


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Administration电子书

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3人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Marco Carvalho

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:123.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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A practical tutorial, this book shows you how to set up and configure Dynamics AX 2009 and then how to improve and maintain its performance with clear step-by-step instructions, enabling Dynamics AX to fit your company's needs. If you are a network administrator or IT personnel charged with setting up and configuring Dynamics AX 2009 in your company, then this book is for you. A basic knowledge of Dynamics AX 2009 and general Windows Server Administration is required and familiarity with maintaining a SQL Server database server. Additionally, if you are a VAR tasked with implementing Dynamics AX into companies, then this book will provide you with a good overview and details of the whole Dynamics AX 2009 system.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Administration

Table of Contents

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Administration


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1. System Planning and Hardware Sizing

Phases of a Dynamics AX implementation

Modeling phase

Development, testing, and training

Production (Go live)

Planning phase

Delegation phase

Hardware planning


Database sizing

Application Object Server requirements

Application file server requirements

Web server requirements

Network planning

Domain Controller setup

Software planning

Database software

Software integration

Single server topology

Small-scale topology

Large-scale topology

Large-scale distribution topology

Intranet and extranet topologies

Permission requirements

Miscellaneous implementation tasks


2. Setup and Configuration of the Base Server Components

Installing the Dynamics AX database

Manually installing and setting up the Dynamics AX database

Installing the Dynamics AX Application files

Installing the Application Object Server (AOS)

Installing the Dynamics AX Client

Dynamics AX Initialization checklist


3. Setup and Configuration of the Enterprise Portal

Installation and configuration of the Enterprise Portal

Creating the Enterprise Portal SharePoint Application

Creating the Business Connector proxy user

Installing the Enterprise Portal

Verifying the Enterprise Portal installation

Setting up an Enterprise Portal in a Load Balanced web farm

Deploying the Enterprise Portal in a SharePoint NLB web farm

Additional resources for the Enterprise Portal


4. Setup and Configuration of the Role Centers

Installation and setup of Role Centers

Installation and setup of Analysis extensions

Installation and setup of Reporting extensions

Deploying reports using the Report Deployment utility

Dynamics AX SQL Server Reporting Services setup

Assigning Role Centers


5. Setting Up Kerberos Authentication

Setting up Kerberos authentication for Role Centers

Configuring Service Principal Names

Configuring the Domain Controller for Kerberos authentication

Raising the domain functional level

Verifying account delegation

Configuring SharePoint for Kerberos authentication

Configuring SQL Reporting Services for Kerberos authentication

Configuring SQL Analysis Services for Kerberos authentication

Setting SQL Report Services connection string

Setting up Office Data Connection (ODC) files

Setting up Component Services

Configuring Internet Information Services for Kerberos authentication


6. Setup and Configuration of the Workflow

Workflow prerequisites

Workflow accounts setup

Installing Workflow

Creating a website for Workflow

Installing the Workflow component

Enabling Workflow in Windows Server 2008 R2

Setting up Workflow

Workflow configuration prerequisites

Creating a dedicated Workflow batch group

Setting up the AOS as a batch server

Configuring Workflow

Running the Workflow infrastructure configuration wizard

Specifying Workflow settings

Testing Workflow


7. Setup and Configuration of Application Integration Framework

Configuring AIF in Dynamics AX

Specifying global settings

Specifying local endpoints

Setting up AIF to use a filesystem adapter

Specifying channels

Specifying external endpoints

Managing and troubleshooting AIF document exchanges

Managing AIF document exchanges

Methods for troubleshooting

Setting up AIF to use web services

Creating an AIF website

Installing the AIF web service extension

Creating and configuring an AIF website

Applying appropriate permissions

Specifying an AIF website

Generating an AIF web service

Specifying the authentication method for an AIF web service

Accessing the AIF web service


8. Data Migration

The data migration process

Generating an Excel spreadsheet

Importing data from an Excel spreadsheet

Advanced data migration features


9. Security and User Administration

Security requirements

Security requirements for the base server components

Security requirements for the extended server components

Security requirements for integration components

Dynamics AX security model

Setting up user access in Dynamics AX

Importing users into Dynamics AX

Specifying user permissions in Dynamics AX

Using the Security Profiler tool

Assigning employees to users

Creating and setting up domains

Setting up Record Level Security

Setting user permissions for the Enterprise Portal

Specifying user permissions for reports

Setting user permissions for Analysis Cubes


10. Alerts and Notifications

Alerts prerequisites

Alerts permissions setup

Creating an alerts batch job

Setting up an event alert batch job

Setting up a due date alert batch job

Setting up the Batch Processing Window interval

Creating alert rules

Alert example: Notification of when a purchase order status has changed

Maintaining alerts

Cleaning up event queues automatically

Cleaning up event queues manually

Preventing alerts during data import

Setting up user alert options


11. Tuning Your Setup

Accessing the Application Object Server (AOS) configuration

AOS configuration settings

Advanced AOS configuration settings

Creating an AOS Configuration: An example

Tuning an AOS for best performance

Non-load-balanced cluster

Load-balanced cluster

Accessing the client configuration

Client configuration settings

Advanced client configuration settings


12. Backup and Maintenance


SQL Server backup

Application file backup

Role Centers and Enterprise Portal backup


Consistency check

Database synchronization


A. Appendix

Setting up Global Search

Creating a batch job

Managing batch jobs

View current batch jobs

Common troubleshooting techniques

When application modifications are not appearing

How to troubleshoot AOS starting issues

B. Appendix

Enterprise Portal tips

Multiple instances of an Enterprise Portal in a web server

Common troubleshooting techniques

Unable to install components when there are multiple environments

Troubleshooting techniques for Enterprise Portal issues

Modifying Component Services properties in Windows Server 2008 R2

How to install Analysis Extensions on SQL Server Analysis Services 2008 and 2008 R2

How to automatically process SQL Server Analysis Services Cubes

Setting up the Enterprise Portal in SharePoint 2010

Creating a SharePoint Web Application

Installing the Enterprise Portal content


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