


Learning Articulate Storyline电子书

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7人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Stephanie Harnett

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:152.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book provides one-on-one tutoring to help you quickly get up to speed with the basics while also learning how to best apply Storyline features in the context of the work you do.If you’re an e-learning developer, writer, designer, subject matter expert, or all or any one of these, this book is for you. This book is not just for novices, but also for seasoned developers, transitioning from PowerPoint and Articulate Studio ’09, and for those who are already working with Storyline.

Learning Articulate Storyline

Table of Contents

Learning Articulate Storyline


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1. Creating a Story

Launching Storyline

Creating a new story

Storyline interface

Story View

Normal View (also known as Slide View)

Preparing a story

Story size

Adjusting the story size

Creating a story based on a template

Importing content from external sources

Importing PowerPoint content

Selecting slides

Importing Articulate Quizmaker content

Importing Articulate Engage content

Importing Storyline content

Saving a story

Give it a try


2. Adding Content into your Story

Working with the Timeline

Controlling the appearance of objects

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Reading the Timeline

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Inserting content into a slide

Grouping objects

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Working with text

Scrolling panels

Slide notes

Working with pictures and screenshots

Inserting a screenshot

Adjusting the properties of pictures and screenshots

Visual help

Working with slides

Organizing slides in Story View

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Customizing slide design

Slide Masters

Design themes and backgrounds

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Adding animations and transitions

Previewing your work

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3. Adding Interactivity

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Working with states

Working with triggers

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Adding hyperlinks

Adding buttons

Button icons

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Quick publishing

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4. Adding Characters and Audio

Examples of the human touch done well

About Storyline characters

Character states

Adding a character

Adding a state to a character

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About character conversations

Speech bubbles

Adding a speech bubble

Audible conversation

Recording narration

Importing an audio clip

Editing an audio track

Accessing sound tools

Synchronizing objects and narration

Adding cue points

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Creating interactive conversations

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5. Extending Slide Content

About layers

Adding a layer

Adjusting layers

Ordering layers

Editing the properties of a layer

Formatting a layer

Adding visibility of base layer objects

Adding consistency with master layouts

Adding content to a layer

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Showing and hiding a layer

Displaying a layer by mouse action

Hiding a layer

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Features that extend a slide's content


Adding a hotspot


Adding a marker

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Button sets

Turning a set of objects into a button set

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Triggering the display of a lightbox

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6. Using Variables to Customize the Learning Experience

Storyline variables

Types of variables

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Part 1 – creating a new project and adjusting the slides

Part 2 – Adjusting formatting

Part 3 – adding new slides and previewing functionality

Creating variables

Using variables

Inserting a reference to a variable

Data Entry

Inserting a Data Entry box

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Part 1 – adding a Data Entry box to solicit learner thoughts

Part 2 – adding a Data Entry box to collect a learner name

Refining action based on conditions

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Part 1 – setting up variables and tracking progress

Part 2 – controlling learner navigation to prevent skipping sections


7. Creating Learning Paths

Principles of branching

Controlling presentation order

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Understanding slide properties

Slide advances

When revisiting

Slide navigation controls

Player features

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Customizing slide navigation

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8. Testing Learner Knowledge

Question categories and types

Creating, editing, and customizing questions

Creating graded or survey questions

Initial setup of graded or survey questions

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Configuring graded or survey questions

Question feedback

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Scoring, results, and review

Inserting a result slide

Customizing feedback further

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Converting static content

Freeform question types

Pick One, Pick Many, and Text Entry

Text Entry and hotspot


Shortcut key

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Customizing your quiz

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9. Adding Visual Media to a Story

Working with visual media

Supported media

Bringing media into a story – part 1


Inserting video to a story

Editing video

Basic tasks

Inserting video from a website

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Bringing media into a story – part 2

Flash files

Adding Flash to a story

Web content

Adding web content to a story

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Screen recordings and interactive simulations

Recording a screen

Steps to record a screen

Step-by-step recordings inserted in View mode

Step-by-step recordings inserted in Try mode

Step-by-step recordings inserted in Test mode

Fine tuning the recording

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Creating emphasis with pans and zooms

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Tips on working with video


10. Publishing your Story

Previewing projects

Customizing the Player

Player properties review





Colors and effects

Text labels


Current Player

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Published output

Publishing to the web

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Publishing with tracking

Considerations when tracking

Other publishing options

Considerations when working with HTML 5 output


11. Rapid Development

Concept of reusability

Leveraging existing assets

Importing external content

Considerations when importing

Build once, and reuse many times

Question Banks

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Interaction templates

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Reusing glossaries and resources

Reusing characters and images

Creating images from video

Best practices for organizing assets

Productivity boosters

Top 10 Storyline productivity boosters


A. Appendix

The Articulate community

Design and development

File locations

Flash, HTML and mobile feature comparison

Creating your own keyboard shortcuts

Player color customization

Story size and dimensions

Designing for multiple devices

Player size considerations

Working with media

Assets and templates




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