


Mahara 1.2 E-Portfolios: Beginner's Guide电子书

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作       者:Derrin Michael Kent

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:137.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book will provide you with step-by-step instructions to get started with Mahara and create an impressive electronic portfolio. The book is packed with many useful examples and screenshots for easy and quick learning. Pick this book up if you want to get started with Mahara. This book is for you if: You are a student/learner wanting to maintain online documentation of your projects and share it with a particular teacher/trainer for feedback, You are a teacher wanting to set up an e-portfolio for your students in order to encourage and advance personalized and reflective learning, You are a professional wanting to share your journals and project documents with your team by sharing your existing knowledge and creating new knowledge in communities of professional practice, No previous experience of Mahara is required.

Mahara 1.2 ePortfolios

Table of Contents

Mahara 1.2 ePortfolios


About the Authors

About the Reviewers


What this book covers

What you need for this book

Who this book is for


Time for action—Heading

What Just Happened?

Pop quiz— Heading

Have a go hero—Heading

Reader feedback

Customer support




1. What Can Mahara Do for Me?

Portfolios go electronic

Towards an ePortfolio-enabled future

Ways of using Mahara

Case study one: Punam from Pennytown Primary

Case study two: Janet Norman from Pharmaceuticals International Inc. (PI Inc.)

Case study three: Neil from Training 4 Work

Time for action—looking at some real-life Maharas

What just happened?

Why Mahara?

Personalized learning

Reflective learning

Collaborative learning

Pop quiz— what is important to you in an ePortfolio?

Join the Mahara community

Time for action—registering and exploring further

What just happened?

Pop quiz— learning about http://mahara.org

Have a go hero—pressing the buttons till it hurts


2. Getting Started with Mahara

Registering with a Mahara site

Time for action—registering onto the demonstration site

What just happened?

Logging in for the first time

Time for action—logging in

What just happened?

Mahara's user interface—finding your way around

A word on Mahara themes

The main menu and submenus

Site blocks

The footer

Setting up your own profile

Profile information

Editing your profile

Time for action—editing your profile

What just happened?

Profile icons

Time for action—uploading your profile icons

What just happened?

Editing your resumé goals and skills

Time for action—editing your resumé goals and skills

What just happened?

Pop quiz— understanding your profile information

Have a go hero—doing more with your profile information

Your profile page

Time for action—viewing and investigating your profile page

What just happened?

The profile page wall

Some more profile page examples

Adding a text box to your profile page

Time for action—creating a text box for your profile page

What just happened?

Options in the text editor

Time for action—editing a text box by adding a hyperlink

What just happened?

Taking the formatting and editing one step further

Time for action—adding an image to your text box

What just happened?


3. Add Files and Blogs to Your Portfolio

Putting your files online

Mahara replaces the USB stick

Time for action—adding some folders and files to your Portfolio

What just happened?

Giving structure to your folder tree and branches


Upload limit

Moving and deleting files

Uploading more than one file

Time for action—multiple file upload

What just happened?

Using tagging to organize your files and search for them

Pop quiz— files, folders, and tagging

Have a go hero—start setting up your files, folders, and tags


What is a blog?

Time for action—creating your first Mahara blog

What just happened?

Embedding an image in your blog post

Pop quiz— blogging in Mahara

Have a go hero—go on... get reflecting...

Linking to files, folders, and blogs in your Profile Page

Time for action—linking to files, folders, and blogs in your Profile Page

What just happened?



What are Views in Mahara?

Time for action—creating and laying out your View

What just happened?

Adding/removing columns from your View

Time for action—changing your View layout

What just happened?

Time for action—adding View details

What just happened?

View access

Time for action—editing your View access

What just happened?

Making a View copyable

Deciding who can access your View

Time-limiting access

Pop quiz— creating a View

Editing your View once you have created it

Have a go hero—edit your View


Copying Views

Time for action—copying a View

What just happened?

Pop quiz— copying Views

View feedback

Time for action—feedback on a View's content

What just happened?

Best practice example—multi-page view

Time for action—linking Views together to make a multi-page View

What just happened?

Assessing the quality of your View

View quality checklist



Have a go hero—make a top quality View


5. Working in Groups and Interacting with Friends


Time for action—creating a group

What just happened?

Group types

Open membership groups

Request membership groups

Invite only groups

Navigating your new group

Time for action—opening up and navigating around your group

What just happened?

The groups shortcut sideblock

Have a go hero—set up some new groups and create their About pages

Joining an open membership group

Time for action—joining a group in maharaforbeginners.tdm.info

What just happened?

Managing your group members

Time for action—removing group members and changing roles

What just happened?

Pop quiz— creating Mahara groups

Group forums

Time for action—creating a forum

What just happened?

Forum moderation

Managing your forum

The exciting bit: Forum topics

Forum discussion frameworks

Time for action—adding a discussion topic

What just happened?

Naming forums and their topic subjects

Posting to a topic

Time for action—replying to a topic post

What just happened?

Pop quiz— group Forums

Group files

Group views

Finding Groups

Time for action—finding and joining a group

What just happened?

Joining a request membership group

Time for action—requesting to join a group

What just happened?

Accepting/Denying requests to join a group

Making friends!

Time for action—finding friends and adding them to your list

What just happened?

Responding to a friend request

Managing your friends

Time for action—filtering and removing friends

What just happened?


6. Site Settings and Exporting Your Portfolio


Time for action—changing your preferences

What just happened?

Changing username and password

Friends control

HTML editor

Messages from other users

Show controls to add and remove columns when editing a view

Maximum tags in cloud

Preferences in the right sidebar


Time for action—managing your notifications

What just happened?


Activity preferences

Time for action—choosing your activity preferences

What just happened?

Pop quiz—activity types

Have a go hero—play with different preference and settings

Exporting your portfolio

Time for action—exporting your portfolio

What just happened?

HTML website export

LEAP2A export

Pop quiz— Export

Have a go hero—Show off your portfolio by exporting to HTML website


7. Institution Administrators, Staff Members, and Group Tutors

What is an institution?

Administering an institution

Time for action—adding users to your institution

What just happened?

Bulk uploading users to your institution

Time for action—adding institutional users by CSV

What just happened?

Editing user account settings

Time for action—finding a user and suspending them

What just happened?

Masquerading as another user

Managing member roles in your institution

Time for action—managing your institution's members, staff and admins

What just happened?

Configuring your institution's settings

Dealing with admin notifications

Institution views and files



Pop quiz— managing an institution

Less learner-driven aspects of Mahara

What is a course group?

Case study

Time for action—setting up a Course: Controlled Membership group

What just happened?

Publicly viewable groups


Time for action—adding a Tutor to your course group

What just happened?

Have a go hero—set up some course groups

Submitting work for assessment

Time for action—submitting a view to a course group for assessment

What just happened?

Time for action—releasing a view submitted for assessment

What just happened?

Putting it all together into an assessment process

Time for action—an example assessment process with Mahara

What just happened?

Pop quiz— Course Groups, Staff Members and Tutors


A. Mahara Implementation Pre-Planner

What's involved with a Mahara implementation?




Analysis and Specification

Deciding if Mahara is right for you

Collecting, organizing, selecting

Reflecting, testing, verifying, and planning

Representing and publishing

Administrating, implementing, adapting


Understanding your own specific needs and working conditions

Concept 1: Purpose

Concept 2: Learning Activity Design

Concept 3: Processes

Concept 4: Ownership

Concept 5: Disruptive Nature

Choosing between a Mahara partner-supported site or your own installation

Scoping out your implementation plan

Decide on your implementation timeframe

Ensure you have the people's commitment

Draft out your initial Mahara design

Draft out your Mahara-specific policies

Start to embed Mahara into institutional and program priorities

Design and implementation

Creating a buzz!

Getting some quick wins in first!

Continuously involving your users in the design process

Keep going despite adversity!

People can be implementation resisters

Situational Response Tactics

Situational Response Tactic 1: Big Bombs

Situational Response Tactic 2: Sniper Fire

Evaluation and continuation

Reviewing and re-evaluating

Changing and embedding

B. Installing Mahara

What will you need?

Downloading Mahara

Time for action—downloading Mahara

What Just Happened?

Using the command line

Time for action—creating your Mahara file structure

What Just Happened?

Creating the database

Time for action—creating the Mahara database

What Just Happened?

Have a go hero—using the command line to create your database

Setting up the data directory

Time for action—setting up the data directory

What just happened?

Time for action—creating the config.php file

What Just Happened?

Running the Installer

Time for action—running the installer

The last step: Setting up a cron process

Can I install Mahara on Windows?

What about installation on other operating systems?

What is a Mahara partner and what can they do for me?

Finding a Mahara partner

C. Pop quiz Answers

Chapter 2

Understanding your profile information

Chapter 3

files, folders, and tagging

blogging in Mahara

Chapter 4

Creating a View

Copying Views

Chapter 5

Creating Mahara Groups

Group Forums

Chapter 6

Activity Types


Chapter 7

Managing an Institution


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