



Since C. A. Doxiadis advanced the theory of EKISTICS with the ending of World War Ⅱ, the theory and practice of the Science of Human Settlements has been developed over the world. The UN Habitat Ⅰ Conference in Vancouver in 1976, the RIO Conference in 1992, the UN Habitat Ⅱ Conference in Istanbul in 1996, as well as other worldwide actions up to the UN Special Conference of Istanbul+5 last June,have marked an unceasing progress of the research in this field. The new concepts of Human Settlements, Habitat, cities in the globalizing world, emerging in consequence of the research progress, have become the global guidelines for building a sustainable world. Today, the sustainable development of Human Settlements has become a common theme all over the world and thus architecture and urban planning have been ushered into a broad realm of multidisciplinary cooperation for further development.。

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作       者:吴良镛

出  版  社:清华大学出版社


字       数:1343

所属分类: 科技 > 工业技术 > 环境科学



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     《吴良镛论人居环境科学(吴良镛选集)》:Chinese Academy of Sciences,Academic Committee Consultative and Advisory Project,Chinese Academy of Engineering,Consultative and Research Project,Beijing Municipal Commission of Education,BeUing High-School Construction Project.<br/>【作者】<br/>     吴良镛(1922.5- ),江苏南京人,清华大学教授,中国科学院院士,中国工程院院士。1944年获重庆中央大学建筑系工学士,1949年获美国匡溪艺院建筑与城市设计硕士。1946年起赴清华大学建筑系任教至今,历任副系主任和系主任。1984年筹建清华大学建筑与城市研究所,任所长;1995年筹建清华大学人居环境研究中心,任主任。 长期从事建筑与城市规划教育、研究及设计创作,倡导广义建筑学和人居环境科学,多次获得国内外嘉奖。主持北京菊儿胡同危旧房改建工程,获1992年度联合国世界人居奖和亚洲建筑学会金质奖。主持曲阜孔子研究院规划设计、中央美术学院规划设计、南通博物馆设计、北京城市总体规划修编、京津冀北地区城乡空问发展规划研究等多项重大工程项目和科研课题。1996年被授予国际建协建筑教育与评论奖,2000年获首届“梁思成建筑奖”。<br/>





1 Sciences of Human Settlements:Theoretical and Practical Exploration

1.1 The Sciences of Human Settlements in the World

1.2 Recent Rural and Urban Development in China

1.3 TheoreticalDevelopments at the Center for Science of HumanSettlements of Tsinghua University

1.4 Practical Developments at the Center for Science of HumanSettlements of Tsinghua University

1.5 Conclusion

2 Urbanization,Sciences of Human Settlements,and the Practice of UrbanPlanning in China

2.1 Urbanization:The Theme of the Age

2.2 Development of Sciences of Human Settlements

2.3 Theoretical Application of Sciences of Human Settlements inthe Practice of Urban and Rural Planning in China

2.4 Conclusion

3 Transformation of Development Mode and Exploration on Sciences of Human Settlements

3.1 Development Mode in the 19 ^(th)and 20^(th)Centuries and Three Main Themes of Exploration on Human Settlements

3.2 New Opportunities and Challenges

3.3 Exploration on and Progress of Theories of Sciences of HumanSettlements

3.4 Methodology and Action Guide

A On Wu Liangyong s Theories about Sciencesof Human Settlements

A.1 Introduction

A.2 Formation of Human Settlement Theories

A.3 Features of Theories on Human Settlements

A.4 Methodology Sciences of Human Settlements

A.5 Conclusion

B Wu Liangyong:A Great Conductor ofSymphony for Concrete

B.1 Teaching Tirelessly by Personal Example as well as VerbalInstruction

B.2 Chinese Culture as Basis and Western Culture as Reference

B.3 Sciences of Human Settlements and General Theory of Architecture

B.4 New Thoughts on the New Master Plan of Beijing


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