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ZBrush 4 Sculpting for Games
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1. Getting Started
Who this book is for
What we will learn in this book
Why ZBrush?
How ZBrush is used in a game's production
What you'll need for this book
Working in the field of digital art
The concept
Time for action - a short example of a concept
What just happened?
Have a go hero - imagine your own concept!
Explore ZBrush on the Web
2. Learning the Interface
Interface and navigation
Time for action - navigating in 3D space
What just happened?
More on the interface — The Tray
Time for action - using the Trays
What just happened?
Have a go hero - exploring the interface
The difference between 2.5D and 3D in ZBrush
Time for action - working in 3D with "Tools"
What just happened?
The Edit mode
How to enter 2D, 2.5D, or 3D mode
Have a go hero - using the note bar and the tooltips
Pop quiz - 2D, 2.5D, and 3D mode
3. Modeling a Spooky Tree with ZSpheres
ZSpheres workflow
The concept of the spooky tree
Time for action - preparing the spooky tree with ZSpheres
What just happened?
Time for action - starting the spooky tree with ZSpheres
What just happened?
Pop quiz - the root sphere and adaptive skin preview
Have a go hero - Link Spheres
Time for action - finishing the tree
What just happened?
Time for action - converting our ZSpheres into polygons
What just happened?
4. Adding Details to the Tree
The sculpting interface
Time for action - using the interface preset Sculpt01
What just happened?
Time for action - choosing the right material for sculpting
What just happened?
Pop quiz - - materials
Have a go hero - download more MatCaps
Time for action - using brushes
What just happened?
Controlling the brushes
Pop quiz - - brush settings
Time for action - shaping the spooky tree
What just happened?
Local transformations and rotations
Time for action - isolating parts of the tree with Polygroups
What just happened?
Have a go hero - isolating several parts of the mesh with Polygroups
Time for action - working with subdivisions
What just happened?
Pop quiz - - subdivisions
Finishing the sculpt
Time for action - sculpting the tree on the next level
What just happened?
Time for action - finishing the sculpt
What just happened?
Have a go hero - the icing on the cake
5. Texturing the Tree with Polypaint
What is Polypainting?
Time for action - setting up our model for Polypainting
What just happened?
Pop quiz - Polypainting
Time for action - using masks for Polypainting
What just happened?
Pop quiz - masking
Have a go hero - creating your own color scheme
Brushes for Polypainting
Time for action - using Auto Masking to finish the Polypainting
What just happened?
Auto Masking
Have a go hero - adding final shading with Ambient Occlusion
6. Adding an Environment to the Tree
Changing the document size to fit your screen
Time for action - setting up the canvas size
What just happened?
Adding objects with subtools
Time for action - stand your ground
What just happened?
Pop quiz - subtools
The Transpose tool
Time for action - moving the ground floor with Transpose
What just happened?
Single-sided polygons
Time for action - roughing in the hill
What just happened?
Have a go hero - sculpting a rock
Time for action - creating a mushroom
What just happened?
Pop quiz - 3D primitives
Time for action - sculpting the mushroom with radial symmetry
What just happened?
Have a go hero - creating a mushroom colony
7. Modeling a Sci-Fi Drone
Using ZBrush with other 3D applications
In-game meshes less is more
Workflows where to start
Concept art the Pioneer Drone
The in-game mesh
Texture coordinates
Pop quiz - in-game meshes
8. Sci-Fi-Drone: Hard Surface Sculpting
Preparing the mesh for sculpting
Time for action - preparing the mesh
What just happened?
Subdividing for hard surface sculpting
Hard surface brushes
Time for action - sculpting the upper air outlets
What just happened?
Pop quiz - - masking
Time for action - adding details to the rear exhausts
What just happened?
Have a go hero - finishing the second exhaust
Time for action - sculpting the hull
What just happened?
SmartReSym—lifesavers if something goes wrong
Time for action - detailing the engines
What just happened?
Have a go hero - shoot it, strike it, cut it
9. Sci-Fi-Drone: Creating a Normal Map
Textures in games
Simulating details with normal maps
Time for action - creating a normal map for our drone
What just happened?
Tangent and object space normal maps
Exporting the normal map
Pop quiz - textures and normal maps
Have a go hero - showing off the details with a normal map
10. Modeling a Creature with ZSketch
What the creature looks like
ZSketching a character
Time for action - creating the basic armature with ZSpheres
What just happened?
The character pose for animation
Time for action - sketching the creature with ZSketch
What just happened?
ZSketch and the armature
Pop quiz - ZSketching a character
Time for action - converting a ZSketch into sculptable polygons
What just happened?
11. Sculpting the Creature's Body
Adding local detail
Time for action - adding local detail where we need it
What just happened?
Time for action - cleaning up the Unified Skin
What just happened?
Organizing our model with polygroups
Time for action - adding polygroups manually
What just happened?
Polygroups from polypaint
Edge loops
Sculpting the body
Time for action - let's sculpt the body
What just happened?
Surface contrast
Transpose and mask by topology
Pop quiz - masking and polygroups
Adding props to our character
Time for action - adding the belt
What just happened?
Mesh extract
If things go wrong
Have a go hero - ZSketching on top of our creature
Time for action - roughing in the fur
What just happened?
Time for action - refining the head with eyes and mouth
What just happened?
Adding the eyes with mirror and weld
Closing the mouth with layers
Finishing the sculpting on the body
Time for action - finishing the body
What just happened?
12. Sculpting Fur and Accessories
Creating alphas for feathers and fur
Time for action - creating an alpha for the fur
What just happened?
Time for action - sculpting the fur
What just happened?
Sculpting with alphas
Sculpting with symmetry
Erasing layer contents
Pop quiz - layers and alphas
Time for action - detailing the head
What just happened?
Time for action - sculpting the belt
What just happened?
Have a go hero - adding a weapon
13. Preparing the Creature for Games
Retopologizing for games
Time for action - creating an in-game mesh with retopologize
What just happened?
Time for action - projecting the details onto the new mesh
What just happened?
Extending ZBrush with plug-ins: UV-Master
Time for action - unwrapping the creature with UV Master
What just happened?
Fine control with control painting
The middle way—attract by ambient occlusion
Seams, what seams?
Have a go hero - bake the polypainting into a texture
Pop quiz - unwrapping and retopologizing
14. Modeling the Harvester Ship
The Harvester
Time for action - blocking out the body of the ship
What just happened?
Entering and exiting ShadowBox
Working with ShadowBox
Masking and clipping brushes
Pop quiz - shadowBox and clipping brushes
Time for action - starting the engines
What just happened?
Time for action - blocking out the smaller parts
What just happened?
The curve stroke type
The ClipCircleCenter brush and behavior
The undo history and subtools
15. Detailing the Harvester Ship
Adding detail to our ship
Time for action - detailing the engines
What just happened?
Local symmetry
Subtool controls
Moving objects along one axis with the Action Line
How clipping works
Pop quiz - local symmetry, clipping, and moving
Creating the clamshell
Time for action - creating the clamshell
What just happened?
Clipping holes
Patterns with horizontal and vertical tiling
Merging subtools
Time for action - adding some defences, the turrets
What just happened?
Combining meshes with Booleans
Clipping with the Alt key
Pop quiz - Booleans
Time for action - finishing the main parts of the ship
What just happened?
Clipping again
Mirror axis
16. Finishing the Harvester Ship
Time for action - finishing the engines
What just happened?
Paint with grabbed geometry
Pop quiz - creating alphas from geometry
Time for action - adding the final details
What just happened?
17. Epilogue
Where to go next?
A. Pop quiz -
Chapter 2: Pop quiz 2D, 2.5D, and 3D mode
Chapter 3: Pop quiz the root sphere and adaptive skin preview
Chapter 4: Pop quiz materials
Chapter 4: Pop quiz brush settings
Chapter 4: Pop quiz subdivisions
Chapter 5: Pop quiz Polypainting
Chapter 5: Pop quiz masking
Chapter 6: Pop quiz subtools
Chapter 6: Pop quiz 3D primitives
Chapter 7: Pop quiz in-game meshes
Chapter 8: Pop quiz masking
Chapter 9: Pop quiz textures and Normal maps
Chapter 10: Pop Quiz ZSketching a character
Chapter 11: Pop quiz masking and Polygroups
Chapter 12: Pop quiz layers and alphas
Chapter 13: Pop quiz unwrapping and retopologizing
Chapter 14: Pop quiz shadowBox and clipping brushes
Chapter 15: Pop quiz local symmetry, clipping, and moving
Chapter 15: Pop quiz Booleans
Chapter 16: Pop quiz creating alphas from geometry