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FuelPHP Application Development Blueprints
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FuelPHP Application Development Blueprints
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1. Building Your First FuelPHP Application
About FuelPHP
Development process of a FuelPHP application
Installing the environment
Recommended modules and extensions
Getting the FuelPHP framework
Installing FuelPHP 1.7.2
Downloading the appropriate ZIP file
Using Composer
Updating FuelPHP
Installation directory and apache configuration
The simplest way
By setting up a virtual host
FuelPHP basics
The FuelPHP file system hierarchy
The app directory
The packages
Class name, paths, and coding standard
MVC, HMVC, and how it works on FuelPHP
What is MVC?
How it works on FuelPHP
Actions and controllers
What is HMVC?
The oil utility and the oil console
Building your first application
Database configuration
Using your application
Refining the application
Refining the monkey listing
Refining the monkey detailed view
Allowing an empty description
Checking whether the height is a float
Using a checkbox instead of an input for the still_here attribute
Setting custom routes
Removing useless routes and files
A few notes about deploying your application
2. Building a To-do List Application
FuelPHP installation and configuration
Routes configuration
The profiler
Models, relations, and the ORM
Differences between CRUD and ORM
DB and ORM basics
Executing queries without the ORM
Creating new objects
Finding specific objects
Updating an object
Deleting an object
Loading several objects
Using method chaining
More complex requests
ORM relations
Defining relations inside the models
Testing the relations
Getting objects' relations
Updating objects' relations
Observers and events
Implementation of the to-do list
Allowing the user to see and change tasks' status
Allowing the user to add tasks
Allowing the user to change tasks' order
Axis of improvements
3. Building a Blog Application
Preliminary steps
Scaffolding the posts
Migrating part 1
The administration panel
The Auth package
Creating the Blog module
Moving files to the Blog module
Improving the navigation bar
Scaffolding the rest of our project
Scaffolding categories
Generating files
Moving categories to the blog module
Scaffolding comments
Scaffolding posts (front)
Refining the administration panel
Refining the posts administration panel
Improving the post creation and edition forms
Removing and automatically filling the slug
Changing the small description input to a textarea
Editing the post content using a WYSIWYG editor
Replacing the category input by a select box
Replacing the user_id field by author
Removing the View link
The posts' list
Removing the Slug, Small description and Content columns
Displaying the category and author names
Removing the view link
Refining the categories administration panel
Removing the View link
Adding the number of post's column
Solution 1: using count
Solution 2: using related
Solution 3: using DB::query
Refining the comments administration panel
Improving the comments listing
Removing the view and adding a new comment link
Removing the Email and Content columns
Replacing the Post id column by Post
Improving the comment edition form
Changing the Status input to a select box
Replacing Post id by Post
Removing the View link
Protecting your website against CSRF attacks
Protecting links
Protecting forms
Refining the front-end
Refining the posts' listing
Deleting useless features
Changing how the posts' listing is displayed
Adding pagination
Using posts' slug
Listing posts by categories
Adding indexes
Refining the posts' visualization webpage
Changing the post layout
Adding the comment form
Displaying comments
Notifying the author when a new comment is posted
Clearing rejected comments
Additional improvements
4. Creating and Using Packages
What are CAPTCHAs?
Preliminary steps
Generating the sample application
The reCAPTCHA solution
Installing the recaptcha package
Configuring the recaptcha package
Integrating the recaptcha package
Creating your own package
Generating the package
Generating the Captcha_Answer model
Migrating the package
Integrating the package into our application
Implementing the get_html method
Implementing the CAPTCHA verification method
Cleaning old captchas
Possible improvements
5. Building Your Own Restful API
FuelPHP installation and configuration
The Parser package and template engines
A major benefit of language-agnostic template engines
Subscription and authentication features
Implementing the subscription and authentication forms
Handling the signup form
Handling the signin form
Allowing the user to sign out
Allowing the user to create and view posts
Generating the Post model
Allowing the user to create new posts
Implementing the user interface
Implementing the post creation action
Implementing the profile page
Configuring the routes
Creating the user model
Implementing the show action
Implementing views
Implementing the API
Implementing the base controller
Implementing your first hybrid action
Implementing mappers to control how the information is shared
Improving the listing
Giving JavaScript access to our Mustache views
Generating the templates.js file
The easy and dirty way
Using guard-templates
Integrating template.js and Mustache.js
Implementing the post/list action
Implementing the See more button
Redirecting the home page to the logged user's web page
Unit tests
Possible improvements
6. Building a Website Using Novius OS
About Novius OS
Getting Novius OS
Configuring Novius OS
Exploring Novius OS
The applications manager
The Novius OS desktop
Novius OS' front and the default homepage
The Webpages application
Novius OS templates
The App Desk
Inserting enhancers in your webpages
The Novius OS file system hierarchy
Applications folder structure
Files extensions
Configurations and classes
Creating an application
Installing the 'Build your app' wizard
Generating the application
Testing your generated application
Application basics
The metadata configuration file
The migration files
The App desk
The edition and creation forms
The front controller
More about Novius OS