


Puppet Reporting and Monitoring电子书

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作       者:Michael Duffy

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:140.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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An easy to follow guide with extensive examples to explain Puppet's reporting capabilities to facilitate effective implementation of Puppet in the real world as a reporting tool.If you are a Puppet developer or a system administrator using Puppet, and you want to extend your expertise to manage and optimize your server resources, then this book is for you.

Puppet Reporting and Monitoring

Table of Contents

Puppet Reporting and Monitoring


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1. Setting Up Puppet for Reporting

Learning the basics of Puppet reporting

Exploring the Puppet configuration file

Setting up the server

Setting up the Puppet agent


2. Viewing Data in Dashboards

Why use a dashboard?

The Puppet Dashboard feature list

Understanding Puppet Dashboard

Exploring Puppet Enterprise Console

Event Inspector

Puppet Live Management

Using The Foreman

Reporting with The Foreman

Looking at trends in The Foreman

Discovering PuppetBoard


3. Introducing Report Processors

Understanding a report processor

Utilizing the built-in report processors

Storing reports with the store report processor

Adding to logfiles with the log report processor

Graphing with the rrdgraph processor

The tagmail report processor

Sending reports with the HTTP report processor

The PuppetDB report processor

Exploring the power of third-party plugins

Getting social with Twitter

Staying on top of alerts with PagerDuty


4. Creating Your Own Report Processor

The anatomy of a report processor

Creating a basic report processor

Registering your report processor

Describing your report processor

Processing your report

Values of the self.status object

Alerting with e-mail and Puppet

Managing your report processor configuration with Puppet

Monitoring changes and alerting with Puppet

Logging with MySQL

Adding metrics and events to MySQL

Raising issues with JIRA

A final note on third-party applications


5. Exploring PuppetDB

A brief history of PuppetDB

Setting up the PuppetDB server

Installing PuppetDB

Installing PuppetDB from packages

Increasing the JVM heap space

Installing PostgreSQL

Installing the packages

Creating your database user

Creating the PostgreSQL database


6. Retrieving Data with the PuppetDB API

Exploring the PuppetDB query API

Understanding the command interface

Understanding the query API interface

A primer on the PuppetDB query language

Exploring endpoints

Using the facts endpoint

Using the resources endpoint

Retrieving details about nodes

Getting the run details with the catalogs endpoint

Understanding the fact-names endpoint

Knowing the status of PuppetDB with the metrics endpoint

Using the reports endpoint

Working with the events endpoint

Using the event-counts endpoint

Applying the aggregate-event-counts endpoint

Using the server-time endpoint

The version endpoint


7. Writing Custom Reports with PuppetDB

Creating a basic query application

Setting up the basic application

Connecting to PuppetDB

Outputting results

Creating a menu-driven PuppetDB application

Setting up the UI

Querying PuppetDB's facts endpoint

Outputting the hardware report

Querying PuppetDB for report information

Creating the PuppetDB query method

Fetching the event counts

Presenting the events data

Testing our application


8. Creating Your Own Custom Dashboard

Exploring Dashing

Setting up Dashing

Exploring the default puppetdash directory layout

Running Dashing

Creating our dashboard

Creating our dashboard layout

Feeding data into Dashing

Creating new jobs in Dashing

Adding trends

Adding meters


9. Looking Back and Looking Forward

Looking back at what we've learned

Rediscovering dashboards

Producing alerts

Using Nagios

Discovering Icinga and Shinken

Compliance monitoring with Puppet

Analyzing metrics with StatsD, Graphite, and Etsy Skyline

Tracking changes with Puppet and Graphite

Using Etsy Skyline to find your normal

Using Puppet to drive orchestration



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