


History Teaching with Moodle 2电子书

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作       者:John Mannion

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:193.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Follow the creation of a History course with lots of practical examples and screenshots. Each chapter builds on the course and takes you through a different aspect of teaching history using Moodle. All exercises in the book relate to different periods of history and are suitable for all students of high-school age. This book is for history teachers who would like to enhance their lessons using Moodle. It doesn't matter if you haven't used Moodle before; as long as someone has set it up for you, you can get started with the exercises in the book straightaway.

History Teaching with Moodle 2

Table of Contents

History Teaching with Moodle 2


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1. Course Structure

Moodle—Ideal for teaching History

Moodle—the Extra Dimension

Re-invent your worksheets

Encourage students to collaborate

Get them using forums

Your first History course

Key stage 3 courses (11 — 13 year olds)

Key stage 4 courses (14 — 16 year olds)

Naming your course

Creating the History category

Create the Year 7 History course

Creating and enrolling users

Creating users

Enrol users

Adding topic labels

Exercise: Add labels to topics

Your first forum

Use open-ended questions

Types of forum

Setting up a forum

Exercise: Course creation

Clio's Challenge—a social format


2. Create Attractive Courses

Preparing images

Collecting images

Cropping an image using GIMP

Scaling an image using GIMP

Saving an image using GIMP

Working with images

Inserting a label

Preparing the image

Adding text to a label

Uploading multiple files

Creating a zipped folder

Uploading a zipped folder

Exercise: Using images

Word clouds

Exercise: creating a word cloud


3. Adding Interactive Content

Making files accessible to students

Uploading a file

Where do the files go when they are uploaded?

File Picker and it's options

Creating a link for students to submit their essays

Submitting an essay

A dictionary style glossary

Setting up a glossary

Categories in the glossary

Creating a category

Making a glossary entry

Exercise: Working with a glossary

Monitoring student entries

Altering permissions for the glossary

A glossary only editable by a teacher

Exercise: Further work with glossaries

Random Glossary Entry

Create a Random Glossary using a block

Moving the Random Glossary Entry

Exercise: A random glossary

RSS feeds

Setting up an RSS feed

Configuring the RSS block


4. Quizzes

Types of questions

Creating a quiz

Creating a category

Exercise: Creating categories

Creating a matching question

Creating multiple choice questions

True or false questions

Compiling the quiz

Student View on entering the quiz

Displaying a Quiz Results table

Creating an end of topic quiz

Setting up an end of topic quiz

Description question

Essay question

Adding questions to the topic quiz

Cloze passages


5. The Gradebook

The Gradebook

Adjusting Grader Report settings

Marking an individual student's response

Marking the same essay question by different students

Show course calculations

Categories within your course Gradebook

Moving Grade items to a category

Adding extra value to specific grades in your Gradebook

Creating a scale for comment-driven marking of essays

Assigning the new scale to the assignment


View student reports onscreen

Viewing a single student's report onscreen


Adding outcomes to the Gradebook

Creating an outcome

Assigning an outcome to an activity

Use of formulae to generate different totals

Assigning ID numbers to grade items

Creating a formula


6. Student Collaboration

Using a poll to stimulate discussion

Setting up a poll

How do students vote?

Using a database

Setting up the database

Giving students permission to edit entries

Adding fields to the database structure

Creating a text field

Exercise: Creating text fields

Creating radio buttons

Exercise: Creating checkboxes

Creating a field for large amounts of text

Exercise: Creating a large text field

Adding an image field

Adjusting the layout of a template

What does a student see in the database?

Encouraging collaboration using wikis

Use of wikis

Creating groups

Allocating students to a group

Creating a wiki for a group

Assigning roles to the wiki

How groups start to use their wiki


7. Lessons and Blogs

Approaching the lesson

Setting up a lesson

Creating content

Creating a Question page


Inserting a web link

Adding a contents page

Adding an essay choice page

Adding an end of branch page


Creating a blog entry

Creating blog entries for the Year 7 History course only

Adding a Blog menu block to the course


8. Using Xerte and Audacity


Downloading Xerte

Making a plan

Creating the opening page

Adding a title page

Previewing pages

Creating a page with an image, sound, and magnifer

Pages with interactivity

Creating a matching pairs exercise

Inserting an annotated diagram

Creating a drag-and-drop labelling exercise

Creating a three-column page

Linking to external repositories

Publishing Medieval Castles on Moodle

Creating a Scorm package

Creating a quiz page

Creating the ZIP file for the Scorm package

Uploading the scorm package

The Gradebook and the Scorm package


Why use Audacity?

Downloading Audacity

The Lame Encoder

Audacity Essentials

Simple Audacity Tasks

Removing unexpected noises in your recording

Using fade in features

Using fade out features

Increasing the volume of the whole track

Creating a file from a segment of another track

Inserting a background track


9. Moodle Workshops

What to assess in a workshop?

Enabling the workshop module

Creating a workshop

Setting up the submission of student work

Add example submission

Provide a reference assessment

Switching between workshop phases

Students submit presentations

Students perform example assessment

Allocating assignments to students

Students perform the peer assessment

Analysing the results of the workshop

How do teachers assess in a workshop?

Different types of grading strategy


Backing up to an external drive

Restoring the Year 7 History course



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