


Oracle ADF Real World Developer’s Guide电子书

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作       者:Jobinesh Purushothaman

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:1197.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book is written in simple, easy to understand format with lots of screenshots and step-by-step explanations,If you are an ADF developer looking forward to building healthy and better performing applications using Oracle ADF, then this is the best guide for you. You need to be proficient with Java and ADF before getting started with this book.

Oracle ADF Real World Developer's Guide

Table of Contents

Oracle ADF Real World Developer's Guide


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1. Getting Started with Oracle ADF

Introduction to Oracle ADF

Why Oracle ADF?

Oracle ADF architecture

View layer

Controller layer

Model layer

Business services layer

Comparing the Fusion web application technology stack to the Java EE web application

View layer

Controller layer

Data binding layer

Business service layer

Developing with ADF

Setting up the development environment

Picking up the tool for development

Setting up the Software Configuration Management tool

Build tool

Team collaboration

Taking a quick tour of the JDeveloper IDE

Your first Fusion web application

Starting JDeveloper IDE for the first time

Picking up the right application template

Analyzing the generated metadata files

Connecting to the database

What happens when you create a database connection?

Generating the data model and business services

Building entity objects to persist your business data

Building view objects to shape your business data

Building an application module to facade your business service implementation

What is there in your model project source now?

Building user interfaces from the model

What have you got in your view controller project source now?

Deploying and running the application

Running the application using an integrated webLogic server

Running the application on a standalone application server


2. Introduction to ADF Business Components

Business service layer

Why ADF Business Components?

Overview of ADF Business Components

Oracle ADF Business Components' feature list

Core building blocks

Entity objects


View objects

View links

Row sets

Query collections

Application modules

Services and service data objects

Building a simple business service

ADF Business Components configuration files

Oracle ADF Model Tester

Using the ADF Model Tester to test the CRUD operations on business data

Testing business methods

Java test client for ADF Business Components

Understanding the runtime behavior of ADF Business Components

Roles and responsibilities of the view object, row set, and query collection

A closer look at query collection

What happens when you execute an entity-based view object?

What happens when you commit a transaction?


3. Introducing Entity Object


Ingredients of an entity object

Runtime collaboration between business components

Core features of ADF entity objects

Developing entity objects

Creating a database connection

Initializing the ADF model project

Creating entity objects

Choosing the database object type

Generating Java classes for entity components

Commonly used properties of an entity attribute

Attribute names in an entity object

Attribute types in an entity object

Using a resource bundle to localize UI hint properties

Accessing the resource bundle from the entity object class

Property set

Creating a property set

Associating the property set with the entity object attributes

Using custom properties in business logic

Persistent and transient attributes

Specifying a default value for an entity attribute

Effective dated entity objects

Defining the primary key

Inheritance hierarchies in entity objects

Creating inheritance hierarchies for entity objects

Updatability of entity attributes

Refreshing attributes on posting changes to the database

Marking an attribute as mandatory

Checking data inconsistency by using the Change Indicator attribute

Queriable attributes

Tracking change history

Configuring UI hints for an attribute

Specifying dependency attributes

Commonly used properties of an entity object

Setting an alternate key for an entity object

Specifying custom properties

Defining entity association

Composition association

Properties of composition association

Retaining the association accessor row set

Adding validation

Adding a validation rule to an attribute

Adding a validation rule to an entity object

Transaction level validation

Defining a custom validation rule

Concurrent access and locking

Configuring Locking Mode for an ADF application

Securing entity objects

Enabling a batch update in an entity object

Working with entity objects

Programmatically creating an entity instance

Entity object in a transaction post cycle


4. Introducing View Object


Concepts and architecture

Ingredients of a view object

Core features of ADF view objects

Developing view objects

Creating view objects

Using the Create View Object wizard

Creating a view object with entity usage mapping

Creating a view object with SQL query

Creating a view object with static list

Creating a programmatic view object

Creating a declarative SQL mode view object

Optionally generating Java classes for a view object

Commonly used properties of view objects

Annotate attributes using UI hints

Adding business rules

Working with view objects

List of values

Configuring the list of values

Linking two view objects

Where clause and Reverse Where clause

Inheritance hierarchies in view objects

Inheritance hierarchies in view objects with non-polymorphic entity usage

Inheritance hierarchies in view objects with polymorphic entity usage

Querying the datasource by using a view object

Specifying the query mode for a view object

Adding WHERE clause to a view object

Appending the WHERE clause at design time

Appending the WHERE clause at runtime

Using bind variables

Programmatically specifying the value for bind variables

Changing the query of a view object at runtime

Programmatically sorting view object rows

In-memory filtering of row sets

In-memory filtering with RowMatch

In-memory filtering by overriding rowQualifies() in ViewObjectImpl

View criteria

Architecture of view criteria

Effective dated view objects

Using alternate keys in a view object

Using findByKey() on view objects

Creating new rows through the view object

Creating child rows in composition association

View link consistency

Configuring view link consistency

How view link consistency works

Why does view link consistency fail when you add a dynamic WHERE clause?

What happens when you execute a view object?


5. Advanced Concepts on Entity Objects and View Objects

Taking a closer look at entity objects

Lifecycle of an entity object

Reading the current state of an entity row

Reading the originally retrieved attribute value

Retrieving all entity instances in the cache

Lifecycle callback methods of an entity object

What happens when a new entity instance is created?

What happens when an entity instance is modified or removed?

What happens when the transaction is committed?

Building programmatically managed entity objects

Generating a database independent unique ID

How does unique ID sequencing work

Using middle tier generated unique keys

Refreshing entity rows, forgetting the changes

Building custom history types

Taking a closer look at view objects

Lifecycle callback methods of a view object

What happens when a client invokes executeQuery() on a view object instance?

Count queries in a view object

Building programmatically managed view objects

Intercepting query generation for view criteria

Using a custom view criteria adapter

Overriding getViewCriteriaClause(boolean forQuery) in the view object implementation class

Overriding getCriteriaItemClause(ViewCriteriaItem vci) in the view object implementation class

Tips on overriding getViewCriteriaClause() and getCriteriaItemClause() in the view object implementation

Customizing the query at runtime

Customizing the query for a row set

Customizing the query for a view object

Passing parameters to a SQL IN clause using oracle.jbo.domain.Array

Using oracle.jbo.domain.Array as a NamedWhereClauseParam value

Using oracle.jbo.domain.Array as a bind variable value for a view criteria item

Defining a cascading list of values

Switching the LOV at runtime

Reading and writing XML data

Advanced data type techniques

Building custom data types using domain type

Working with BLOB and CLOB data types

BLOB and CLOB support for alternate databases

Building business components dynamically

Building dynamic entity objects and view objects

Steps for building entity definition at runtime

Steps for building a view definition with entity usage at runtime

Personalized business components


6. Introducing the Application Module


Concepts and architecture

Ingredients of an application module

Additional core components

The core features of an application module

Defining an application module

Creating application modules

Optionally generating Java classes for an application module

Adding hierarchical view object instances to an application module

Overriding the default properties of an application module

Commonly used application module configuration properties

Modifying the JDBC data source name for an application module

Overriding properties for a view object instance

Declaratively applying view criteria to a view object instance

Sharing of application module data

An alternative option to define a shared application module

Runtime behaviour of shared application modules

Query execution for a shared view object

Shared query collection cache management

The maximum weight of the query collection pool

Query collection weight

Consuming a shared application module

Accessing view objects defined in a shared application module through a view accessor

Associating view criteria with shared application module instances

Nesting application modules

Accessing a nested application module from the parent

Working with an application module

Exposing the business service method through data control

Where do you write custom business logic in a fusion web application?

Invoking an application module from a Java client

Invoking a shared application module from a Java client

What you may need to know about programmatically releasing an application module?

What happens when a client creates an application module instance?

The lifecycle of an application module

Passivation activation of application modules

Programmatic passivation and activation of custom data

Storing business data at user session level

Using a transient view object

Using a user session data map

Using a client bound session map object

Using JDBC APIs in an application module

Using save points for undo operations

Programmatically configuring an application module

Programmatically building a master-child view object

Using ADF Business Components with Java EE components


7. Binding Business Services with the User Interface


Binding model data with user interfaces

Building a simple data bound web page

Is a view object really a data collection?

What happens when we drop a data collection on a page?

Taking a closer look at the ADF Model metadata files





Browsing through the page definition file




Using the binding editor

Programmatically accessing page binding elements

Accessing binding container

Programmatically accessing the parameter binding

Programmatically executing method action binding

Accessing the list control binding

Accessing the attribute binding

Accessing the iterator binding and associated view object

What happens when you access a Fusion web page?

Invoking an application module from a Java servlet

Using Configuration::createRootApplicationModule() in HttpServlet

Using ADF binding APIs in an HttpServlet

Adding custom phase listeners


8. Building Data Bound Web User Interfaces


The art of laying out pages

Organizing page contents – a case study

Adding actions to your page

Choosing between the managed bean method and the data control method as event handlers

Using managed bean methods as event handlers

Using data control methods as event handlers

Building data bound table UIs

What happens when you drop a data collection as a table on a page?

Commonly used attributes of iterator bindings

What happens at runtime in a data bound table?

Adding edit functionalities for a table

Creating a new row

Deleting a row

Committing changes

Programmatically accessing a selected row from a table

Declaratively reading the attribute value from the currently selected row

Building data bound master-detail UIs

Building a master-detail data model

Building a master-detail UI

What happens at runtime in the master-detail UI?

Building a data bound tree table UI

Building hierarchical view objects

Creating a tree table UI

What happens when you drop a data collection as a tree table on a page?

Decorating the tree table UI

What happens at runtime in a data bound tree table?

Synchronizing UIs using the target data source

What happens at runtime in the target data source?

Adding edit functionalities for a tree table

Configuring the parent view object to retain the view link accessor row set

Creating utility methods for reading RowIterator and selected RowKey for the selected node

Implementing create and delete methods in the application module

Creating a new row

Deleting a row

Programmatically refreshing the tree hierarchy

Accessing web tier values from business components

Using ADFContext to access client specific scoped variables

How does ADFContext provide uniform access across layers?

The pitfalls of using ADFContext

Passing web tier values as parameters to business service methods

Establishing a channel for passing web tier values to the business service layer

Using the user session data map to store values passed from the client

When should the client invoke the method that takes web tier values?

Making the user session data map passivation safe

Building data bound query search forms

Building the view criteria

Using UI hints to control the display for a query component

Building a search UI

What happens when you drop a view criteria as a query component on a page?

Commonly used properties of the search region binding

What is AutoQuery or ClearRowSet behavior?

Initializing criteria item values using web tier values

Programmatically controlling the display of a query component

Programmatically retrieving view criteria used for a query component

Programmatically resetting a query component

Search on a tree table

What happens at runtime in a tree table search?

Building a data bound multi select list

Programmatically accessing selected rows

Overriding UI hints in a view object


9. Controlling the Page Navigation


The navigation model in the JSF framework

Rule based navigation

Implicit navigation

How does implicit navigation work?

The navigation model in ADF

The ingredients of an ADF task flow

Task flow configuration files

ADF managed beans

What you need to know while using managed beans in JSF code?

Task flow activities

View activity

What document type should you choose while creating a JSF page?

Bookmarking view activity

Redirect URL

URL view activity

Specifying parameters for a URL view activity

What happens when runtime invokes a URL view activity from a bounded task flow?

Method call activity

Using a managed bean method in method call activity

Using data control operation in method call activity

Router activity

Save point restore activity

Where are ADF Controller save points created?

Using save points in a task flow

What happens when you create an ADF Controller save point?

Implicit save points

Task flow call activity

Task flow return activity

Parent action

Building an unbounded task flow

Using a managed bean to return a dynamic outcome for a navigation component

Conditionally executing a control flow case

Improving the readability of control flow cases

Adding an exception handler

Customizing the default exception handler

Building a custom javax.faces.context.ExceptionHandler

Using method call activity to initialize a page

Building a task flow with method call activity

What happens at runtime?

Building a menu model


10. Taking a Closer Look at the Bounded Task Flow


The properties of a bounded task flow

Building a bounded task flow

Working with bounded task flow activities

Marking an activity as the default activity

Marking an activity as an exception handler

Calling a bounded task flow using the task flow call activity

Using dynamic task flow calls

Commonly used properties for a task flow call activity

Using remote task flow calls

What happens at runtime when a remote task flow is called?

What you may need to know when you use remote task flow

Parameterizing a bounded task flow

Defining a task flow input parameter

Specifying input parameter values for a task flow

Defining the task flow return value

Reading a return value from a task flow

Consuming bounded task flows as ADF regions

Dynamically displaying the task flow

Lazy loading of an ADF region

Refreshing an ADF region

Displaying task flows using a pop up component

Lazy activation for a task flow when displayed in a pop up

Using a contextual event for communicating to an ADF region

Contextual event model

Using a contextual event

Defining an event publisher

Defining an event subscriber

Defining an event handler method

Subscribing to desired events

Contextual event propagation at runtime

Dynamically adding multiple regions to a page

Distributing ADF task flow as the ADF library

Packaging the task flow into the ADF library

Consuming task flows added into an ADF library

Using a train component in a bounded task flow

Creating a train in a bounded task flow

Setting display names for train stops

Customizing the display for train stops

Programmatically navigating between train stops

Executing methods while navigating between train stops

Transaction management in a bounded task flow

What happens at runtime?

Programmatically managing transactions for a task flow

The life span of a bounded task flow


11. More on Validations and Error Handling


Adding validation rules in a fusion web application

Defining validations in the ADF view layer

Defining a custom ADF Faces validator

Step1: Defining client-side validation in JavaScript

Step 2: Defining the validator Java class

Step 3: Configuring and using the validator

Defining validations in the ADF model layer

Defining validations in the ADF Business Components layer

Validations using custom domain objects

Creating and registering custom message bundles

What you may need to know while using custom domain types on the UI

When does the framework validate the custom domain object?

Where to put validation in a Fusion web application

Displaying validation exceptions on a page

Where in the page lifecycle does validation occur?

Client-side validation

Server-side validation

Error handling in ADF

Taking a closer look at DCErrorHandlerImpl

Programmatically throwing validation exceptions in business components

Localizing validation error messages

Resource bundle usage in entity objects and view objects

Resource bundle usage in the application module

Reading the resource bundle definition from the business component

Programmatically throwing validation exceptions

Building a validation exception using message strings from the resource bundle

Validation class hierarchy

Wrapping exceptions

Programmatically throwing multiple RowValException

Programmatically throwing AttrValException

Customizing default business component error messages

Step1: Creating and registering a custom message bundle

Step 2: Customizing the DCErrorHandlerImpl

Step 3: Registering the CustomErrorHandler

How does the CustomErrorHandler implementation work?

Skipping validation

Skipping validations in the ADF Faces layer

Skipping validations in the business components


12. Oracle ADF Best Practices


Setting up the project structure for your Fusion web application

Single application workspace comprising of multiple projects – monolithic approach

Multiple application workspaces controlled by a single master application– microkernel approach

Guidelines for setting up the application source using the microkernel approach

How to avoid cyclic dependency between modules

The life span of ADF Business Components

Life span of an application module

How the framework allocates an application module for serving a client request

More configuration options for an application module

When an application module is removed from the pool

Configuring the application module pool parameters – a case study

Life span of a view object, row set, and query collection in a regular application module

The query collection cache and view accessor row set

The life span of entity objects

What if you want to clear an entity cache at specific points in time?

The life span of row sets in a shared application module

The life span of binding objects

The best practices and performance tuning for Oracle ADF

Tuning tips for an application module

Tips for optimizing an application module initialization

Tips for optimizing resource usages in an application module

Tips for fine-tuning the JDBC API use

Coding guidelines for application modules

Tuning tips for view objects

Tips for optimizing query execution in a view object

Tips for optimizing database read operations

Tips for setting a global row fetch limit for view objects

Tuning view criteria in view objects

Tips for optimizing LOV definitions

General tips for tuning view objects

Coding guidelines for view objects

Tuning tips for entity objects

Design guidelines for entity objects

Tips for validating entity objects

General tips for tuning entity objects

Coding guidelines for entity objects

Tuning tips for ADF model

Tips for tuning executable bindings

Tips for optimizing data traffic between a binding layer and business components

Tips for optimizing count query executions

Coding guidelines for ADF binding APIs

Tuning tips for ADF Controller and task flows

Tips for optimizing resource usage in a task flow

General guidelines for building successful task flows

Coding guidelines for managed beans

Tuning tips for ADF Faces

General tips for ADF Faces pages

Best practices for ADF Faces UI components

Internationalization of Fusion web applications

Configuring the time zone for a Fusion web application

Ensuring high availability for Fusion web applications

How does a bean data control participate in session replication in high availability mode?



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