


Blackboard Essentials for Teachers电子书

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作       者:William Rice

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:116.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book develops a sample site with lots of step-by-step instructions and screenshots to get you up and running in no time at all. If you are a teacher or course builder, you need only basic computer skills to get the most from this book. You don’t need any background in online teaching or building Web pages.

Blackboard Essentials for Teachers

Table of Contents

Blackboard Essentials for Teachers


About the Author

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1. The Blackboard Experience

Home page


Discussion Board


Content Page

Learning Module



Uploaded files







2. Organizing a Course with Pages and Learning Modules

Adding Content Areas to hold and organize course content

What is Content Area?

How to add a Content Area

What's next?

Adding a Blank Page tool, which can hold any content or links that you want

What is a Blank Page?

How to add a Blank Page

Adding a Blank Page to your course

Adding a Blank Page to the Content Area

What's next?

Composing a page with the HTML editor

What's next?

Creating a sequential path for the student to work through, using a Learning Module

When to use a learning path

How to add a learning path

Adding a Learning Module to a Content Area

What's next?

About the Availability and View settings

Keeping students informed with Course Tools

What are Course Tools?

How to add Course Tools

Adding a Course Tool to the Course Menu

Adding a Course Tool to the home page


3. Adding Static Material to a Course

Adding a file for students to download

File versus item

Content Collections

How to add a file

Adding an item

What's next?

Adding a video to your course

Uploading a video in your course

Linking to a video that is on another site

Embedding a video on a Blank Page

Embedding a video that is hosted on another site

What's next?

Adding a web link to your course

Adding a link to an external website

Adding a link to a Course Asset

Adding an image to your course

Adding an image to a Content Area


4. Discussion Boards

About Discussion Boards

Creating forums with Discussion Board

Making Discussion Board available to students

Adding a link to Discussion Board on the Course Menu

Creating a link to a forum

Managing a forum

Collecting posts in a forum

Grading posts in a forum


5. Blogs and Wikis

About blogs

Individual versus class blogs

Blogs Course Tool link

Creating a blog

Making blogs available to students

Adding a link to the Blogs page

Creating a link to a blog

Managing a blog

Grading blogs

Deleting and editing entries and comments

About wikis

Creating a wiki

Adding a link to the Wikis page


6. Assignments

About assignments

Adding an assignment

Responding to an assignment


7. Testing Students

Creating a test

Creating a blank test

Determining the behavior of questions by using Question Settings

Adding and creating questions on Test Canvas

Adding the test to a page in your course

Setting the Test Options page

Creating questions

Navigating to the Test Canvas page

Enter the type, title, and question text

Adding answers and answer feedback

Adding categories, keywords, and notes

Other types of questions

Calculated formula questions

Calculated numeric

Either/Or—True/False, Yes/No, Right/Wrong, Correct/Incorrect


File Response

Filling in the Blank and Multiple Blanks

Hot Spot

Jumbled Sentence


Multiple Answer and Multiple Choice

Opinion Scale/Likert


Quiz Bowl

Short Answer

Random blocks versus question sets

Question pools, the source for random blocks

Question sets: fewer limits, greater choices

Which should I use: Random Block or Question Set?

Creating a question pool

Creating a random block

Creating Question Set


8. Working with Groups

Creating groups

Creating a single group with manual enrollment

Creating a group with self enrollment

From the student's point of view— self-enrollment into a group

Creating multiple groups at once

How group settings affect activities

Sending e-mails to members of a group


9. Communicating with Students Using E-mails, Messages, and Announcements

The difference between e-mails, messages, announcements, and alerts

Sending an e-mail to your students

Sending messages

Posting announcements


10. Using Collaborate/CourseSites Live

Making your first online meeting a test session

Making Collaborate available to you and your students

Launching the Collaborate tool

Configuring audio and video

Showing a PowerPoint slideshow

Using basic whiteboard tools

Using the chat

Using emoticons during a Collaborate session

Talking in Collaborate

Taking your students on a web tour

Dropping your students on a web page with Web Push

Sharing an application on your computer

Giving a student the ability to share an application

Whiteboarding over a shared application


Before the session

During the session

After the session

11. Grading Students

Viewing Grade Center

Finding things that need to be graded

Smart Views

Creating Grading Periods

Creating categories

Showing, hiding, and moving rows

Some examples of filtering and finding

Assigning and entering grades

Screen Reader Mode

Manually overriding an automated grade

Entering all of the students' grades for an activity

Preparing a report for grades

Adding a calculated column

Reporting versus downloading grades



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