


Think on These Things电子书

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作       者:Krishnamurti, Jiddu

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:35.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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The material contained in this volume was originally presented in the form of talks to students, teachers and parents in India, but its keen penetration and lucid simplicity will be deeply meaningful to thoughtful people everywhere, of all ages, and in every walk of life. Krishnamurti examines with characteristic objectivity and insight the expressions of what we are pleased to call our culture, our education, religion, politics and tradition; and he throws much light on such basic emotions as ambition, greed and envy, the desire for security and the lust for power all of which he shows to be deteriorating factors in human society.From the Editor NoteKrishnamurti observations and explorations of modern man estate are penetrating and profound, yet given with a disarming simplicity and directness. To listen to him or to read his thoughts is to face oneself and the world with an astonishing morning freshness.Anne Marrow Lindbergh


Title Page


Editor’s Note

1 - The Function of Education

2 - The Problem of Freedom

3 - Freedom and Love

4 - Listening

5 - Creative Discontent

6 - The Wholeness of Life

7 - Ambition

8 - Orderly Thinking

9 - An Open Mind

10 - Inward Beauty

11 - Conformity and Revolt

12 - The Confidence of Innocence

13 - Equality and Freedom

14 - Self Discipline

15 - Cooperation and Sharing

16 - Renewing the Mind

17 - The River of Life

18 - The Attentive Mind

19 - Knowledge and Tradition

20 - To be Religious is to be Sensitive to Reality

21 - The Purpose of Learning

22 - The Simplicity of Love

23 - The Need to be Alone

24 - The Energy of Life

25 - To Live Effortlessly

26 - The Mind is not Everything

27 - To Seek God

Index to Questions

Books in Perennial Library by Krishnamurti


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