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Table of Contents
About the Author
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What this book covers
What you need for this book
Who this book is for
Time for action - heading
What just happened?
Pop quiz
Have a go hero - heading
Reader feedback
Customer support
Downloading the example code
1. Getting Started with LaTeX
What is LaTeX?
How we can benefit
The virtues of open source
Separation of form and content
Protection for your work
Comparing it to word processor software
What are the challenges?
Installing LaTeX
Time for action – installing TeX Live using the net installer wizard
What just happened?
Time for action – installing TeX Live offline
What just happened?
Installation on other operating systems
Creating our first document
Time for action – writing our first document with TeXworks
What just happened?
Have a go hero – checking out advanced LaTeX editors
2. Formatting Words, Lines, and Paragraphs
Understanding logical formatting
Time for action – titling your document
What just happened?
Exploring the document structure
Understanding LaTeX commands
How LaTeX reads your input
Time for action – trying out the effect of spaces, line breaks, and empty lines
What just happened?
Commenting your source text
Printing out special symbols
Time for action – writing special characters in our text
What just happened?
Formatting text – fonts, shapes, and styles
Time for action – tuning the font shape
What just happened?
Choosing the font family
Time for action – switching to sans-serif and to typewriter fonts
What just happened?
Switching fonts
Time for action – switching the font family
What just happened?
Summarizing font commands and declarations
Delimiting the effect of commands
Time for action – exploring grouping by braces
What just happened?
Time for action – exploring font sizes
What just happened?
Using environments
Time for action – using an environment to adjust the font size
What just happened?
Saving time and effort – creating your own commands
Time for action – creating our first command using it as anabbreviation
What just happened?
Gentle spacing after commands
Time for action – adding intelligent spacing to command output
What just happened?
Creating more universal commands – using arguments
Time for action – creating a macro for formatting keywords
What just happened?
Using optional arguments
Time for action – marking keywords with optional formatting
What just happened?
Pop quiz – commands
Have a go hero – saving effort using optional arguments
Using boxes to limit the width of paragraphs
Time for action – creating a narrow text column
What just happened?
Common paragraph boxes
Have a go hero – exploring further features of \parbox
Boxes containing more text
Time for action – using the minipage environment
What just happened?
Have a go hero – creating a footnote inside a minipage
Understanding environments
Breaking lines and paragraphs
Improving hyphenation
Time for action – stating division points for words
What just happened?
Have a go hero – exploiting the hyphenat package
Improving the justification further
Time for action – using microtype
What just happened?
Breaking lines manually
Time for action – using line breaks
What just happened?
Have a go hero – exploring line breaking options
Preventing line breaks
Managing line breaks wisely
Exploring the fine details
Time for action – exploring ligatures
What just happened?
Understanding ligatures
Choosing the right dash
Setting dots
Time for action – using differently spaced dots
What just happened?
Time for action – comparing dots to ellipsis
What just happened?
Setting accents
Time for action – experimenting with accents
What just happened?
Using special characters directly in the editor
Time for action – using accents directly
What just happened?
Turning off full justification
Time for action – justifying a paragraph to the left
What just happened?
Creating ragged-left text
Time for action – centering a title
What just happened?
Using environments for justification
Time for action – centering verses
What just happened?
Displaying quotes
Time for action – quoting a scientist
What just happened?
Quoting longer text
Time for action – quoting TeX's benefits
What just happened?
Time for action – spacing between paragraphs instead of indentation
What just happened?
Pop quiz – lines and paragraphs
3. Designing Pages
Defining the overall layout
Time for action – writing a book with chapters
What just happened?
Reviewing LaTeX's default page layout
Defining the margins yourself
Time for action – specifying margins
What just happened?
Using the geometry package
Choosing the paper size
Specifying the text area
Setting the margins
Obtaining package documentation
Time for action – finding the geometry package manual
What just happened?
Have a go hero – constructing the page layout with typearea
Changing the line spacing
Time for action – increasing line spacing
What just happened?
Have a go hero – examining a package source file
Using class options to configure the document style
Time for action – creating a two-column landscape document
What just happened?
Have a go hero – trying KOMA-Script classes
Creating a table of contents
Time for action – adding a table of contents
What just happened?
Sectioning and the contents
Time for action – shortening the table of content entries
What just happened?
Designing headers and footers
Time for action – customizing headers with the fancyhdr package
What just happened?
Understanding page styles
Customizing header and footer
Using decorative lines in header or footer
Changing LaTeX's header marks
Breaking pages
Time for action – inserting page breaks
What just happened?
Have a go hero – exploring page breaking options
Enlarging a page
Time for action – sparing an almost empty page
What just happened?
Using footnotes
Time for action – using footnotes in text and in headings
What just happened?
Modifying the dividing line
Time for action – redefining the footnote line
What just happened?
Using packages to expand footnote styles
Pop quiz
4. Creating Lists
Building a bulleted list
Time for action – listing LaTeX packages
What just happened?
Nesting lists
Time for action – listing packages by topic
What just happened?
Creating a numbered list
Time for action – writing a step-by-step tutorial
What just happened?
Customizing lists
Saving space with compact lists
Time for action – shrinking our tutorial
What just happened?
Choosing bullets and numbering format
Time for action – modifying lists using enumitem
What just happened?
Suspending and continuing lists
Producing a definition list
Time for action – explaining capabilities of packages
What just happened?
Have a go hero – adjusting the dimensions of lists
Pop quiz
5. Creating Tables and Inserting Pictures
Writing in columns
Time for action – lining up information using the tabbing environment
What just happened?
Time for action – lining up font commands
What just happened?
Typesetting tables
Time for action – building a table of font family commands
What just happened?
Drawing lines in tables
Understanding formatting arguments
Increasing the row height
Beautifying tables
Time for action – adding nicer horizontal lines with the booktabs package
What just happened?
Have a go hero – adjusting lengths
Spanning entries over multiple columns
Time for action – merging cells
What just happened?
Inserting code column-wise
Time for action – using the array package
What just happened?
Spanning entries over multiple rows
Time for action – merging cells using the multirow package
What just happened?
Adding captions to tables
Time for action – adding a caption to our font table
What just happened?
Placing captions above
Have a go hero – customizing captions
Auto-fitting columns to the table width
Generating multi-page tables
Coloring tables
Using landscape orientation
Aligning columns at the decimal point
Handling narrow columns
Pop quiz – tables
Inserting pictures
Time for action – including a picture
What just happened?
Scaling pictures
Choosing the optimal file type
Including whole pages
Putting images behind the text
Managing floating environments
Time for action – letting a figure float
What just happened?
Understanding float placement options
Forcing the output of floats
Limiting floating
Avoiding floating at all
Spanning figures and tables over text columns
Letting text flow around figures
Time for action – embedding a picture within text
What just happened?
Breaking figures and tables into pieces
Pop quiz – pictures and floats
6. Cross-Referencing
Setting labels and referencing
Time for action – referencing items of a top list
What just happened?
Assigning a key
Referring to a key
Referring to a page
Producing intelligent page references
Time for action – introducing variable references
What just happened?
Fine-tuning page references
Referring to page ranges
Using automatic reference names
Time for action – referring cleverly
What just happened?
Combing cleveref and varioref
Referring to labels in other documents
Have a go hero – turning references into hyperlinks
Pop quiz
7. Listing Content and References
Customizing the table of contents
Time for action – refining an extensive table of contents
What just happened?
Adjusting the depth of the TOC
Shortening entries
Adding entries manually
Creating and customizing lists of figures
Time for action – creating a list of diagrams
What just happened?
Creating a list of tables
Using packages for customization
Generating an index
Time for action – marking words and building the index
What just happened?
Defining index entries and subentries
Specifying page ranges
Using symbols and macros in the index
Referring to other index entries
Fine-tuning page numbers
Designing the index layout
Creating a bibliography
Time for action – citing texts and listing the references
What just happened?
Using the standard bibliography environment
Using bibliography databases with BibTeX
Time for action – creating and using a BibTeX database
What just happened?
Looking at the BibTeX entry fields
Understanding BibTeX entry types
Choosing the bibliography style
Listing references without citing
Changing the headings
Have a go hero – using natbib
Pop quiz
8. Typing Math Formulas
Writing basic formulas
Time for action – discussing quadratic equations and roots
What just happened?
Embedding math expressions within text
Displaying formulas
Numbering equations
Adding subscripts and superscripts
Extracting roots
Writing fractions
Greek letters
Script letters
Producing an ellipsis
Comparing in-line formulas to displayed formulas
Changing the font, style, and size
Customizing displayed formulas
Time for action – typesetting multi-line formulas
What just happened?
Aligning multi-line equations
Numbering rows in multi-line formulas
Inserting text into formulas
Fine-tuning formulas
Using operators
Exploring the wealth of math symbols
Binary operation symbols
Binary relation symbols
Inequality relation symbols
Subset and superset symbols
Variable sized operators
Symbols derived from letters
Variable sized delimiters
Miscellaneous symbols
Writing units
Building math structures
Creating arrays
Writing binomial coefficients:
Typesetting matrices
Stacking expressions
Underlining and overlining
Setting accents
Putting a symbol above another
Writing theorems and definitions
Have a go hero – checking out the mathtools package
Pop quiz
9. Using Fonts
Preparing the encoding
Time for action – directly using special characters
What just happened?
Installing additional fonts
Choosing the main font
Time for action – comparing Computer Modern to Latin Modern
What just happened?
Loading font packages
Latin Modern – a replacement for the standard font
Kp-fonts – a full set of fonts
Serif fonts
Times Roman
New Century Schoolbook
Concrete Roman
Sans-serif fonts
Bera Sans
Computer Modern Bright
Typewriter fonts
Bera Mono
Exploring the world of LaTeX fonts
Pop quiz
10. Developing Large Documents
Splitting the input
Time for action – swapping out preamble and chapter contents
What just happened?
Including small pieces of code
Including bigger parts of a document
Compiling parts of a document
Creating front and back matter
Time for action – adding a dedication and an appendix
What just happened?
Designing a title page
Time for action – creating a title page
What just happened?
Working with templates
Time for action – starting with a template
What just happened?
Have a go hero – evaluating and enhancing templates
Pop quiz
11. Enhancing Your Documents Further
Using hyperlinks and bookmarks
Time for action – adding hyperlinks
What just happened?
Time for action – customizing the hyperlink appearance
What just happened?
Time for action – editing PDF metadata
What just happened?
Creating hyperlinks manually
Creating bookmarks manually
Math formulas and special symbols in bookmarks
Benefitting from other packages
Time for action – visiting the TeX Catalogue Online
What just happened?
Time for action – installing a LaTeX package
What just happened?
Designing headings
Time for action – designing chapter and section headings
What just happened?
Coloring your document
Have a go hero – creating colorful tables
Pop quiz
12. Troubleshooting
Understanding and fixing errors
Time for action – interpreting and fixing an error
What just happened?
Using commands and environments
Writing math formulas
Handling the preamble and document body
Working with files
Creating tables and arrays
Working with lists
Working with floating figures and tables
General syntax errors
Handling warnings
Time for action – emphasizing on a sans-serif font
What just happened?
Justifying text
Choosing fonts
Placing figures and tables
Customizing the document class
Avoiding obsolete classes and packages
General troubleshooting
Have a go hero – examining LaTeX's log files
Pop quiz – troubleshooting
13. Using Online Resources
Web forums, discussion boards, and Q&A sites
Usenet groups
Newsgroups in other languages
Web forums
TeX and LaTeX on Stack Exchange
Time for action – asking a question online
What just happened?
Frequently Asked Questions
Visual LaTeX FAQ
LaTeX Picture FAQ
Mailing lists
List collections
TeX user group sites
TUG – the TeX users group
The LaTeX project
UK TUG – TeX in the United Kingdom
Local user groups
Homepages of LaTeX software and editors
LaTeX distributions
LaTeX editors
Mac OS X
LaTeX archives and catalogs
CTAN – the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network
The TeX Catalogue Online
The LaTeX Font Catalogue
TeX Resources on the Web
Friends of LaTeX
LaTeX blogs
The TeXblog
Some TeX Developments
LaTeX Alive
LaTeX for Humans
The TeX community aggregator
A. Pop Quiz Answers
Chapter 2: Formatting Words, Lines, and Paragraphs
Lines and paragraphs
Chapter 3: Designing Pages
Chapter 4: Creating Lists
Chapter 5: Creating Tables and Inserting Pictures
Pictures and floats
Chapter 6: Cross-Referencing
Chapter 7: Listing Content and References
Chapter 8: Typing Math Formulas
Chapter 9: Using Fonts
Chapter 10: Developing Large Documents
Chapter 11: Enhancing Your Documents Further
Chapter 12: Troubleshooting