


Detox for Women电子书

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作       者:Rose, Natalia

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:421.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 励志自助/心灵



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Women long for the kind of beauty and health that can only come with clean cells. Yet many women find detox plans difficult to follow and are disappointed with the results. In her ten years of working privately with celebrity clients at leading Manhattan spas, Natalia Rose has discovered that traditional detox plans don't work for adult women because their microbial balance is completely out of whack. In fact, doing the wrong kind of detox can make their symptoms even worse!Here is the solution. Rose has formulated a very specific detox pre*ion for women that is easy to follow and gentle on the system, yet yields fantastic results that are both immediate and lasting. In Detox for Women, she brings you her powerful step-by-step plan that will help you shed weight, look years younger, and radiate energy in only 28 days. Like Rose's celebrity clients, you will love this plan! Rose steers readers away from traditional detox fare like fruit and nuts and cautions against eating too much raw food too soon. And while many detox programs do not allow you to eat at all, during the next 28 days you will enjoy Cooked foods that are easy to digest Treats like dark chocolate and wineRecipes that hark back to favorite foods like pumpkin pie and guacamoleSunshine for Breakfast! Rose's own elixir for health and beautyGreat restaurants—this plan can even be tailored for eating out!You will also luxuriate in relaxing baths, get plenty of fresh air, and enjoy meals that are simple to prepare, beautiful to look at, and delicious to eat. Like Rose's clients, you will probably also find that this way of living is so easy and rewarding that you will even want to make permanent changes after the 28 days are over.With inspiring stories from real women, Natalia Rose doesn't just give you a detox pre*ion but also real hope for the kind of transformation you have always wanted.


Title Page



Foreword by Dr. John E. Strobeck, MD, PhD

Introduction: Detox: Is it Extremely Radical or Extremely Rational?

The Silver Bullet Solution

Part One: Detox for Women

Why Detox?

The Problem Behind the Problem

Fight the Good Bacteria Fight

Why Detox for Women?

Real Woman: Sarah Appleton, Fashion Model, NYC

Something Dire Is A foot

"Curb Appeal" or Real Appeal?

Mirror, Mirror on the Cellular Wall . . .

Do You Want "Curb Appeal" or Real Appeal?

A Path to Freedom

Your True Potential

Pop Yourself the Question

Real Woman: Susie Castillo, Actress, Los Angeles, CA

Part Two: Three Steps to Detox

Step #1: Starve the Yeast

Starve the Yeast Stage # 1: Yellow-Light Starches and Sugars

What Is Stevia and the Stevia Debate

Starve the Yeast Stage # 2: Avoid Foods That Are Hard to Digest

Starve the Yeast Stage # 3: Eat Quick-Exit Meals

Starve the Yeast Stage # 4: Create Space in Your GI (Gastrointestinal) Tract

Sunshine for Breakfast

Starve the Yeast Stage # 5: Grand Finale: the Food Waste Exits

Awaken and Release: The Only Effective Detox Scenario

How Ladylike!

Additional Tools for Fighting Yeast and Building Up Armies of Good Bacteria

Step #2: Make a Plan

Step #3: Do It!

Just a Few Hard and Fast Rules

Create a Big-Picture Goal

Calm Your Inner Life

How to Proceed with Your Diet After the 4-Week Program

Real Woman: Jennifer Gonzalez, 25, New York, NY

Part Three: The Detox for Women Program

The Programs

The Detox for Women Test

The Detox for Women Toolbox

What to Eat . . .and Not


Regarding Stimulants

The Detox for Women Shopping List

A Day in the Detox Life

30 Days of Detox for Women

Part Four: The Recipes

Introduction to the Recipes

My Bag of Tricks

The Juices



Raw and Cooked Vegetarian Entrees

Seafood and Other Protein-Based Dishes

Sides and Snacks

Part Five: Detox and Exercise

Cleanse First. Build Second.

A New Paradigm

Stalk Your Own Energy

Get Inspired

The Power of Oxygen

Real Woman: Lisa Rosenbloom, Marathon Runner and Mother of Four, Los Angeles, CA


The Ten Big Excuse Busters

Real Woman: Kris Carr, Author of Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips and Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor

A Different Perspective on Women's Health

Your Health Is Your Responsibility

Real Woman: Casey Thomas, 26, Sydney, Australia


Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Real Woman, Kristen Conrad, 23

Menstruation and Menopause


Bladder Infections

Thyroid Imbalances

Body Odor


Nutritional Supplements


Colon Cleansing


Nails, Hair, and Skin

Eating Disorders

Cleansing the Macrocosmic Cells

Your Life as a "Cell"

In Closing



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