


Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration电子书

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2人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Amit Sachdev

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:144.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book is a tutorial guide that illustrates the steps needed to install, configure, deploy, and administer Dynamics NAV. It shows you how to get started with Dynamics NAV and then gradually explains other admin tasks such as backing up and performance tuning, using practical examples. If you want to get started in administering Dynamics NAV, this book is for you. Readers do not need any previous experience with Dynamics NAV.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration

Table of Contents

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration



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1. Setting up the Environment for Dynamics NAV

Considerations for deploying Dynamics NAV

Understanding the business needs of company

Factors to be considered for configuring a role

Exporting the reporting and Business Intelligence requirements

Getting to know the Inherent BI capabilities in NAV

Other BI tools—Business Analytics with NAV

Single or multisite deployment

Choice of using a single versus multi-database for deployment

Other DB aspects to consider while deploying

Inter-company operability

Integration with other systems in headquarters

Licensing costs

Integration with external systems and third-party add-ons

Data ports and XML ports

Navision Application Server also known as "NAS"

Integration using Web services

Exploring hardware, operating systems, and networking requirements

Dynamics NAV client

Dynamics NAV server

Using NAV in WAN configurations

WAN options

Hardware configurations



2. Installing Dynamics NAV

Installing a Classic client

Installing a C/SIDE database server

Preparing a Microsoft SQL Server database for Dynamics NAV installation

Connecting a Dynamics NAV client (Classic) to the NAV Classic database server

Connecting a Dynamics NAV client (Classic) to a Microsoft SQL Server database

Installing the RoleTailored client for Dynamics NAV

Installing the Dynamics NAV server (the middle-tier component)

Connecting a RoleTailored client to the database


3. Integrating Dynamics NAV with the Microsoft Platform

Integrating Dynamics NAV and the Microsoft Office system

MS SharePoint interface

Installing and setting up Microsoft Dynamics NAV Employee Portal

Installing Employee Portal

Installing other required software

Installing Employee Portal frontend components

The General tab

The Front End tab

The Key Exchange tab

Setting up captions

Creating Web Part Request templates

Setting up users and groups

Exporting documents to MS Excel and MS Word

Creating a Customer Card stylesheet for MS Word

Creating a Mail Merge with the Customer Card stylesheet

Using extensibility with NAV 2009 SP1

Using a control add-in on pages

Example of using an add-in on RTC

Creating add-ins

Registering the add-in in Microsoft Dynamics NAV


4. Securing Dynamics NAV Applications

Security with SQL Server installation

Dynamics NAV security models

Switching between Enhanced and Standard security models

Why synchronize?

Synchronizing one or multiple users

Users, logins, and passwords

Creating database logins

Setting up user accounts

How is a USER ID used across the application

Logging in using Windows Authentication

SQL extended stored procedures

Why use Windows Logins?


Roles and permissions

Assigning permissions

Creating a new user from scratch

Security filter—record-level security

Sarbanes Oxley compliance

Security, backups, and authorization

Access control and audit trail

Change Log

Data validation and accuracy

Effective change management


5. Backing up and Restoring a Dynamics NAV Database

Creating and restoring backups using a Dynamics NAV client

Retrieving a backup of the Dynamics NAV database

Restoring the database

Handling error messages

Using HotCopy backup

Testing the database

Starting the test

Viewing the output of the database

Backing up and restoring with SQL Server

Creating a server-side SQL backup

Restoring the SQL backup

Synchronizing a SQL database

Expanding the database

Things to consider while defining the backup strategy


6. Performance Tuning

Configuring a SQL Server database for Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Defining database and transaction log files

Defining rules using collations

Writing less expensive C/AL code for customizations


Using the NEXT statement

Using ISEmpty

Locking the recordset

Disabling the "find-as-you-type" feature

Fine-tuning the SQL Server database for Dynamics NAV


Using indexes/keys in Dynamics NAV

Investigating the performance of the database

Updating statistics

The Index Defrag tool

The Key Information tool

Session Monitor

Optimizing tables from the Dynamics NAV interface


7. Setting up Periodic Activities, Stylesheets, and Rapid Implementation Methodology

Job Queue

Setting up Job Queue

Common batch jobs

Recurring journals

Creating a Reminders batch job

Adjust Exchange Rates batch job

Managing stylesheets in Dynamics NAV

Rapid Implementation Methodology

Using RIM tools to set up a new company


8. Updating Objects and Virtualization with Dynamics NAV

Objects in NAV

Updating objects

Exporting the objects from NAV

Importing a file with modifications

Virtualization with Dynamics NAV

Advantages of virtualization

Dynamics NAV and application virtualization


9. Business Intelligence

Importance of Business Intelligence

The Microsoft Business Intelligence story

Business Intelligence categories overview

Business Intelligence product scenarios

Dynamics NAV and Business Intelligence

Inherent BI capabilities in NAV

Business insight through the Role Center

Activities section

My Customers/Items/Vendors

My Notifications

Graphical charts and ad hoc analysis

Creating charts for the Role Center home page

Reporting capabilities in NAV

Defining the data model

Defining relationships between tables

Defining the relationship between the tables

Defining the layout

Selecting the matrix

Testing the report



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