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phpList 2 E-mail Campaign Manager
Table of Contents
phpList 2 E-mail Campaign Manager
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1. Installation and Configuration
Installing phpList files and database
Downloading phpList
Unpacking and uploading phpList
Creating a database
Performing initial configuration
Database settings
Path settings
Performing web-based configuration
Initialize database
Initial login
Change Admin Password
Configure General Values
Configure Attributes
Create Lists
Create Subscribe Pages
Testing e-mail delivery
Create user
Sending a message
Processing the message queue (in test mode)
Disabling test mode
Processing the message queue (for real)
2. Setting up Subscriber Forms
Basic concepts
Setting up a basic subscribe page
Creating a custom subscribe page
Creating attributes
Creating subscribe page
Customizing title and text
Customizing the HTML header and footer
Customizing delivery options
Selecting attributes
Selecting list
Protecting your subscribe page from spammers
Signing up for reCAPTCHA keys and downloading the PHP library
Modifying index.php
Modifying admin/subscribelib2.php
Putting a subscribe form on other applications
Generating HTML code for the subscribe form
Customizing HTML code
Changing the form action
Removing the JavaScript
Optional pop-up confirmation
Removing the subscribe form button
3. Setting up E-mail Bounce Handling
E-mail bounce handling
Configuring basic bounce settings
Testing and manually processing bounces
Reviewing bounces
Taking action on individual bounces
Interpreting why an e-mail bounced
Examining users whose e-mail bounces
Reviewing unconfirmation actions in the eventlog
4. Setting up phpList with Popular Publishing Platforms
Integrating phpList with Drupal
Installing and configuring the phpList integration module
External phpList configuration
Attribute mapping
My Account—My Newsletters options
Registration Page options
Synchronize users to phpList
Turn on debugging
Configuring list access
Configuring Drupal permissions
Clearing Drupal's cache
Confirming access to My newsletters
Adding the phpList subscribe block
Troubleshooting the phpList subscribe block
Integrating phpList with WordPress
Installing and configuring the phpList Integration plugin
General Settings
Form Settings
Adding a phpList Integration page
Adding a phpList Integration widget
Integrating phpList with Facebook
Preparing phpList
Creating the Facebook app
Configuring the Facebook page
Making phpList the default tab on your Facebook page
5. List, User, and Administrator Management
Individual user management
Updating a user's details and list memberships (as the user)
Unsubscribing a user (as the user)
Examining a user's history (as administrator)
Updating a user's details (as admin)
Bulk user management
Importing users
Importing a simple list
Importing a complex list
Reconciling users
Exporting users
All users
Specific list
Managing lists
Creating a list
Performing member operations on a list
Managing administrators
Creating a restricted admin
Setting admin permissions
Creating a super admin
Assigning administrators to lists
Testing a new administrator
6. Personalizing E-mail Body
Enhancing messages using built-in placeholders
Placeholders in confirmation messages
Personalizing messages using member attributes
Sending messages to subsets of lists based on attributes
Increasing the amount of criteria available
Using message templates
Creating a message template
7. Measuring Effectiveness of Newsletters
User tracking
Sending a message with user tracking enabled
Examining user-tracking statistics per message
Examining user-tracking statistics per user
Click tracking
Avoiding false spam / phishing detection
Enabling click tracking
Enabling extra detail in click tracking
Sending an e-mail with click tracking enabled
Examining basic click-tracking statistics per message
Examining advanced user/click-tracking statistics
Extra statistics sidebar link
Viewing clicks by URL
Viewing clicks by message
Viewing opens by message
Viewing domain statistics
8. Securing phpList
Changing the admin password
Choosing strong passwords
Changing phpList admin password
Confirming correct filesystem permissions
Confirming permissions in a GUI SFTP/FTP client
Confirming permissions using a shell session
Setting appropriate permissions
Confirming htaccess restrictions are in place
Securing admin pages with additional (htauth) password
Creating an htpasswd file
Creating an htpassword file online
Creating an htpasswd file in a Unix shell
Amending admin/.htaccess
9. Advanced Features
Advanced bounce handling
Bounce rules and regular expressions
Creating a new bounce rule
Creating a new rule based on an existing bounce
Auto-generating new bounce rules
Checking current rules against bounces
Domain-based e-mail throttling
Adding attachments to messages
Adding multiple files simultaneously
Attaching files stored on your web server
Securing your attachments stored on the web server
Automatically repeat messages
Sending a repeating message
Forcing a repeating message to repeat before embargo
Auto-generating messages from RSS feeds
Enabling RSS support
Associating an RSS feed with a list
"Getting" new RSS items
User requirements to receive RSS messages
Sending a message including RSS
Setting your RSS message's schedule
Setting up processing automation
Customize the CLI "wrapper"
10. Hacking phpList
Substituting user attributes in the subject line
Caveat #1-no attribute substitution for a third party
Caveat #2-"Forward message" page displays an un-substituted subject
Sending system messages as HTML instead of text
Code changes
Creating the plain-text part of the message by stripping out the HTML
Sending both the HTML and text versions of the message
Stripping slashes from messages stored in the database
Stripping slashes from a subscribe message for normal subscriptions
Stripping slashes from member data change notifications
Stripping slashes from the confirmation message
Stripping slashes from the unsubscribe message
Stripping slashes from the personal location message
Stripping slashes from the subscribe message for user imports
Stripping slashes from the subscribe message when resending confirmations
Web interface changes
Standard system messages
Subscription and confirmation messages on the pre-existing subscribe page
Be sure to customize all system messages
Composing HTML messages
How to deal with placeholders producing URLs
Keep CSS styling inline
Creating a messages archive page
Customizing the number of messages displayed per page
Adding a message summary to the list
Hiding the summary in outgoing e-mails
Linking the archives to the main index
Sending messages using your e-mail client
Installing MailToList
Configuring the Mail To List
Whitelisting users
Manually adding users
Importing users
Processing incoming e-mails
Automating Mail To List using cron
Bugs in Mail To List
Plain text messages will come out blank
Plain text or HTML attachments will disappear
11. Troubleshooting and Maintenance
General fault diagnosis
Test mode (the "dry run")
Verbose mode tell me what you're thinking
Common errors and warnings
Error: Please make sure that index.php is your default document for a directory
Error: IMAP is not included in your PHP installation, cannot continue
Fatal error: Cannot connect to database, access denied. Please contact the administrator
HTTP Error 500: Internal server error
HTTP Error 404: File not found
Warning: The pageroot in your config does not match the current location
Warning: In safe mode, not everything will work as expected
Warning: The attachment repository does not exist or is not writable
Warning: open_basedir restrictions are in effect
Warning: Things will work better when PHP magic_quotes_gpc = on
Warning: Things will work better when PHP magic_quotes_runtime = off
Warning: You are trying to use RSS, but XML is not included in your PHP
Mailer Error: SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host
Creating a backup
Backing up the database
Backing up the files
Upgrading phpList
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