


Getting Started with Dynamics NAV 2013 Application Development电子书

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作       者:Alex Chow

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:30.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Presented in an easy-to-follow, step-by-step tutorial, "Getting Started with Dynamics NAV 2013 Application Development" introduces the reader to the main concepts of developing with Dynamics NAV."Getting Started with Dynamics NAV 2013 Application Development" is for any user who uses Dynamics NAV as their main business software. This is also for any developers who may be familiar with other accounting software and wish to get into developing within the Dynamics NAV field.

Getting Started with Dynamics NAV 2013 Application Development

Table of Contents

Getting Started with Dynamics NAV 2013 Application Development


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1. Getting Dynamics NAV 2013 on Your Computer – For (Almost) Free

Getting your free copy

Installing the software

Installing Visual Studio Web Developer 2010 Express

A quick overview of the additional contents of the installation files for Dynamics NAV

A look at what is installed

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Administration Shell

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Development Environment

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Windows Client

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration

The SQL Server 2012 folder

The SQL Server 2012 report builder

Getting your license

Demo license

MSDN license

A full On-Premise license

The cloud license


2. Getting Familiar with Dynamics NAV 2013

But first, a little history

The Windows Client (WC) interface

Exploring the role center page

Page search

Accessing other functional areas

Exploring the list page

Personalizing the list page

Searching your data based on filters

Exploring the card page

Personalizing the card page

Exploring the document page

Exploring the rest of the RTC environment

The Development Environment interface


3. Exploring the Data Structure and Basic Layout of Dynamics NAV

Exploring the different departments

Drilling across modules and departments

Sales and marketing

Going into the inventory

Continuing on to the vendor

Drilling down to the detailed transactions

Keep drilling

Creating a sales order

Drill it on your own


4. Determining a Task List

Who you are

Your company

Identifying the major pains in the company

Understanding the current operation

Listing out all of the problems

Defining the non-negotiable must-haves

Designing the solution


5. Finding Similar Functions for Inspiration

A closer look at the requirements

Where have you seen similar behavior?

A closer look at the Sales Header table (36)

Data types in Dynamics NAV

Primary key and indexes

Looking at C/AL behind the table (the code)

Table relations

A closer look at the Sales Order page (42)

Looking at the properties

A closer look at the Sales Order Subform page (46)

Looking at C/AL on the page (the code)


6. Creating the Application – Tables

Creating the table and identifying the primary key(s)

Saving, compiling, and running our table

Primary keys

Checking our requirements list

Adding new fields to the tables

Defining table relations in fields

Creating the Complaint Line table

Creating a conditional table relationship

Adding a composite primary key

Adding the Complaint Comments table


7. Creating the Application – Pages and Reports

Creating the Product Complaint page

Linking FactBoxes

Creating the Product Complaint subpage

The AutoSplitKey property

Creating the Product Complaint Comments page

Linking the pages together

Create an analysis report using wizards


8. Extending Our Application

A quick look at our user requirements

A quick test of our application

Generate unique document numbers automatically

Creating a number series for our application

Programming our table for the number series

Put our code in the table

Defaulting fields using code

Defaulting fields using FlowFields

Defaulting an item description on the line table

Changing the properties of the decimal values

Creating a separate screen for closed complaints

Creating the list page

Data clean up

Adding the application to the RTC menu

Testing our application

Last check of our requirement list


9. Dynamics NAV Modules to Address the Specific Needs of Your Business

Exploring the Help tool

Exploring the Warehouse Management functionality

Exploring the Manufacturing functionality

Exploring the Jobs functionality

Exploring the Service Management functionality


A. Additional Resources and Conclusion

Official online resource

Connect online


MSDN site

Microsoft Dynamics Community

Unofficial online resource

Online forums


Dynamics NAV add-ons

Dynamics NAV solution center finder



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