


A Kids' Guide to America's Bill of Rights电子书

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作       者:Krull, Kathleen

出  版  社:HarperCollins


字       数:158.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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Which 462 words are so important that they've changed the course of American history more than onceThe Bill of Rights: the first ten amendments to the Constitution, the crucial document that spells out how the United States is to be governed.Newly revised and updated, packed with anecdotes, sidebars, case studies, suggestions for further reading, and humorous illustrations, Kathleen Krull's introduction to the Bill of Rights brings an important topic vividly to life for young readers.Find out what the Bill of Rights is and how it affects your daily life in this fascinating look at the history, significance, and mysteries of these laws that protect the individual freedoms of everyone—even young people.Correlates to the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts



Introduction: The Bill of Rights—What Is It?

Here They Are—the 462 Words

Chapter 1: The Bill of Rights and You

Mysterious Things

Top Nine Things to Remember About the Constitution

The True Story of the Bill of Rights

The 100-Pound Giant

Still Controversial After All These Years

Who Are These Guys?

“Not Very Nice People”

Why December 15 Is Amazing

Where Is the Bill of Rights?

Chapter 2: The First Amendment, Part 1—People Worshipping as They Please

What’s Going on Here?

How Religious Intolerance Can Be Fatal

The Wall

Classrooms Are Hotter Spots Than You Think

Prayers That Have Led to Court Cases

The Diversity of Spiritual Beliefs in America

Some Resources

The “Monkey Trial”

The “Monkey Teacher”

The Future of Religious Freedom

Chapter 3: The First Amendment, Part 2—People Speaking Freely

Powerful Medicine

Some Things You Can Do Under the First Amendment

“Freedom for the Thought That We Hate”

Some Things You Can’t Do Under This Amendment

Still a Burning Issue

A Word from the Presidents

Chapter 4: The First Amendment, Part 3—What Freedom of the Press Means

Can Books Be Dangerous?

Lots of Variety in Censorship

What the Courts Say

What Kids Can Print

Handy Resources

The First Amendment Online

Other Hot Topics

The Exhilaration of Tolerance

Chapter 5: The Second Amendment, or People and Guns

In the Eye of the Beholder

Laws Elsewhere

The Gun Control Debate

Anti-gun Control Organizations

Pro-gun Control Organizations

Various Responses to the Second Amendment

How Have the Courts Helped?

War and Guns

Kids and Guns

Chapter 6: The Third Amendment, or Why Soldiers Can’t Live in Your House

What Were Soldiers Doing in Houses?

Why This Chapter Is Short

The Third Amendment in Court

Chapter 7: The Fourth Amendment, or Searching and Seizing

A Background of Outrage

Diane Doe’s Story

New Jersey v. T.L.O.

The Seventh-Grade Football Star

Vomit, National Security, and Other Search-and-Seizure Issues

Searches That James Madison Probably Did Not Foresee

An Erosion of Rights?

Search and Seizure Elsewhere


Chapter 8: The Fifth Amendment, or Criminal Justice

“Infamous” Crimes

What Taking the Fifth Really Means

What Kind of Game Is Double Jeopardy?

Being Made Aware of Your Rights

Who Was Miranda and What Did She Do?

The Miranda Warning

The Innocent versus the Guilty

Chapter 9: The Sixth Amendment, or More Criminal Justice

“A Speedy and Public Trial”

“An Impartial Jury”

Gerald Gault and Being “Informed of the Accusation”

“Confronting the Witnesses”

“Obtaining Witnesses”

Blockbuster Cases Involving the “Assistance of Counsel”

The Scottsboro Cases

Gideon’s Legacy

When Is a Minor Not a Minor?

What Rights Do Kids Have?

More on Justice for Young People

And What About Curfews?

A Shelter for Criminals?

Chapter 10: The Seventh Amendment, or Civil Justice

A Twenty-Dollar Value

Life Without a Seventh Amendment

Consider the Alternatives

Types of Civil Trials

Who’s Who on the Jury

A Magic Number

Chapter 11: The Eighth Amendment, or Punishments

More Information on Student Punishments

“Excessive Bail”

“Excessive Fines”

“Cruel and Unusual Punishments”

Punishments Elsewhere

Information on Human Rights Abuses

The Ultimate Punishment

More on the Ultimate Punishment

The Price of a Death Penalty

Supreme Court Cases That Have Affected Use of the Death Penalty

Chapter 12: The Ninth Amendment, or Everything Else

A Most Mysterious Amendment

The Father of the Bill of Rights Responds to the Timid People

Uncharted Waters

The Landmark Ninth Amendment Case

And the Most Controversial Ninth Amendment Case

Supreme Court Decisions Since Roe v. Wade

Chapter 13: The Tenth Amendment, or What About the States?

The Oddball Amendment

Federal versus State Government

Chapter 14: There’s More? (Yes—Seventeen Other Amendments)

Chapter 15: When the Bill of Rights Goes Wrong

Sources and Suggestions for Further Reading

About the Author



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