


RavenDB 2.x Beginner’s Guide电子书

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作       者:Khaled Tannir

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:139.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Written in a friendly, example-driven Beginner’s Guide format, there are plenty of step-by-step instructions and examples that are designed to help you get started with RavenDB. If you are a .NET developer, new to document-oriented databases, and you wish to learn how to build applications using NoSQL databases, then this book is for you. Experience with relational database systems will be helpful, but not necessary.

RavenDB 2.x Beginner's Guide

Table of Contents

RavenDB 2.x Beginner's Guide


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1. Getting Started with RavenDB

Understanding the basics of NoSQL Databases

Types of NoSQL Databases

What is RavenDB?

From relational databases to RavenDB

Why RavenDB?

How RavenDB works?

Anatomy of a Document

The JSON format

Downloading and installing RavenDB

What do you need to run RavenDB?

Time for action – downloading and installing RavenDB

What just happened?

Running RavenDB server in the Console mode

Exploring the Start.cmd file

Time for action – exploring the Start.cmd file

What just happened?

Configuring the RavenDB server

Launching the RavenDB server in the Console mode

Time for action – launching RavenDB in the Console mode

What just happened?

Creating your first RavenDB database

Time for action – creating a new database and adding sample data

What just happened?

Shutting down the RavenDB server in the Console mode

Time for action – shutting down RavenDB

What just happened?

Have a go hero – connecting to a RavenDB server on a networked computer


2. RavenDB Management Studio

Introducing the RavenDB Management Studio

Management Studio's multi-databases feature

Creating a new database

Time for action – creating a new database

What just happened?

Management Studio's Documents screen

Time for action – creating your first document

What just happened?

Time for action – loading a document

What just happened?

Time for action – searching for a document

What just happened?

Exporting a database to a CSV file

Time for action – exporting documents to a CSV file

What just happened?

RavenDB documents metadata

Time for action – adding a custom metadata key

What just happened

Management Studio's Collections screen

Time for action – modifying a document

What just happened?

Management Studio's Indexes screen

Creating your first Index

Time for action – creating an Index

What just happened?

Executing a query against an Index

Time for action – querying an Index

What just happened?

Editing an Index

Time for action – editing an Index

What just happened?

The Query Index screen

Time for action – querying an Index

What just happened?

Creating a Dynamic Query

Time for action – creating a Dynamic Query

What just happened?

Management Studio's Patch screen

Time for action – patching a document

What just happened?

Have a go hero – patching the Orders collection

Management Studio's Tasks screen

Time for action – importing external data using a CSV file

What just happened?

Have a go hero – exporting documents from different views

Management Studio's Alerts screen

Management Studio's Logs screen

Time for action – exploring the Logs screen

What just happened?

Viewing the database settings

Time for action – viewing the database's active bundles

What just happened?

The System database settings

Time for action – opening the System database's Settings page

What just happened?


Time for action – enabling the Periodic Backup feature

What just happened?

Doing more with the Management Studio

Choosing the columns

Time for action – customizing the columns

What just happened?

Copying the document to clipboard

Time for action – copying the data document to the clipboard

What just happened?

Deleting the Documents, Collections, Indexes, or Databases

Time for action – deleting a database using the Management Studio

What just happened?


3. RavenDB.NET Client API

The RavenDB .NET Client API

Setting up your development environment

Time for action – installing NuGet Package Manager

What just happened?

Creating a simple application

Time for action – adding RavenDB Client to a Visual Studio project

What just happened?

Connecting to RavenDB

Time for action – connecting to RavenDB

What just happened?

Interacting with RavenDB using the .NET Client API

Loading a document

Time for action – loading a document

What just happened?

Have a go hero – loading multiple documents

Inserting a new Document

Time for action – inserting a new document

What just happened?

Updating a document

Time for action – updating a document

What just happened?

Deleting a document

Time for action – deleting a document

What just happened?

Querying a documents collection

Time for action – querying a documents collection

What just happened?

Have a go hero – querying a collection using lambda expression

Pop quiz – RavenDB .NET Client API


4. RavenDB Indexes and Queries

The RavenDB indexes

RavenDB Map/Reduce implementation

The types of RavenDB indexes

RavenDB dynamic indexes

Querying dynamic indexes

Time for action – querying a dynamic index

What just happened?

Querying temporary indexes

Time for action – querying a temporary index

What just happened?

Managing temporary indexes

Time for action – managing temporary indexes

Have a go hero – creating projections using Linq queries

RavenDB static indexes

Creating your first Map function

Time for action – defining a Map function for an index

What just happened?

Creating your first Reduce function

Time for action – adding a Reduce function to an index

What just happened?

Using TransformResults in an index

Time for action – adding a TransformResults to the index

What just happened?

Have a go hero – creating Map/Reduce/Transform index

RavenDB stale indexes

Checking for stale index results

Time for action – checking for stale index results

What just happened?

Waiting for non-stale index results

Time for action – explicitly waiting for a non-stale index result

What just happened?

Have a go hero – display all index names

Pop quiz – RavenDB and Map/Reduce


5. Advanced RavenDB Indexes and Queries

The RavenDB AbstractIndexCreationTask class

Creating indexes using the AbstractIndexCreationTask class

Time for action – creating indexes using AbstractIndexCreationTask class

What just happened?

Using AbstractIndexCreationTask and ReduceResult

Time for action – creating indexes using the ResultReduce class

What just happened?

Have a go hero – query the Cities_SameName index

Using the TransformResults function

Time for action – using the TransformResults function

What just happened?

Creating multimap indexes

Time for action – creating multimap indexes

What just happened?

Using indexes to search over documents

Full-text and exact matching search

Time for action – creating a full-text searching index

What just happened?

Have a go hero – adding exact matching searching index class

Multiple field searching and search options

Time for action – creating multifields searching index

What just happened?

Using a custom analyzer for searching

Time for action – using a custom analyzer

What just happened?

Paging a query's results

Time for action – paging a query's results

What just happened?

Pop quiz – searching the right way


6. Advanced RavenDB Document Capabilities

RavenDB attachments

Storing attachments

Time for action – using attachments to store images

What just happened?

Retrieving attachments

Time for action – retrieving stored attachments

What just happened?

Have a go hero – retrieving country flag image attachment

Update and delete attachments

Time for action – retrieving and updating anattachment's metadata

What just happened?

Have a go hero – updating and deleting attachments

Handling documents relationships

Using Include to preload documents

Time for action – using Include to reduce query calls

What just happened?

Have a go hero – using Include with a query

Indexing related documents

Time for action – indexing related documents

What just happened?

Patching documents

Patching documents using ScriptedPatchRequest

Time for action – applying a ScriptedPatchRequest

What just happened?

Patching documents using PatchRequest

Time for action – using PatchRequest to add a new field to a document

What just happened?

Have a go hero – adding a FlagId field to the Countries collection


7. RavenDB Administration

RavenDB configuration options

RavenDB optimizing key concepts

Time for action – optimizing RavenDB performances

What just happened?

Backing up RavenDB databases

Backing up databases using the RavenDB backup tool

Time for action – backing up the World database

What just happened?

Have a go hero – creating an incremental backup

Backing up a database using VSS

Backing up a database using Management Studio

Time for action – backing up the World database using Management Studio

What just happened?

Restoring RavenDB databases

Restoring databases using the command line

Time for action – restoring the World database using the command line

What just happened?

Restoring databases using Management Studio

Time for action – restoring the World database using Management Studio

What just happened?

Exporting and importing RavenDB databases

Exporting RavenDB databases

Time for action – exporting the World database using Smuggler

What just happened?

Importing RavenDB databases

Time for action – importing the World database using Smuggler

What just happened?

Have a go hero – importing/exporting using the Client .NET API

Deleting RavenDB databases

RavenDB server bundles

Replication bundles

RavenDB replication bundle

Time for action – creating a master to slave database replication

What just happened?

Have a go hero – creating World database replication

SQL replication bundle

Time for action – replicating to Microsoft SQL Express

What just happened?

Have a go hero – activating and using the IndexReplication bundle

RavenDB authorization bundle

Time for action – authenticating and authorizing

What just happened?

Have a go hero – activating the authorization bundle

Enabling RavenDB logging

Time for action – enabling RavenDB logging

What just happened?

Upgrading the RavenDB server

Time for action – upgrading the RavenDB server

Pop quiz – RavenDB administration


8. Deploying RavenDB

RavenDB deployment strategies

Running RavenDB as a Windows Service

Installing the RavenDB service

Time for action – running RavenDB as a Windows Service

What just happened?

Have a go hero – setting a particular host name to RavenDB

Uninstalling the RavenDB service

Time for action – uninstalling the RavenDB service

What just happened?

RavenDB and IIS

Running RavenDB from an IIS virtual directory

Time for action – running RavenDB from an IIS virtual directory

What just happened?

Running RavenDB as an IIS application

Time for action – running RavenDB as an IIS application

What just happened?

RavenDB Embedded mode

Embedding RavenDB

Time for action – running RavenDB in Embedded mode

What just happened?

Memory embedded RavenDB

Time for action – running RavenDB inmemory

What just happened?

Pop quiz – searching the right way


9. Scaling-out RavenDB

What is scaling-out?

RavenDB sharding

Time for action – preparing RavenDB for sharding

What just happened?

RavenDB sharding – the blind mode

Time for action – implementing RavenDB sharding (the blind mode)

What just happened?

RavenDB sharding – the smart mode

Time for action – implementing RavenDB sharding (the smart mode)

What just happened?

Have a go hero – implementing the Shard ID translator function

Mixing sharding and replication

Have a go hero – mixing sharding and replication

Pop Quiz – scaling-out RavenDB


10. RavenDB Profiling

What is profiling?

RavenDB profiler

Time for action – enabling the RavenDB profiler

What just happened?

Using the profiler information

Have a go hero – profiling the RavenDB shards

RavenDB visual host

Time for action – running the RavenDB visual host

What just happened?

RavenDB workload simulator/stress tests


11. RavenDB HTTP API


Understanding REST

Anatomy of the RavenDB REST request URL

The RESTClient tool

Time for action – downloading and launching the RESTClient tool

What just happened?

The GET request

Time for action – performing a GET request

What just happened?

Have a go hero – retrieving the databases list

The PUT request

Time for action – granting access to perform a PUT request

What just happened?

Time for action – performing a PUT request

What just happened?

The POST request

Time for action – performing a POST request

What just happened?

Have a go hero – retrieving the inserted document

The PATCH request

Time for action – performing a Patch request

What just happened?

Have a go hero – removing the document properties with a PATCH request

The DELETE request

Time for action – performing a Delete request

What just happened?

Getting multiple documents with a single request

Time for action – getting multiple documents within a single request

What just happened?

Querying an Index

Time for action – querying an Index

What just happened?

Pop Quiz – deep into RavenDB


12. Putting It All Together

A word about ASP.NET MVC

Application architecture key concepts

Creating an ASP.NET MVC 4 project with RavenDB

Getting connected to RavenDB

Time for action – creating the World ASP.NET MVC application

What just happened?

Adding Models

Time for action – adding the World application's Models

What just happened?

Adding Controllers

Time for action – adding the Controllers

What just happened?

Have a go hero – adding the CityController class

Adding Views

Time for action – adding the Views

What just happened?

Have a go hero – adding the CityController Views

Launching the World application

Time for action – launching the World application

What just happened?

Doing more with the World application

Creating the RavenDB Indexes automatically

Time for action – creating indexes automatically

What just happened?

Adding a page navigation bar

Time for action – the paging query <Country>() result

What just happened?

Adding the Country master/details View

Time for action – creating the Country master/details View

What just happened?

Adding the search Cities view

Time for action – implementing the Search view

What just happened?

Have a go hero – creating the Search view with paginated result


13. Pop Quiz Answers

Chapter 3, RavenDB.NET Client API

Pop quiz – RavenDB .NET Client API

Chapter 4, RavenDB Indexes and Queries

Pop quiz – RavenDB and Map/Reduce

Chapter 5, Advanced RavenDB Indexes and Queries

Pop quiz – searching the right way

Chapter 7, RavenDB Administration

Pop quiz – RavenDB administration

Chapter 9, Scaling-out RavenDB

Pop quiz – scaling-out RavenDB

Chapter 11, RavenDB HTTP API

Pop quiz – deep into RavenDB


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