


Neo4j Graph Data Modeling电子书

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作       者:Mahesh Lal

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:45.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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If you are a developer who wants to understand the fundamentals of modeling data in Neo4j and how it can be used to model full-fledged applications, then this book is for you. Some understanding of domain modeling may be advantageous but is not essential.

Neo4j Graph Data Modeling

Table of Contents

Neo4j Graph Data Modeling


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1. Graphs Are Everywhere

Graphs in mathematics

The property graph model

Storage – native graph storage versus non-native graph storage

Reasons to use graph databases

What to use a graph database for

Choosing Neo4j for exploring graph databases

The structure of the book


2. Modeling Flights and Cities

Graphs are more than social

Designing a system to get a travel itinerary

Introduction to modeling flights and cities

Identifying the entities

Introduction to modeling nodes and relationships

Using Cypher to operate on Neo4j

Creating cities in Neo4j


Adding flights to Neo4j

Traversing relationships


3. Formulating an Itinerary

Creating an itinerary from flights and cities

Information and paths

Using Cypher to find a path

Business logic should lie in code


4. Modeling Bookings and Users

Building a data model for booking flights

A simple model of the bookings ecosystem

Modeling bookings in an RDBMS

Creating bookings and users in Neo4j

Creating users

Creating bookings in Neo4j

Queries to find journeys and bookings

Finding all journeys of a user

Queries to find the booking history of a user

Upcoming journeys of a user


5. Refactoring the Data Model

Capturing information about hotels at airports

Modeling airports and hotels

Extracting airport information from flights

Breaking airports out as a node

Connecting flights to airports

Delinking flights and cities

Querying the refactored data model

Reasons for not migrating using a single query

Adding hotels to airports

Fetching hotels


6. Modeling Communication Chains

Capturing traveler reviews for hotels

A model for reviews and comments

Adding reviews to Neo4j

Listing reviews for a hotel

Using reviews to find the average rating of a hotel

Adding comments to Neo4j

Considerations for modeling temporal data as chains


7. Modeling Access Control

Controlling access for content change

Modeling hierarchies

Modeling geographical regions

Adding countries and regions to Neo4j

Modeling hotel chains

Adding hotel chains to Neo4j

Modeling access control groups and employees

Adding access groups to Neo4j

Adding employees to Neo4j

Querying the data model to find what is accessible to an employee


8. Recommendations and Analysis of Historical Data

Recommending cities to travelers

Modeling categories

Creating categories in Neo4j

Cities and categories

Recommending cities based on previous travels

Recommending cities on the basis of other travelers

Recommending hotels to travelers

Recommending hotels from the same chains

Recommending hotels visited by similar travelers

Recommending hotels that match a price range

Improving recommendations

Analysis of the historical data

Querying to discover patterns


9. Wrapping Up

There is no correct model

Further reading and exploration

What to watch out for while using Neo4j


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