


OpenCart Theme and Module Development电子书

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作       者:Rupak Nepali

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:195.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book is aimed at developers and designers who want to start developing their own themes and extensions and for those who want to know about the code workflow of the OpenCart theme and modules.

OpenCart Theme and Module Development

Table of Contents

OpenCart Theme and Module Development


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1. Getting Started with OpenCart 2.0

The features of OpenCart

Changing the OpenCart shop's general settings

Setting image height and width

Managing the modules in the theme

Managing the image dimensions of modules in the default theme

Creating and setting a promotional banner

Installing and uninstalling a module

Setting the Banner, Carousel, and Slideshow modules

Managing the layout and position of a module in a theme

Describing the files and folders of the default theme


2. Bootstrap, Font Awesome, and FlexSlider in OpenCart 2 Themes


Advantages of using Bootstrap in OpenCart themes

The basic template structure with Bootstrap in OpenCart 2

A basic static Bootstrap template

Font Awesome, an iconic font

Setting up Font Awesome

Using BootstrapCDN by MaxCDN

Using default CSS

The icons of Font Awesome

Rotated and flipped icons



3. Creating Custom Themes

Preparing the files

Integrating HTML and CSS into the OpenCart theme

Creating a new theme based on the default theme

Understanding the code in header.tpl

Checklist for the header section

Changing the style of currency

Describing the code of the top menu categories

Changing the style of the menu

Understanding the code in footer.tpl

Changing the style of the footer div in the footer

Removing the copyright information in the footer

The home page

The category page

The product page

The information pages

The contact us page

Changing the CSS for the checkout steps


4. Getting Started with OpenCart 2 Modules

Creating a Hello World module

The admin folder

The catalog folder

Installing, configuring, and uninstalling a module

Installing a module

Configuring the module

Configuring layouts for the module

Uninstalling the module

Positions for the module

The status of the module

Sort order of modules

Different layouts for the same module

The file structure – admin and frontend

Creating a language file for the admin section in OpenCart

Creating a controller for the admin section in OpenCart

Creating a template file for the admin section in OpenCart

The breadcrumbs section of the module

Creating a language file for the Catalog (frontend) module in OpenCart

Creating a controller file for the Catalog (frontend) module in OpenCart

Creating a template file for the Catalog (frontend) module in OpenCart


5. Extensions Code

Global library methods

Affiliate (affiliate.php)

Cache (cache.php)

Cart (cart.php)

Config (config.php)

Currency (currency.php)

Customer (customer.php)

Database (db.php)

Document (document.php)

Encryption (encryption.php)

Language (language.php)

Length (length.php)

Log (log.php)

Mail (mail.php)

Pagination (pagination.php)

Request (request.php)

Response (response.php)

Session (session.php)

Tax (tax.php)

URL (url.php)

User (user.php)

Weight (weight.php)

The Featured module

Configuring the Featured module in OpenCart

Exploring code used in Featured module

Exploring the code of admin/controller/module/featured.php

Exploring the code of admin/view/template/module/featured.tpl

Exploring the code of catalog/controller/module/featured.php

The Shipping module

Changes required at the admin folder to create total cost based Shipping module

Changes made in the catalog folder

The Payment module

Off-site payment

On-site payment

Order Total


6. Create OpenCart Custom Pages

Getting started with feedback management

Database tables for feedback

Creating files in the admin section for feedback

Creating the language file in the admin section

Creating the model file in the admin section

Creating the controller file in the admin section

Creating the template files for form and list pages in the admin section

Creating the model file for the catalog folder frontend

Creating the language file for the frontend

Creating the controller file for the frontend

Creating the template file for the frontend



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