


Ogre 3D 1.7 Beginner's Guide电子书

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7人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Felix Kerger

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:82.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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  • 读书简介
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This book is an example-driven introduction to OGRE 3D. Each example shows some new features and you learn step-by-step to create complex scenes with different effects using OGRE 3D. After several examples discussing one topic there is a do-it-yourself part where you will be challenged to solve problems on your own. If you have ever wanted to develop 3D applications with OGRE 3D, this example-driven book will enable you to do so. Understanding of C++ is needed to follow the examples in the book.

Ogre 3D 1.7

Table of Contents

Ogre 3D 1.7


About the Author

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What this book covers

What you need for this book

Who this book is for


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1. Installing Ogre 3D

Downloading and installing Ogre 3D

Time for action — downloading and installing Ogre 3D

What just happened?

Different versions of the Ogre 3D SDK

Exploring the SDK

The Ogre 3D samples

Time for action — building the Ogre 3D samples

What just happened?

Pop quiz — which post effects are shown in the samples

The first application with Ogre 3D

Time for action — starting the project and configuring the IDE

What just happened?


Pop quiz — which libraries to link

Loading the first model

Time for action — loading a model

What just happened?

Pop quiz — ExampleApplication and how to display a model


2. The Ogre Scene Graph

Creating a scene node

Time for action — creating a scene node with Ogre 3D

What just happened?

How to work with the RootSceneNode

3D space

Scene graph

Pop quiz — finding the position of scene nodes

Setting the position of a scene node

Time for action — setting the position of a scene node

What just happened?

Pop quiz — playing with scene nodes

Have a go hero — adding a Sinbad

Rotating a scene node

Time for action — rotating a scene node

What just happened?

Pop quiz — rotating a scene node

Have a go hero — using Ogre::Degree

Scaling a scene node

Time for action — scaling a scene node

What just happened?

Pop quiz — creating child scene nodes

Have a go hero — using createChildSceneNode()

Using a scene graph the clever way

Time for action — building a tree using scene nodes

What just happened?

Pop quiz — even more about the scene graph

Have a go hero — adding a following ninja

Different spaces in a scene

Time for action — translating in World space

What just happened?

Different spaces in a 3D scene

Translating in local space

Time for action — translating in local and parent space

What just happened?

Pop quiz — Ogre 3D and spaces

Have a go hero — adding symmetry

Rotating in different spaces

Time for action — rotating in different spaces

What just happened?

Scaling in different spaces


3. Camera, Light, and Shadow

Creating a plane

Time for action — creating a plane

What just happened?

Representing models in 3D

Adding a point light

Time for action — adding a point light

What just happened?

Have a go hero — adding a second point light

Adding a spotlight

Time for action — creating a spotlight

What just happened?


Pop quiz — different light sources

Have a go hero — mixing light colors

Directional lights

Time for action — creating a directional light

What just happened?

Pop quiz — different light types

The missing thing

Time for action — finding out what's missing

What just happened?

Adding shadows

Time for action — adding shadows

What just happened?

Creating a camera

Time for action — creating a camera

What just happened?

Have a go hero — doing more with the thing

Creating a viewport

Time for action — doing something that illustrates the thing "in action"

What just happened?

Have a go hero — playing with different aspect ratio


4. Getting User Input and Using the Frame Listener

Preparing a scene

Time for action — preparing a scene

What just happened?

Adding movement to the scene

Time for action — adding movement to the scene

What just happened?


Pop quiz — design pattern of FrameListener

Modifying the code to be time based rather than frame based

Time for action — adding time-based movement

What just happened?

Pop quiz — the difference between time- and frame-based movement

Have a go hero — adding a second model

Adding input support

Time for action — adding input support

What just happened?

Window handle

Pop quiz — window questions

Adding movement to the model

Time for action — controlling Sinbad

What just happened?

Have a go hero — using a speed factor for movement

Adding a camera

Time for action — making the camera work again

What just happened?

Mouse state

Pop quiz — capturing the input

Have a go hero — playing with the example

Adding wireframe and point render mode

Time for action — adding wireframe and point render mode

What just happened?

Adding a timer

Time for action — adding a timer

What just happened?

Have a go hero — changing the input mode


5. Animating models with Ogre 3D

Adding animations

Time for action — adding animations

What just happened?

Pop quiz — the importance of time

Have a go hero — adding a second model

Playing two animations at the same time

Time for action — adding a second animation

What just happened?

Have a go hero — adding a factor to the animation speed

Let's walk a bit

Time for action — combining user control and animation

What just happened?

Adding swords

Time for action — adding swords

What just happened?


Printing all the animations a model has

Time for action — printing all animations

What just happened?


6. Scene Managers

Starting with a blank sheet

Time for action — creating a blank sheet

What just happened?

Getting the scene manager's type

Time for action — printing the scene manager's type

What just happened?

What does a scene manger do?


Another scene manager type

Time for action — using another scene manager

What just happened?



Creating our own model

Time for action — creating a model for displaying blades of grass

What just happened?

Manual object

Texture mapping

Have a go hero — playing with the manual object

Adding volume to the blades of grass

Time for action — using more triangles for volume

What just happened?

Creating a field of grass

Time for action — building a field of grass

What just happened?

Exploring the name scheme

Time for action — printing the names

What just happened?

Static geometry

Time for action — using static geometry

What just happened?

Rendering pipeline



7. Materials with Ogre 3D

Creating a white quad

Time for action — creating the quad

What just happened?

Creating our own material

Time for action — creating a material

What just happened?


Have a go hero — creating another material

Texture coordinates take two

Time for action — preparing our quad

What just happened?

Using the wrapping mode with another texture

Time for action — adding a rock texture

What just happened?

Using another texture mode

Time for action — adding a rock texture

What just happened?

Using the mirror mode

Time for action — using the mirror mode

What just happened?

Using the border mode

Time for action — using the border mode

What just happened?

Changing the border color

Time for action — changing the border color

What just happened?

Pop quiz — texture modes

Have a go hero — Using texture modes

Scrolling a texture

Time for action — preparing to scroll a texture

What just happened?

Time for action — scrolling a texture

What just happened?

Animated scrolling

Time for action — adding animated scrolling

What just happened?

Inheriting materials

Time for action — inheriting from a material

What just happened?

Fixed Function Pipeline and shaders

Render Pipeline

Time for action — our first shader application

What just happened?

Writing a shader

Texturing with shaders

Time for action — using textures in shaders

What just happened?

What happens in the render pipeline?

Have a go hero — combining color and texture coordinates

Interpolating color values

Time for action — using colors to see interpolation

What just happened?

Replacing the quad with a model

Time for action — replacing the quad with a model

What just happened?

Making the model pulse on the x-axis

Time for action — adding a pulse

What just happened?


8. The Compositor Framework

Preparing a scene

Time for action — preparing the scene

What just happened?

Adding the first compositor

Time for action — adding a compositor

What just happened?

How the compositor works

Modifying the texture

Time for action — modifying the texture

What just happened?

Inverting the image

Time for action — inverting the image

What just happened?

Combining compositors

Time for action — combining two compositor effects

What just happened?

Decreasing the texture count

Time for action — decreasing the texture count

What just happened?

Combining compositors in code

Time for action — combing two compositors in code

What just happened?

Have a go hero — swapping the green and blue color channels

Something more complex

Time for action — complex compositor

What just happened?

Changing the number of pixels

Time for action — putting the number of pixels in the material

What just happened?

Have a go hero — trying different numbers of pixels

Setting the variable in code

Time for action — setting the variable from the application

What just happened?

Changing the number of pixels while running the application

Time for action — modifying the number of pixels with user input

What just happened?

Have a go hero — reducing parameter changes

Adding a split screen

Time for action — adding a split screen

What just happened?

Have a go hero — doing more with viewports

Putting it all together

Time for action — selecting a color channel

What just happened?


9. The Ogre 3D Startup Sequence

Starting Ogre 3D

Time for action — starting Ogre 3D

What just happened?

Adding resources

Time for action — loading the Sinbad mesh

What just happened?

Using resources.cfg

Time for action — using resources.cfg to load our models

What just happened?

Structure of a configuration file

Creating an application class

Time for action — creating a class

What just happened?

Adding a FrameListener

Time for action — adding a FrameListener

What just happened?

Investigating the FrameListener functionality

Time for action — experimenting with the FrameListener implementation

What just happened?

Time for action — returning true in the frameStarted function

What just happened?

Double buffering

Time for action — returning true in the frameRenderingQueued function

What just happened?

Time for action — returning true in the frameEnded function

What just happened?

Adding input

Time for action — adding input

What just happened?

Pop quiz — the three event handlers

Our own main loop

Time for action — using our own rendering loop

What just happened?

Adding a camera (again)

Time for action — adding a frame listener

What just happened?

Adding compositors

Time for action — adding compositors

What just happened?

Adding a plane

Time for action — adding a plane and a light

What just happened?

Adding user control

Time for action — controlling the model with the arrow keys

What just happened?

Adding animation

Time for action — adding animation

What just happened?

Have a go hero — looking up what we used


10. Particle Systems and Extending Ogre 3D

Adding a particle system

Time for action — adding a particle system

What just happened?

What is a particle system?

Creating a simple particle system

Time for action — creating a particle system

What just happened?

Some more parameters

Time for action — some new parameters

What just happened?

Pop quiz — what makes a particle system

Other parameters

Time for action — time to live and color range

What just happened?

Pop quiz — time to live

Turning it on and off again

Time for action — adding intervals to a particle system

What just happened?

Pop quiz — emitter parameters

Adding affectors

Time for action — adding a scaler affector

What just happened?

Changing colors

Time for action — changing the color

What just happened?

Have a go hero — change the color to red

Two-way changing

Time for action — change depending on the lifetime of a particle

What just happened?

Even more complex color manipulations

Time for action — using complex color manipulation

What just happened?

Adding randomness

Time for action — adding randomness

What just happened?


Time for action — using the deflector plane

What just happened?

Have a go hero — doing more with the thing

Other emitter types

Time for action — using a box emitter

What just happened?

Emitting with a ring

Time for action — using a ring to emit particles

What just happened?

At the end, we would like some fireworks

Time for action — adding fireworks

What just happened?

Pop quiz — different types of emitter

Extending Ogre 3D




Particle Universe







The end

11. Pop quiz — Answers

Chapter 1

Installing Ogre 3D

Chapter 2

Setting up the Environment

Chapter 3

Felix Gogo

Chapter 4

Felix Gogo

Chapter 5

The Book Inventory Bundle

Chapter 7

The Bookshelf: First Stab

Chapter 9

The Ogre 3D Startup Sequence

Chapter 10

How About a Graphical Interface?


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