


Learning Bayesian Models with R电子书

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作       者:Dr. Hari M. Koduvely

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:104.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Become an expert in Bayesian Machine Learning methods using R and apply them to solve real-world big data problemsAbout This BookUnderstand the principles of Bayesian Inference with less mathematical equationsLearn state-of-the art Machine Learning methodsFamiliarize yourself with the recent advances in Deep Learning and Big Data frameworks with this step-by-step guide Who This Book Is For This book is for statisticians, analysts, and data scientists who want to build a Bayes-based system with R and implement it in their day-to-day models and projects. It is mainly intended for Data Scientists and Software Engineers who are involved in the development of Advanced Analytics applications. To understand this book, it would be useful if you have basic knowledge of probability theory and analytics and some familiarity with the programming language R.What You Will LearnSet up the R environmentCreate a classification model to predict and explore discrete variablesGet acquainted with Probability Theory to analyze random eventsBuild Linear Regression modelsUse Bayesian networks to infer the probability distribution of decision variables in a problemModel a problem using Bayesian Linear Regression approach with the R package BLRUse Bayesian Logistic Regression model to classify numerical dataPerform Bayesian Inference on massively large data sets using the MapReduce programs in R and Cloud computing In Detail Bayesian Inference provides a unified framework to deal with all sorts of uncertainties when learning patterns form data using machine learning models and use it for predicting future observations. However, learning and implementing Bayesian models is not easy for data science practitioners due to the level of mathematical treatment involved. Also, applying Bayesian methods to real-world problems requires high computational resources. With the recent advances in computation and several open sources packages available in R, Bayesian modeling has become more feasible to use for practical applications today. Therefore, it would be advantageous for all data scientists and engineers to understand Bayesian methods and apply them in their projects to achieve better results. Learning Bayesian Models with R starts by giving you a comprehensive coverage of the Bayesian Machine Learning models and the R packages that implement them. It begins with an introduction to the fundamentals of probability theory and R programming for those who are new to the subject. Then the book covers some of the important machine learning methods, both supervised and unsupervised learning, implemented using Bayesian Inference and R. Every chapter begins with a theoretical de*ion of the method explained in a very simple manner. Then, relevant R packages are discussed and some illustrations using data sets from the UCI Machine Learning repository are given. Each chapter ends with some simple exercises for you to get hands-on experience of the concepts and R packages discussed in the chapter. The last chapters are devoted to the latest development in the field, specifically Deep Learning, which uses a class of Neural Network models that are currently at the frontier of Artificial Intelligence. The book concludes with the application of Bayesian methods on Big Data using the Hadoop and Spark frameworks.Style and approach The book first gives you a theoretical de*ion of the Bayesian models in simple language, followed by details of its implementation in the R package. Each chapter has illustrations for the use of Bayesian model and the corresponding R package, using data sets from the UCI Machine Learning repository. Each chapter also contains sufficient exercises for you to get more hands-on practice.

Learning Bayesian Models with R

Table of Contents

Learning Bayesian Models with R


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1. Introducing the Probability Theory

Probability distributions

Conditional probability

Bayesian theorem

Marginal distribution

Expectations and covariance

Binomial distribution

Beta distribution

Gamma distribution

Dirichlet distribution

Wishart distribution




2. The R Environment

Setting up the R environment and packages

Installing R and RStudio

Your first R program

Managing data in R

Data Types in R

Data structures in R

Importing data into R

Slicing and dicing datasets

Vectorized operations

Writing R programs

Control structures


Scoping rules

Loop functions






Data visualization

High-level plotting functions

Low-level plotting commands

Interactive graphics functions


Random uniform sampling from an interval

Sampling from normal distribution




3. Introducing Bayesian Inference

Bayesian view of uncertainty

Choosing the right prior distribution

Non-informative priors

Subjective priors

Conjugate priors

Hierarchical priors

Estimation of posterior distribution

Maximum a posteriori estimation

Laplace approximation

Monte Carlo simulations

The Metropolis-Hasting algorithm

R packages for the Metropolis-Hasting algorithm

Gibbs sampling

R packages for Gibbs sampling

Variational approximation

Prediction of future observations




4. Machine Learning Using Bayesian Inference

Why Bayesian inference for machine learning?

Model overfitting and bias-variance tradeoff

Selecting models of optimum complexity

Subset selection

Model regularization

Bayesian averaging

An overview of common machine learning tasks



5. Bayesian Regression Models

Generalized linear regression

The arm package

The Energy efficiency dataset

Regression of energy efficiency with building parameters

Ordinary regression

Bayesian regression

Simulation of the posterior distribution




6. Bayesian Classification Models

Performance metrics for classification

The Naïve Bayes classifier

Text processing using the tm package

Model training and prediction

The Bayesian logistic regression model

The BayesLogit R package

The dataset

Preparation of the training and testing datasets

Using the Bayesian logistic model




7. Bayesian Models for Unsupervised Learning

Bayesian mixture models

The bgmm package for Bayesian mixture models

Topic modeling using Bayesian inference

Latent Dirichlet allocation

R packages for LDA

The topicmodels package

The lda package




8. Bayesian Neural Networks

Two-layer neural networks

Bayesian treatment of neural networks

The brnn R package

Deep belief networks and deep learning

Restricted Boltzmann machines

Deep belief networks

The darch R package

Other deep learning packages in R




9. Bayesian Modeling at Big Data Scale

Distributed computing using Hadoop

RHadoop for using Hadoop from R

Spark – in-memory distributed computing


Linear regression using SparkR

Computing clusters on the cloud

Amazon Web Services

Creating and running computing instances on AWS

Installing R and RStudio

Running Spark on EC2

Microsoft Azure

IBM Bluemix

Other R packages for large scale machine learning

The parallel R package

The foreach R package





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