao GB-29 (Meeting point of the Gall Bladder channel with the Yang Heel vessel)

30 环跳 Huan Tiao GB-30 (Meeting point of the Gall Bladder and Bladder channels)

31 风市 Feng Shi GB-31

32 中渎 ZhongDu GB-32

33 膝阳关 XiYangGuan GB-33

34 阳陵泉 YangLingQuan GB-34 (He-Sea point,lower He-Sea point of the gallbladder,Hui-meeting point of Sinews)

35 阳交 YangJiao GB-35 (Xi-Cleft point of the Yang Linking vessel)

36 外丘 WaiQiu GB-36 (Xi-Cleft point)

37 光明 GuangMing GB-37 (Luo-Connecting point)

38 阳辅 YangFu GB-38 (Jing-River point)

39 悬钟 XuanZhong GB-39 (Hui-Meeting point for Marrow)

40 丘墟 QiuXu GB-40 (Yuan-Source point)

41 足临泣 ZuLinQi GB-41 (Shu-Stream point,confluent point of the Belt vessel)

42 地五会 DiWuHui GB-42

43 侠溪 XiaXi GB-43 (Ying-Spring point)

44 足窍阴 ZuQiaoYin GB-44 (Jing-Well point)

Chapter 13 The Liver Channel Points of Foot Jueyin

1 大敦 DaDun LR-1 (Jing-Well point)

2 行间 XingJian LR-2 (Ying-Spring point)

3 太冲 TaiChong LR-3 (Shu-Stream and Yuan-Source point)

4 中封 ZhongFeng LR-4 (Jing-River point)

5 蠡沟 LiGou LR-5 (Luo-Connecting point)

6 中都 ZhongDu LR-6 (Xi-Cleft point)

7 膝关 XiGuan LR-7

8 曲泉 QuQuan LR-8 (He-Sea point)

9 阴包 YinBao LR-9

10 足五里 ZuWuLi LR-10

11 阴廉 YinLian LR-11

12 急脉 JiMai LR-12

13 章 门 ZhangMen LR-13 (Front-Mu point of the Spleen,Hui-Meeting point of the viscera,Meeting point of the Liver and Gall Bladder channels)

14 期门 QiMen LR-14 (Front-Mu point of the Liver,Meeting point of the Liver and Spleen cha nnels with the Yin Linking vessel)

Chapter 14 The Governing Vessel Points

1 长强 ChangQiang GV-1 (Luo-Connecting point of the Governing vessel,Meeting point of the Governing vessel with the Gall Bladder and Kidney channels)

2 腰俞 YaoShu GV-2

3 腰阳关 YaoYangGuan GV-3

4 命门 MingMen GV-4

5 悬枢 XuanShu GV-5

6 脊中 JiZhong GV-6

7 中枢 ZhongShu GV-7

8 筋缩 JinSuo GV-8

9 至阳 ZhiYang GV-9

10 灵台 LingTai GV-10

11 神道 ShenDao GV-11

12 身柱 ShenZhu GV-12

13 陶道 TaoDao GV-13 (Meeting point of the Governing vessel with the Bladder channel)

14 大椎 DaZhui GV-14 (Meeting point of the Governing vessel with the six yang channels of the hand and foot)

15 哑门 YaMen GV-15 (Meeting point of the Governing and Yang Linking vessels)

16 风府 FengFu GV-16 (Meeting point of the Governing and Yang Linking vessels)

17 脑户 NaoHu GV-17 (Meeting point of the Governing vessel with the Bladder channel)

18 强间 QiangJian GV-18

19 后顶 HouDing GV-19

20 百会 BaiHui GV-20 (Meeting point of the Governing vessel with the Bladder channel)

21 前顶 QianDing GV-21

22 囟会 XinHui GV-22

23 上星 ShangXing GV-23

24 神庭 ShenTing GV-24 (Meeting point of the Governing vessel with the Bladder and Stomach channels)

25 素髎 SuLiao GV-25

26 水沟 ShuiGou GV-26 (Meeting point of the Governing vessel with the Large Intestine and Stomach channels)

27 兑端 DuiDuan GV-27

28 龈交 YinJiao GV-28

29 印堂 YinTang GV-29

Chapter 15 The Conception Vessel Points

1 会阴 HuiYin CV-1

2 曲骨 QuGu CV-2 (Meeting point of the Conception vessel with the Liver channel)

3 中极 ZhongJi CV-3 (Front-Mu point of the Bladder,Meeting point of the Conception vessel with the Spleen,Liver and Kidney channel)

4 关元 GuanYuan CV-4 (Front-Mu point of the Small Intestine,Meeting point of the Conception vessel with the Spleen,Liver and Kidney channels)

5 石门 ShiMen CV-5 (Front-Mu point of the Sanjiao)

6 气海 QiHai CV-6

7 阴交 YinJiao CV-7 (Meeting point of the Conception and thoroughfare vessels with the Kidney channel)

8 神阙 ShenQue CV-8

9 水分 ShuiFen CV-9

10 下脘 XiaWan CV-10 (Meeting point of the Conception vessel with the Spleen channel)

11 建里 JianLi CV-11

12 中脘 ZhongWan CV-12 (Front-Mu point of the Stomach,Hui-Meeting point of the Fu-organs,Meeting point of the Conception vessel with the Small Intestine,Sanjiao and Stomach channels)

13 上脘 ShangWan CV-13 (Meeting point of the Conception vessel with the Small Intestine and Stomach channels)

14 巨阙 JuQue CV-14 (Front-Mu point of the Heart)

15 鸠尾 JiuWei CV-15 (Luo-Connecting point of the Conception vessel)

16 中庭 ZhongTing CV-16

17 膻中 DanZhong CV-17 (Front-Mu point of the Pericardium,Hui-Meeting point of the Qi,Meeting point of the Conception vessel with the Spleen,Kidney,Small Intestine and channels)

18 玉堂 YuTang CV-18

19 紫宫 ZiGong CV-19

20 华盖 HuaGai CV-20

21 璇玑 XuanJi CV-21

22 天突 TianTu CV-22

23 廉泉 LianQuan CV-23 (Meeting point of the Conception and Yin Linking vessels)

24 承浆 ChengJiang CV-24 (Meeting point of the Conception vessel with the Stomach channel)

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