


Mastering NetBeans电子书

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作       者:David Salter

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:205.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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If you are a competent developer who wants to fast-track your application development with the NetBeans IDE, then this book is for you. Reasonable knowledge and an understanding of Java programming and the NetBeans IDE is assumed.

Mastering NetBeans

Table of Contents

Mastering NetBeans


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1. Getting Started with NetBeans

Choosing a download bundle of NetBeans

Downloading and installing NetBeans

Installing other versions of NetBeans

NetBeans user directory

Updating NetBeans to the latest version

Obtaining the NetBeans source code

Downloading a zipped archive of the NetBeans source code

Cloning the NetBeans source code from Mercurial

Cloning specific versions of NetBeans

Cloning the NetBeans source code from within NetBeans

Browsing the NetBeans source code online

Building NetBeans

Building NetBeans via the command line

Building NetBeans from within NetBeans

NetBeans configuration

User and cache directories

NetBeans default options

NetBeans JDK

Additional module clusters

Further options


2. Editing Files and Projects

The NetBeans screen layout

The explorer style windows

The Favorites window

The Navigator window

The source code editor window

The History view

The Palette window

The Properties window

The Output window

Window management

Specifying default templates for files

Code templates and code snippets

Inserting code using code templates

Code snippets – the NetBeans Palette window

Deleting palette items – the Palette Manager

Editing palette items

Macro recording and playback

Assigning shortcuts for macro playback

Recording new macros

Splitting windows

Code folds

Project groups


3. The NetBeans Developer's Life Cycle

Running applications

Debugging applications


The Variables debug window

The Watches window

Evaluating expressions

The Call Stack window

The Loaded Classes window

The Sessions window

The Threads window

The Sources window

The Debugging window

Deadlock detection

Analyze Stack Window

Variable formatters

Debugging remote applications

Profiling applications

Application monitoring

Performance monitoring

Memory monitoring

Testing applications

Code coverage

Performing TDD within NetBeans


4. Managing Services


Connecting to Java DB

Connecting to MySQL

Connecting to other databases via JDBC

Managing databases

Web Services

Application Servers

Maven Repositories

Cloud services

Hudson Builders

Task Repositories


5. Database Persistence

Java EE Persistence

JPA entities

Creating blank entity classes

Editing the persistence.xml file

Creating entity classes from databases

Creating JPA controllers for entities

Creating database scripts from entity classes


6. Desktop Development

Java Swing applications

Creating Swing frames

Designing Swing forms

Anchoring and autoresizing components

Defining properties and events

Editing properties

Editing bindings

Advanced binding properties



Editing events

Editing code

Creating connections

JavaFX applications

JavaFX Scene Builder


7. Creating the Business Layer

Creating enterprise projects

Creating a NetBeans multi-module project

A Maven multi-module project

Creating a Maven multi-module project

Creating EJBs

Creating a session bean façade for entity classes

The Java Bean Validation framework

Creating a Bean Validation constraint

Contexts and Dependency Injection

Adding CDI support

CDI injection points editor support


8. Creating the Web Tier

Creating web projects

Configuring application servers

Creating a web application

Creating a NetBeans web application

Modifying a NetBeans web application

Creating a Maven web application

The web project's Run options

Adding components to a web application

Creating Spring web applications

Changing the version of Spring used

Spring application development shortcuts

Modern Spring development

Enhancing Spring Boot support

CSS preprocessors

Configuring Less and SASS in NetBeans

Configuring Less and Sass on a project basis

Creating CSS rules

Adding JavaScript to a web application

Checking JavaScript files


9. Creating and Consuming Web Services

Creating web services

Creating a SOAP web service

Creating a SOAP web service from scratch

Creating a SOAP web service from WSDL

Managing SOAP-based web services

Testing web services

Message handlers

Managing web services graphically

Consuming SOAP web services

Creating RESTful web services

The Simple Root Resource option

The Container-Item option

The Client-Controlled Container-Item option


10. Extending NetBeans

Creating NetBeans plugins

NetBeans rich client platform applications

Creating a NetBeans RCP application

Branding the application

Application properties

Creating platform application components

Creating a NetBeans window



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