


Oracle Information Integration, Migration, and Consolidation电子书

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作       者:Tom Laszewski

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:312.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This enormously practical guide, interspersed with numerous real-life case studies and actual business scenarios, shows readers when, where, and how to use Oracle's wide range of data integration products. If you are a DBA, application or data architect, or data integration specialist who is running an Oracle database or middleware and you want to learn about the latest on Oracle's information integration platform, then this book is for you. You can also benefit from this book if you are an application developer or technical and project lead with a focus on master data management, data warehousing, and data consolidation. You should have working experience with Oracle Database, data integration, consolidation, and migration, as well as some familiarity with integration middleware products and information service buses.

Oracle Information Integration, Migration, and Consolidation

Table of Contents

Oracle Information Integration, Migration, and Consolidation


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1. Getting Started with Information Integration

Why consider information integration?

Business challenges in data integration and migration

Technical challenges of information integration

General approaches to information integration and migration

Data integration

Data migration

Architectures: federated versus shared

Data sharing integration

Considerations when choosing an integration approach

Integration and SOA, bringing it together

Architected for the Internet



Greater software options

On-demand reporting


Overcoming barriers to change

Custom integration applications and utilities

Custom workflow

The real world: studies in integration

Banking case

Education case

High technology case


2. Oracle Tools and Products

Database migration products and tools

SQL Loader

Oracle external tables

Oracle Warehouse Builder

SQL Developer Migration Workbench

Oracle Data Integrator

Oracle Enterprise Manager tuning and diagnostic packs

Physical federation products

Oracle Data Integrator

Oracle GoldenGate

Oracle CDC adapters

Oracle Master Data Management

Oracle Data Quality and Profiling

Virtual federation products

Oracle Gateways and Heterogeneous Services

Oracle Business Intelligence Suite

Oracle SOA adapters

Oracle Web Center and Portal

Oracle Business Activity Monitoring

Data services

Oracle Data Integration Suite

Data consolidation

Oracle Exadata

Data grid

Oracle Coherence

Oracle TimesTen

Oracle Exalogic

Information Lifecycle Management

Oracle Information Lifecycle Management


Oracle Streams

Oracle Data Pump

Oracle XStream

Application integration

Oracle SOA Suite

Oracle Advanced Queuing

Oracle Application Information Architecture

Products matrix summary

Products not covered


3. Application and Data Integration Case Study

What is the POV?

Solving a business problem

Estimated level of effort

Software and hardware requirements


Hardware and network

Original architecture — nightly batch process

Batch cycle diagram — technical architecture

Functional specifications

Functional design diagram

Technical specifications

Technical specifications diagram

Assumptions, out of scope, and success criteria


Out of scope

Success criteria

Technical implementation details

Reading from the Oracle Database

Writing to flat files

Executing the z/OS COBOL module

Reading from VSAM files

Writing to IBM MQSeries

BPEL process


Actual level of effort and outcome

Challenges and lessons learned

Cultural change in technology organizations

Next steps


4. Oracle Database Migrations

Database migration scenarios

Migrating an Oracle database from one platform to another

Migrating relational databases to Oracle

Using Oracle SQL Developer Version 3.0 for migrations to Oracle

Prerequisites for using SQL Developer

Creating a migration repository

JDBC Drivers setup

Creating a connection for a privileged database user in Oracle using SQL Developer

Creating a directory for a migration project

Migration process using SQL Developer

Migration steps in SQL Developer

Selection of the database connection for the repository

Project creation

Gathering source database metadata

Online capture

Offline mode

Convert the captured database model to an Oracle model

Target Oracle schema generation

Data migration

Enabling a factory approach to database migrations using SQL Developer

Data migration using Oracle SQL*Loader/External tables

Using Oracle SQL*Loader

Using Oracle External Table

Using Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) for data migration

Production rollout using Oracle GoldenGate

Impact of database migrations on applications


5. Database Migration Challenges and Solutions

Database schema migration challenges

Database object naming/definition issues

Use of special characters in object names

Use of reserved words in object names and their definitions

Use of case-sensitive object names

Length of object names

Data type conversion issues

Numeric data

Identity columns

Date/timestamp data

User-defined data types

Database feature mapping

Clustered indexes

Database schema layout

Empty strings and NULL value handling

Data case-sensitivity

EBCDIC/ASCII conversions


Database migration case studies

Case Study #1: DB2/400 migration to Oracle using Oracle DRDA Gateway for DB2

Case Study #2: Sybase migration to Oracle

Case Study #3: Mainframe data migration/archiving from various databases such as DB2, IDMS, and VSAM


6. Data Consolidation and Management

What is enterprise data?

Transactional data

Analytical data

Master data

Enterprise data hub

Oracle Master Data Management

Oracle Customer Hub

Oracle Product Hub

Oracle Supplier Hub

Oracle Supplier Hub capabilities

Oracle Site Hub

Oracle RAC

Data grids using Oracle caching

Database-centric — TimesTen

Application-centric — Coherence

Oracle as a service

Reasons to consider Consolidation

Information Lifecycle Management

Active data archiving

Passive data archiving

Oracle Exadata

Data management at IHOP, a case study


7. Database-centric Data Integration

Oracle GoldenGate

Configuring GoldenGate for IBM DB2 to Oracle data replication


Configuration overview

On the Oracle database server (target)

Oracle Database Gateways

Oracle heterogeneous connectivity solution architecture

Heterogeneous Services

Database Gateways (Heterogeneous Services agent)

Overview of Database Gateway installation and configuration

Oracle Data Integrator

ODI repositories

ODI Studio

ODI runtime agent

ODI console

Data management case study

Company overview

Company challenges

Overstock.com's value proposition

Integration framework


8. Application and Process Integration

History of application integration

Point-to-Point API-based integration


Message and integration brokers

XML over HTTP or FTP

History of Oracle integration products

Oracle InterConnect

Oracle ProcessConnect

Oracle Enterprise Service Bus

Oracle Workflow - process integration

Oracle commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) application integration history

Oracle application and process integration software stack

Oracle Business Process Analysis

Oracle Business Process Management

SOA Adapters

Oracle Business Rules

Oracle BPEL

Oracle Service Bus

Oracle Complex Events Processing (CEP)

Oracle Business-to-Business (B2B)

Oracle Service Component Architecture (SCA)

Oracle Web Services Registry

Oracle Web Services Manager

Metadata Services (MDS)

AIA — Going beyond the Oracle SOA Suite

AIA — fundamentals

Enterprise Business Objects

Enterprise Business Messages

Enterprise Business Service

Enterprise Business Flow

Application Business Connector Service

Tools — development environment

Oracle AIA Foundation and Process Integration Packs

Oracle JDeveloper


Oracle SOA Suite integration best practices

Oracle success stories

Success one — Saleforce.com and Oracle E-Business Suite



Success two — cross-industry Oracle eAM print solution




9. Information Lifecycle Management for Transactional Applications

Data growth challenges

How enterprises try to solve data growth issues

Hardware refresh

SQL/DB tuning

Delete historical data

What is Information Lifecycle Management?

What benefits can ILM offer?

Active Application Archiving

Application Retirement

Start with Application Portfolio Management

Application Retirement solution from Solix Technologies and Oracle partner


A. Appendix

Cloud integration

Implications of web services for all Integration

Data, process, and application integration convergence

Job scheduling, ETL/ELT and BPEL product convergence

Middle tier integration appliances


Mobile data and collective intelligence



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