


Matplotlib for Python Developers电子书

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26人正在读 | 0人评论 6.2

作       者:Sandro Tosi

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:97.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This is a practical, hands-on book, with a lot of code and images. It presents the real code that generates every image and describes almost every single line of it, so that you know exactly what's going on. Introductory, de*ive, and theoretical parts are mixed with examples, so that reading and understanding them is easy. All of the examples build gradually with code snippets, their explanations, and plot images where necessary with the complete code and output presented at the end. This book is essentially for Python developers who have a good knowledge of Python; no knowledge of Matplotlib is required. You will be creating 2D plots using Matplotlib in no time at all.

Matplotlib for Python Developers

Table of Contents

Matplotlib for Python Developers


About the Author

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What this book covers

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1. Introduction to Matplotlib

Merits of Matplotlib

Matplotlib web sites and online documentation

Output formats and backends

Output formats


About dependencies

Build dependencies

Installing Matplotlib

Installing Matplotlib on Linux

Installing Matplotlib on Windows

Installing Matplotlib on Mac OS X

Installing Matplotlib using packaged Python distributions

Installing Matplotlib from source code

Testing our installation


2. Getting Started with Matplotlib

First plots with Matplotlib

Multiline plots

A brief introduction to NumPy arrays

Grid, axes, and labels

Adding a grid

Handling axes

Adding labels

Titles and legends

Adding a title

Adding a legend

A complete example

Saving plots to a file

Interactive navigation toolbar

IPython support

Controlling the interactive mode

Suppressing functions output

Configuring Matplotlib

Configuration files

Configuring through the Python code

Selecting backend from code


3. Decorate Graphs with Plot Styles and Types

Markers and line styles

Control colors

Specifying styles in multiline plots

Control line styles

Control marker styles

Finer control with keyword arguments

Handling X and Y ticks

Plot types

Histogram charts

Error bar charts

Bar charts

Pie charts

Scatter plots

Polar charts

Navigation Toolbar with polar plots

Control radial and angular grids

Text inside figure, annotations, and arrows

Text inside figure




4. Advanced Matplotlib

Object-oriented versus MATLAB styles

A brief introduction to Matplotlib objects

Our first (simple) example of OO Matplotlib


Multiple figures

Additional Y (or X) axes

Logarithmic axes

Share axes

Plotting dates

Date formatting

Axes formatting with axes tick locators and formatters

Custom formatters and locators

Text properties, fonts, and LaTeX


Using LaTeX formatting


External TeX renderer

Contour plots and image plotting

Contour plots

Image plotting


5. Embedding Matplotlib in GTK+

A brief introduction to GTK+

Introduction to GTK+ signal system

Embedding a Matplotlib figure in a GTK+ window

Including a navigation toolbar

Real-time plots update

Embedding Matplotlib in a Glade application

Designing the GUI using Glade

Code to use Glade GUI


6. Embedding Matplotlib in Qt 4

Brief introduction to Qt 4 and PyQt4

Embedding a Matplotlib figure in a Qt window

Including a navigation toolbar

Real-time update of a Matplotlib graph

Embedding Matplotlib in a GUI made with Qt Designer

Designing the GUI using Qt Designer

Code to use the Qt Designer GUI

Introduction to signals and slots

Returning to the example


7. Embedding Matplotlib in wxWidgets

Brief introduction to wxWidgets and wxPython

Embedding a Matplotlib figure in a wxFrame

Including a navigation toolbar

Real-time plots update

Embedding Matplotlib in a GUI made with wxGlade


8. Matplotlib for the Web

Matplotlib and CGI

What is CGI

Configuring Apache for CGI execution

Simple CGI example

Matplotlib in a CGI script

Passing parameters to a CGI script

Matplotlib and mod_python

What is mod_python

Apache configuration for mod_python

Matplotlib in a mod_python example

Matplotlib and mod_python's Python Server Pages

Web Frameworks and MVC

Matplotlib and Django

What is Django

Matplotlib in a Django application

Matplotlib and Pylons

What is Pylons

Matplotlib in a Pylons application


9. Matplotlib in the Real World

Plotting data from a database

Plotting data from the Web

Plotting data by parsing an Apache log file

Plotting data from a CSV file

Plotting extrapolated data using curve fitting

Tools using Matplotlib



Plotting geographical data

First example

Using satellite background

Plot data over a map

Plotting shapefiles with Basemap



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