


Learning pandas电子书

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作       者:Michael Heydt

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:181.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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If you are a Python programmer who wants to get started with performing data analysis using pandas and Python, this is the book for you. Some experience with statistical analysis would be helpful but is not mandatory.

Learning pandas

Table of Contents

Learning pandas


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1. A Tour of pandas

pandas and why it is important

pandas and IPython Notebooks

Referencing pandas in the application

Primary pandas objects

The pandas Series object

The pandas DataFrame object

Loading data from files and the Web

Loading CSV data from files

Loading data from the Web

Simplicity of visualization of pandas data


2. Installing pandas

Getting Anaconda

Installing Anaconda

Installing Anaconda on Linux

Installing Anaconda on Mac OS X

Installing Anaconda on Windows

Ensuring pandas is up to date

Running a small pandas sample in IPython

Starting the IPython Notebook server

Installing and running IPython Notebooks

Using Wakari for pandas


3. NumPy for pandas

Installing and importing NumPy

Benefits and characteristics of NumPy arrays

Creating NumPy arrays and performing basic array operations

Selecting array elements

Logical operations on arrays

Slicing arrays

Reshaping arrays

Combining arrays

Splitting arrays

Useful numerical methods of NumPy arrays


4. The pandas Series Object

The Series object

Importing pandas

Creating Series

Size, shape, uniqueness, and counts of values

Peeking at data with heads, tails, and take

Looking up values in Series

Alignment via index labels

Arithmetic operations

The special case of Not-A-Number (NaN)

Boolean selection

Reindexing a Series

Modifying a Series in-place

Slicing a Series


5. The pandas DataFrame Object

Creating DataFrame from scratch

Example data

S&P 500

Monthly stock historical prices

Selecting columns of a DataFrame

Selecting rows and values of a DataFrame using the index

Slicing using the [] operator

Selecting rows by index label and location: .loc[] and .iloc[]

Selecting rows by index label and/or location: .ix[]

Scalar lookup by label or location using .at[] and .iat[]

Selecting rows of a DataFrame by Boolean selection

Modifying the structure and content of DataFrame

Renaming columns

Adding and inserting columns

Replacing the contents of a column

Deleting columns in a DataFrame

Adding rows to a DataFrame

Appending rows with .append()

Concatenating DataFrame objects with pd.concat()

Adding rows (and columns) via setting with enlargement

Removing rows from a DataFrame

Removing rows using .drop()

Removing rows using Boolean selection

Removing rows using a slice

Changing scalar values in a DataFrame

Arithmetic on a DataFrame

Resetting and reindexing

Hierarchical indexing

Summarized data and descriptive statistics


6. Accessing Data

Setting up the IPython notebook

CSV and Text/Tabular format

The sample CSV data set

Reading a CSV file into a DataFrame

Specifying the index column when reading a CSV file

Data type inference and specification

Specifying column names

Specifying specific columns to load

Saving DataFrame to a CSV file

General field-delimited data

Handling noise rows in field-delimited data

Reading and writing data in an Excel format

Reading and writing JSON files

Reading HTML data from the Web

Reading and writing HDF5 format files

Accessing data on the web and in the cloud

Reading and writing from/to SQL databases

Reading data from remote data services

Reading stock data from Yahoo! and Google Finance

Retrieving data from Yahoo! Finance Options

Reading economic data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Accessing Kenneth French's data

Reading from the World Bank


7. Tidying Up Your Data

What is tidying your data?

Setting up the IPython notebook

Working with missing data

Determining NaN values in Series and DataFrame objects

Selecting out or dropping missing data

How pandas handles NaN values in mathematical operations

Filling in missing data

Forward and backward filling of missing values

Filling using index labels

Interpolation of missing values

Handling duplicate data

Transforming Data


Replacing values

Applying functions to transform data


8. Combining and Reshaping Data

Setting up the IPython notebook

Concatenating data

Merging and joining data

An overview of merges

Specifying the join semantics of a merge operation


Stacking and unstacking

Stacking using nonhierarchical indexes

Unstacking using hierarchical indexes


Performance benefits of stacked data


9. Grouping and Aggregating Data

Setting up the IPython notebook

The split, apply, and combine (SAC) pattern


Data for the examples

Grouping by a single column's values

Accessing the results of grouping

Grouping using index levels


Applying aggregation functions to groups

The transformation of group data

An overview of transformation

Practical examples of transformation

Filtering groups

Discretization and Binning


10. Time-series Data

Setting up the IPython notebook

Representation of dates, time, and intervals

The datetime, day, and time objects

Timestamp objects


Introducing time-series data


Creating time-series data with specific frequencies

Calculating new dates using offsets

Date offsets

Anchored offsets

Representing durations of time using Period objects

The Period object


Handling holidays using calendars

Normalizing timestamps using time zones

Manipulating time-series data

Shifting and lagging

Frequency conversion

Up and down resampling

Time-series moving-window operations


11. Visualization

Setting up the IPython notebook

Plotting basics with pandas

Creating time-series charts with .plot()

Adorning and styling your time-series plot

Adding a title and changing axes labels

Specifying the legend content and position

Specifying line colors, styles, thickness, and markers

Specifying tick mark locations and tick labels

Formatting axes tick date labels using formatters

Common plots used in statistical analyses

Bar plots


Box and whisker charts

Area plots

Scatter plots

Density plot

The scatter plot matrix


Multiple plots in a single chart


12. Applications to Finance

Setting up the IPython notebook

Obtaining and organizing stock data from Yahoo!

Plotting time-series prices

Plotting volume-series data

Calculating the simple daily percentage change

Calculating simple daily cumulative returns

Resampling data from daily to monthly returns

Analyzing distribution of returns

Performing a moving-average calculation

The comparison of average daily returns across stocks

The correlation of stocks based on the daily percentage change of the closing price

Volatility calculation

Determining risk relative to expected returns



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