


Learning Dart电子书

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作       者:Ivo Balbaert

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:252.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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"Mastering Dart by Projects" is a stepbystep guide that aims to give you handson knowledge about programming in Dart using an examplebased approach.If you want to become a web developer, or perhaps you already are a web developer but you want to add Dart to your tool belt, then this book is for you. This book assumes that you have at least some knowledge of HTML and how web applications work. Some previous programming experience, preferably in a modern language like C#, Java, Python, Ruby, or JavaScript, will also give you a head start. You can also work with Dart on your preferred platform, be it Linux, Mac OS X, or Windows.

Learning Dart

Table of Contents

Learning Dart


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1. Dart – A Modern Web Programming Language

What is Dart?

Dart is a perfect fit for HTML5

A very short history of web programming

Dart empowers the web client

JavaScript is not the way to go for complex apps

Google, GWT, and Dart

Advantages of Dart

Getting started with Dart

Installing the Dart Editor

Your first Dart program

Getting a view on the Dart tool chain

The Dart execution model

A bird's eye view on Dart

Example 1 – raising rabbits

Extracting a function

A web version

Example 2 – banking

Making a todo list with Dart


2. Getting to Work with Dart

Variables – to type or not to type

Built-in types and their methods



Some useful String methods

Dates and times



Documenting your programs

Changing the execution flow of a program

Using functions in Dart

Return types


First class functions

Recognizing and catching errors and exceptions

Debugging exercise


3. Structuring Code with Classes and Libraries

A touch of class – how to use classes and objects

Visibility – getters and setters

Types of constructors

Named constructors

factory constructors

const constructors


Abstract classes and methods

The interface of a class – implementing interfaces

Polymorphism and the dynamic nature of Dart

Collection types and generics

Typing collections and generics

The collection hierarchy and its functional nature

Structuring your code using libraries

Using a library in an app

Resolving name conflicts

Visibility of objects outside a library

Managing library dependencies with pub

Unit testing in Dart

Project – word frequency


4. Modeling Web Applications with Model Concepts and Dartlero

A short introduction to Git and GitHub

Creating a repository on GitHub and a local version

Collaborating on a GitHub project

What a model is and why we need it in programming

Model concepts – a graphical design tool for our models

Working with model concepts

Explaining the model

Drawing the model

Exporting the model

What is JSON?

Dartlero – a simple domain model framework

An example of using Dartlero

The categories and links application


5. Handling the DOM in a New Way

Finding elements and changing their attributes

Finding elements

Changing the attributes of elements

Creating and removing elements

Handling events

Manipulating the style of page elements

Animating a game

Ping Pong using style(s)

How to draw on a canvas – Ping Pong revisited

Spiral 1 – drawing a circle and a rectangle

Spiral 2 – colored circles and rectangles

Spiral 3 – moving a ball

Spiral 4 – reorganizing the code

Spiral 5 – a bouncing ball

Spiral 6 – displaying the racket

Spiral 7 – moving the racket using keys

Spiral 8 – moving the racket using the mouse

Spiral 9 – a real game

Spiral 10 – title and replay

Spiral 11 – the master version


6. Combining HTML5 Forms with Dart

Spiral 1 – the power of HTML5 forms

Spiral 2 – how to validate data with Dart

Validation in the model

Spiral 3 – how to store data in local storage

Spiral 4 – reading and showing data

Spiral 5 – changing and updating data

Spiral 6 – working with a list of bank accounts


7. Building Games with HTML5 and Dart

The model for the memory game

Spiral 1 – drawing the board

Spiral 2 – drawing cells

Spiral 3 – coloring the cells

Spiral 4 – implementing the rules

Spiral 5 – game logic (bringing in the time element)

Spiral 6 – some finishing touches

Spiral 7 – using images

Adding audio to a web page

Using an audio library – Collision clones

Adding video to a web page


8. Developing Business Applications with Polymer Web Components

How web components change web development

Web components with Polymer.dart

Declaring and instantiating a web component

Two-way data binding in Polymer.dart

Creating the polymer_links project

Spiral s01

Spiral s02

Spiral s04

Spiral s05

Spiral s06

Using Polymer for the category links project

Adding local storage

Applying web components to the project tasks app

Add and remove Task propagations


9. Modeling More Complex Applications with Dartling

The Dartling domain modeling framework

Design of the Travel Impressions model in spirals

Generating Travel Impressions code from the model

Initializing the Travel Impressions model with Data

Testing the Travel Impressions model

Defining and using the MVC pattern

The TodoMVC app

Spiral 0 – generating a class model

Spiral 1 – adding todo tasks

Spiral 2 – showing how many todo tasks left

Spiral 3 – removing a single task and completed tasks

Spiral 4 – editing todos (undo and redo)

Spiral 5 – displaying completed, remaining, or all todos

Spiral 6 – editing a task


10. MVC Web and UI Frameworks in Dart – An Overview



Dart Web Toolkit (DWT)

The dartling_dwt_todo_mvc_spirals project

Dart widgets


HTML components

Rikulo UI

Rikulo MVC




Flash Professional CC – toolkit for Dart



11. Local Data and Client-Server Communication

The options for browser storage

Asynchronous calls and Futures

Using IndexedDB with Dart

Spiral s00

Spiral s01

Spiral s02

Spiral s03

Spiral s04

Spiral s05

Using Lawndart

A Dart web server

Using JSON web services

Spiral s07


12. Data-driven Web Applications with MySQL and MongoDB

Database drivers for Dart

Storing todo data in MySQL

Dartlero tasks – a many-to-many model in MySQL

The JSON storage

MySQL storage

MongoDB – a NoSQL database

Using the mongo_dart driver to store the todo data in MongoDB



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