


HarperCollins e-books电子书

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作       者:Christe, Ian

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:67.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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The definitive history of the first 30 years of heavy metal, containing over 100 interviews with members of Black Sabbath, Metallica, Judas Priest, Twisted Sister, Slipknot, Kiss, Megadeth, Public Enemy, Napalm Death, and more. More than 30 years after Black Sabbath released the first complete heavy metal album, its founder, Ozzy Osbourne, is the star of The Osbournes, TV's favourite new reality show. Contrary to popular belief, headbangers and the music they love are more alive than ever. Yet there has never been a comprehensive book on the history of heavy metal - until now. Featuring interviews with members of the biggest bands in the genre, Sound of the Beast gives an overview of the past 30-plus years of heavy metal, delving into the personalities of those who created it. Everything is here, from the bootlegging beginnings of fans like Lars Ulrich (future founder of Metallica) to the sold-out stadiums and personal excesses of the biggest groups. From heavy metal's roots in the work of breakthrough groups such as Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin to MTV hair metal, courtroom controversies, black metal murderers and Ozzfest, Sound of the Beast offers the final word on this elusive, extreme, and far-reaching form of music.


Title Page



A Brief Headbanging History of Time

Prologue: Friday, February 13, 1970

I: The 1970s: Prelude to Heaviness

II: The new Wave: of British Heavy Metal

III: 1980: The American: Wasteland Awaits

IV: Heavy Metal America: Highways & Video Waves

V: Fevered Fans: metallica & Power Metal

VI: Slayer: Kings of Black Metal Devils

VII: The PMRC’s Antimetal Panic

VIII: Rattleheabs: The Mental Metal Reaction

IX: Full Speed Ahead: Thrash metal Attacks!

X: The Hollywood Glambangers

XI: United Forces: Metal and Hardcore Punk

XII: And Platinum for “One”…: Metal Matures

XIII: Transforming the 1990s: The Black Album & Beyond

XIV: Death Metal Deliverance

XV: World metal: The Globalisation of Heavy

XVI: The Teen Terrorists: of Norwegian Black Metal

XVII: Satan Goes to Court: The people v. Heavy Metal

XVIII: The Antimetal Tra: Haircuts & Hew Roots

XIX: Virtual Ozzy &: Metal’s Digital Rebound

XX: Reenthroned Emperors: It’s a Headbanding World

Epilogue: 2001: Iron Man Lives Again


Appendix A: The Best 25 Heavy Metal: Albums of All Time

Appendix B: Index of Genre Boxes

Appendix C: The Fine print-Metal Lists

All Hail to Thee


Editor’s Note


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